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Grenda Seeress (Tarnished Witch) ImageImageImage
Squidward Tentacles (Tarnished Version) ImageImage
Chris Hemsworth (Tarnished Version)
[@chrishemsworth] ImageImage
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forgot to mention a new episode of CultureScapeđź‘ľ

@Mangold_Lenett @FDRLST explains the dynamics at play & why conservatives don't cover culture or entertainment very well

#podcast @SonnyBunch @HollywoodInToto #mcu #starwars #mandalorian #filmtwitter
I know some people rag on the @FDRLST for their politically charged hot takes on entertainment,

But I've always stated I respect the Federalist
cuz they often alone of all conservative media willing to cover stories about entertainment & culture…
Culture by far most important part most people when relating to national news stories;

Movies, TV, Games, Music, Anime, etc
these are the thing that animate human lives & help us get through our day to day

Yet few in conservative media bother to write or talk about it
Read 7 tweets
Hello new followers 👀 I’m Minti!

Since there’s quite a few of you here now, let me say a bit about myself again

I’m currently working fulltime as a video editor and voice actor, but in my free time I’ve been working on a massively ambitious #EldenRing lore project (see below)
I’m working on a series with the goal of telling the entire main storyljne of Elden Ring (most likely via Ranni’s questline, but may revisit other endings later as well)

Here’s a few WIP shots from the series
the intro will be Game of Thrones-esque with 3d models rising out of an ever-changing map of The Lands Between

anyone with fromsoft model/texture extraction experience hmu 🥺
Read 4 tweets
The tragic story of Miquella - a thread

Likes and RTs appreciated! Sources/credits listed at the end.

#EldenRing #EldenRingLore #FromSoft ImageImageImage credit: Tarnished Arc...Image
Long before the Shattering, during the Golden Age of the Erdtree, the goddess Marika gave birth to two twin children. The sister, Malenia, had fiery red hair, and the brother, Miquella, was golden-blonde like his mother. ImageImage
But the two of them were conceived through unknown means, born to Marika and Marika alone. Being born to a single deity gave them incredible power, and instantly made them Empyreans - candidates for godhood, one of whom may eventually take their mother’s place inside the Erdtree. Image
Read 82 tweets
Work on #Witchfire is so demanding I just don't have the time to play other games these days, let alone behemoths like #EldenRing. At the same time, as a designer I just couldn't afford not to play it. So I did. Yo boi just became the Elden Lord, 200 hours later. A 🧵: 1/x Image
From both player and designer perspectives, #EldenRing is a masterpiece. Is it my favorite From game? No, that's still #Bloodborne. Because that Gothic Cthulhu world felt more coherent and more interesting to me. Still, #EldenRing seems like an easy 2022 GOTY. 2/x
I took the unique -- for me -- approach to #EldenRing. For the very first time, I played this game pure. Avoided all spoilers. Never consulted the Wiki. Never summoned another player for help. Just 99,99% pure blind SP playthrough. Why 99,99 and not 100%? 3/x
Read 19 tweets
South Korea is probably home to one of the most talented gamers in the world with a strong gaming culture cultivated early on from the days of Starcraft.

Today, we'll share insights into the Korean gaming market and the games players enjoy! 👇🇰🇷
Dominated by the 3N - #Netmarble, #Nexon & #NCSoft, South Korea has some of the most impressive game developers/publishers in the world.

This growth has not slowed down with Krafton, Pearly Abyss, WeMade, Com2us & Kakao Games making their own stride in the industry. 🎮
With such a strong gaming culture, South Korea has over 30mil + gamers which represent 65% of their entire total population!
Read 9 tweets
Meine Damen und Herren, werfen wir einmal einen Blick auf den massiven normativ getriebenen Logikfehler des guten "Doktors" hier.

Ein 🧵

Der verehrte Doktor scrollt also durch den Hashtag und sieht diese Wishlist. In seinen Synapsen blitzt es, die innere moralische Stimme, ich stelle sie mir gern in Gestalt eine schwäbischen Hausfrau vor, hebt den Zeigefinger und sagt: "Des darf abr ned sai!"
Armutsbetroffen = selbst schuld = kein Anspruch auf Teilhabe
Nur durch diese Gleichung lässt sich diese Reaktion erklären.
Diese Gleichung ist falsch.
Nicht ungenau, nicht unterkomplex, sie ist falsch.
Es ist ein moralischer Reflex.
Read 14 tweets
Here's my latest for the Happy Warrior:

The Dark Age of YouTube. Youtuber Act Man Has Channel Nuked for Embarrassing YouTube and Defending Creators… @TheActMan_YT #JusticeForActMan #youtube @TheQuartering @YellowFlashGuy @BleedingFool @BoundingComics #nerd
I swan dive #JusticeForActMan story,
covering from April til now,

Interviewed @TheActMan_YT & researched,
Going through as much material as I could @nickgillespie @CathyYoung63 @emzanotti @ZubyMusic @libbyemmons @LibertarianBlue
YouTuber Act Man made a video about Quantum TV ne'er-do-well & copyright infringement troll that had among other things threatened his mom

& instead of acting,
YouTube nuked @TheActMan_YT channel instead
@Nerdrotics @neontaster @BlueBoxDave @stillgray
Read 52 tweets
Time some #ELDENRING patch 1.04 datamining!

