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Nov 12th 2022
:Collapsed #FTX hit by rogue transactions, analysts saw over $600 million outflows | Nov 12
- suspicious circumstances…
- The sudden collapse of "FTX" and its #Bankruptcy filing today, has revealed that FTX presently suffers from $10-$50 BILLION in liabilities with almost ZERO assets…
#HeavenlyJerusalem. #FTXbankrupty filing today, has revealed that FTX presently suffers from $10-$50 BILLION in liabilities.
- #Ukraine was receiving money from the US, Ukraine sent it to FTX, Sam #BankmanFried and #FTX sent it to #Democrats
Read 32 tweets
Mar 31st 2022
1/ I see lots of people panicking with the recent EU vote about noncustodial wallets, aka wallets where you control your private key. Here are my thoughts and how you will be affected from a crypto user's point of view, NOT a CEO:
2/ When I got into crypto in 2014, pretty much no one, except for probably @coinbase and @krakenfx did KYC. NO ONE else did. It was the wild, wild west. Most of you just can't remember that time, but especially with the bull run in 2017, most platforms incorporated KYC.
3/ Most people thought, this would crash the market, and there was the 2018 crash, but not because of the compliance - because of the fomo bubble bursting. And today? Sure, people find KYC annoying, but it doesn't hinder our growth as an ecosystem.
Read 9 tweets

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