To start off, Mimic Tear was nerfed again (lol).
Mimic Tear +10 max HP multiplier: x3.4 -> x3.3
Adula's Moonblade (1/2)
- Projectile same-target hit frequency: .2 -> .3 seconds (How often a projectile can hit the same target twice in seconds. This is a nerf.)
- Projectile deals ~20% less damage
- Melee hitbox deals ~54% less damage
Adula's Moonblade (2/2)
- Reduced poise and stamina damage
- Melee freeze status inflicted: 120 -> 90
- Projectile freeze status inflicted: 90 -> 35
Read 23 tweets

I'd be interested to learn more about what's behind the "you won't step off a ledge when attacking if it's a lethal fall" thing, because the shorthand/ community explanation isn't the full picture.

It does nothing to inform you of fall survivability, actually!
I think it might just be a safety thing that's baked into the geometry of most ledges that have any kind of noteworthy drop, regardless if it's actually dangerous or just something the devs thought might be a hassle for the player.
There are places with well under 16 m drops that this applies, so not only does it not give you a ballpark answer about fall survivability, but it also protects you from some falls that wouldn't even cause damage.
Read 5 tweets
#ELDENRING Fun Fact: Like in previous games, some weapons deal secret bonus damage against specific enemy types.

To start off, these specific "Gravity" weapons deal additional damage against Alabaster Lords and Fallingstar Beasts (+20 to +30% damage, depending on the weapon)
These "holy" weapons (and only these weapons) deal bonus damage against Undead enemies. Keep in mind bonus damage is not related to damage types, like holy damage.

Consumable goods can use the weapon system for damage, and Holy Water does a LOT of bonus damage. 4x damage!
And the final set are "Dragon weapons" which deal bonus damage against... other dragons. But some dragons are more affected than others.

Dragons seem to be split into two types: Ancient Dragons (left), and Lesser Dragons (right).
Lesser dragons are twice as vulnerable.
Read 4 tweets
#ELDENRING / Elden Ring
So the 1.03 Patch Notes had a vague note about misc fixes. I wanted to see if we can get a good list going here of these unnamed changes, with video/ photo documentation to help provide some proof.

If you have an example I will add a QRT to this thread.
Some missing killboxes that allowed the death cam to trigger while the player survived have been fixed (but not all).

One specific one that's been found so far is this pit in the Impaler's Catacombs:
Scripted falls that are supposed to turn off fall damage + death previously had an issue where attacking-while-falling somehow confused it and caused death anyways. This appears to have been fixed as well.
Read 8 tweets
Grosse MAJ #ELDENRING, au programme :
- de nouveaux dialogues et NPC
- le bug du skip dialogue fix
- le scaling Ă©so fix
- build "bouclier OP" fix
- détermination ne buff plus la magie
- + de pierre en drop
- on peut acheter des pierres + tĂ´t
plein d'Ă©quilibrage (1/x)
- night and flame nerfée
- la cendre de piétinement glacial nerfée (et le speedrun qui va avec)
- plein de magies voient leur coût réduit
- rempart inébranlable coûte + cher (vais tester si ça fout en l'air mon build ^^)
- la mimic nerfée
- les pots et bouclier boost, Ă  voir :D
Au doigt mouillé, y'a 50% des vidéos youtube "get OP early" qui deviennent caduques ^^"

vais tester l'impact sur mon propre perso mais ça devrait le faire :)

PS : le dragon de caelid n'est pas touché
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Je ne vous cache pas que j'ai du réenregistrer cet épisode 10 trois fois… après réinstall du PC ça a fonctionné.

bref ! La reprise du guide avec quelques quêtes de PNJ et le début de l'exploration de Liurnia :) #ELDENRING

Ce qui est chiant c'est que se retaper une heure à redire les même choses à la 3e fois j'ai du mal à feindre la joie de vivre, j'espère que ça s'entendra pas trop et que les soucis d'enregistrement sont derrière moi 🤞
Mais bref, les soucis techniques ça fait du boulot et vu combien de personnes rejoignent la chaîne ces derniers jours ça valait le coup de réinstall le pc hier soir :D

Merci !
Read 4 tweets
Ready to get the mage build going now that I've finished a full analysis of spell damage to FP ratios. Here's the highlights for my #EldenRing mage gang.

First up, Carian Slicer, Night Maiden's Mist, and the Oracle Bubbles are your top value spells. I'd suggest always having one
In terms of spells I'd aim for:
Early - Carian Slicer, Rock Throw, Glintstone Arc
Mid - Glintstone Icecrag, Loretta's Greatbow, Night Maiden's Mist
Late - Renalla/Ranni's Moon, Comet Azur, Adula's Moonblade, Shard Spiral
PvP Specific - Stars of Ruin (chase), Cannon of Haima (aoe)
Both Full Moon spells increase ALL magic damage target takes by 10%, Ranni's is more expensive but causes a fair chunk of frostbite buildup (1 moon + 1 icecrag proc frostbite, icecrag took 5 on its own). Frostbite causes target to take 20% more damage, stacks with moon debuff.
Read 6 tweets
Alle, die ein Problem haben, weil es einen Easy Mode geben könnte, was einigen (noch lange nicht ALLEN !) Menschen mit Behinderung ermöglichen würde, es zu spielen,sind ableistische, ignorante Sabbelkasper!
Heult leise und checkt mal eure Privilegien!
Ich lese ernsthaft sowas wie "Wenn es dir zu schwer ist, spiel es halt nicht" oder Dinge wie "nicht jeder muss alles spielen können" und ich werde stink wütend!
Doch, jeder sollte alles spielen können, denn DAS ist #Teilhabe und #Barrierefreiheit , etwas, womit chronisch
nicht-behinderte Menschen sich gar nicht beschäftigen müssen.
Ihr werdet nicht von Bussen stehen gelassen, ihr mĂĽsst nicht drauĂźen warten wie Hunde auf ihre Besitzer, weil es keinen Fahrstuhl oder keine Rampe gibt, ihr mĂĽsst euch nicht mit immer denselben 4 Spielen seit zehn
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Miyazaki, creator of #ELDENRING, is a great Dungeon Master.

The true genius of Elden Ring's worldbuilding is the way it preserves the best parts of D&D. Story can only emerge through a player's interaction with the world, the game, and their friends. Map of Limgrave with pins i...
Miyazaki's directive to Martin is to say less. This idea may be a revelation in AAA videogames, but it's the classic technique of experienced Dungeon Masters.…
Look at the legacy of Dark Souls.

The brilliance of Dark Souls is that its difficulty serves a narrative purpose. It reinforces the fact that you are not special. You are nothing but a lost soul in a crumbling world. Your success is not assured.
Read 20 tweets
Voici l'effet d'#EldenRing sur #HorizonForbiddenWest, sur Twitch.

Sitôt Elden Ring dispo pour les streamers, tout le monde ou presque s'est désintéressé d'Horizon 2. Le dernier-né de Sony n'a plus dépassé la barre des 20 000 viewers.

Dur pour un RPG de 50+ heures...
En nombre de streamers, Elden Ring surclasse aisément Horizon 2 également par un facteur 15... Pourtant Horizon 2 ne démérite pas avec un millier de streamers en moyenne sur le jeu.
Mais le gap de viewers se fait surtout sur les plus gros qui ont tous switché sur Elden Ring.
Pour preuve, le samedi 19, la cinquantaine de streamers triés sur le volet pour streamer en exclu les premières heures d'Elden Ring a aisément surclassé, en nombre de viewers, les 3 000 streamers sur Horizon 2.

On a là le parfait exemple de la puissance des 1% les plus regardés.
Read 25 tweets
• Hilo sobre las Clases de #ELDENRING •

Son 🔟 entre las que podremos elegir para poder sobrevivir en las tierras intermedias:


P.D.: Collage - Sn0w.

Comienzo ⬇️
Si se quiere jugar con una clase con mucha destreza, esta debe ser la primera elecciĂłn.
Se comenzará con una Espada de Doble Empuñadura.

Nivel del alma: 8
Vigor: 11
Destreza: 16
Mente: 12
Inteligencia: 10
Resistencia: 11
Fe: 8
Fuerza: 10
Arcano: 9
Es una de las clases de magia del juego.
Elegiremos esta clase si queremos combinar sigilo y daño mágico con armas.

Nivel del alma: 9
Vigor: 11
Destreza: 14
Mente: 12
Inteligencia: 14
Resistencia: 11
Fe: 6
Fuerza: 11
Arcano: 9
Read 12 tweets
Si vous voulez voir 1h30 de #ELDENRING en mode découverte / chill, une vod est dispo :) Le replay du live arrive aussi :P Et je pense que je vais pas refaire d'autres sessions, j'ai bien fait le tour ^^ Merci c'était ouf <3
je pense pas re faire d'autres sessions en live, je sais que c'est pas évident ou qu'il ne faudrait pas dire ça mais le format stream me parle plus, j'arrive pas à ne pas lire les insultes / commentaires idiots et sourire tout du long. Je préfère mon format let's play offline :)
Même sans répondre ou sans rentrer dans le jeu des trolls, ça me bouffe le moral, je sais pas comment le dire mais si j'avais une petite jauge de "santé mentale" ça serait une dot permanente... et quand c'est à zéro je m'énerve et ça fout une sale ambiance. Aucun intérêt.
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