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@Ova_Wit_lol @GavinClimie The link in this thread to Dick Fuld's 2010 statement about the collapse was very defiant about the fact he claims LBHI (the parent of LBI) was "mandated" into filing. And that is the truth. No sane decision to file CH 11 would be made by a company with cash/assets bal sheet. Image
@Ova_Wit_lol @GavinClimie The most telling thing is while Sep 28, 2022 LBI (the subsidiary and former brokerage arm of LBHI) finished paying off its liquidation - LBHI remains in the LBHI Trust" filing with the SEC regularly and not only that, 332 Million in its 8-K from March 2023 w/o $ ongoinglitigation Image
Read 15 tweets
Here's @CrossRiverBank's details over at #FDIC. Various addresses, FDIC ID numbers, charter info, etc. in case anyone's looking to dig around.

Note that for their first 5 years they were rated "Needs to improve" as a bank.

@crossriverbank 🧵 Who else didn't know that @CrossRiverBank changed its name from #FirstFinancialBank in 2008?…
🧵 @CrossRiverBank is technically owned by #CRBGroup (seems like it's not the same as @CRBgrp?), a holding company in Fort Lee, NJ. Apparently #JoannaAlbertine is the CFO.

Here's their annual filings in NJ:…
Read 22 tweets
#Perun gibt einige interessante Denkanstöße, schießt aber manchmal über das Ziel hinaus. #Враньё ("Türken bauen") tritt in jeder Organisation auf.
#Gerasimow gilt im Westen als Kompetent (daher wurde ihm wohl #Schoigu vorgesetzt).

#Ukraine️ 1/
Die Reaktion des Westens war für jederman nicht vorhersehbar; auch @JoeriSchasfoort hat seine Einschätzung korrigiert - NACHDEM der Westen gezeigt hat, daß es diesmal keine Token-Sanktionen & #Appeasement gibt.
In den USA hat #nObama #GoldmanSachs gestützt, #LehmanBrothers aber bankrott gehen lassen - JEDE Aussage, wie die USA (geschweige denn "der Westen") reagieren werden, ist Kaffeesatzleserei.
Die Verteidigungsbereitschaft eines Landes (#Ukraine️) ist IMMER offen. 3/
Read 8 tweets
:Collapsed #FTX hit by rogue transactions, analysts saw over $600 million outflows | Nov 12
- suspicious circumstances…
- The sudden collapse of "FTX" and its #Bankruptcy filing today, has revealed that FTX presently suffers from $10-$50 BILLION in liabilities with almost ZERO assets…
#HeavenlyJerusalem. #FTXbankrupty filing today, has revealed that FTX presently suffers from $10-$50 BILLION in liabilities.
- #Ukraine was receiving money from the US, Ukraine sent it to FTX, Sam #BankmanFried and #FTX sent it to #Democrats
Read 32 tweets
I thought that while you and @zerohedge are onto something, I didn't think it is this bad.

The bank's losses were 7 TIMES WORSE than what "analysts" expected: Half a billion dollars expected to losing billions. This explains the $6 billion loan by the Fed.

For those who didn't folllow, @zerohedge reported a few weeks ago that the Fed lent the Swiss Central Bank $6 billion; the largest one time loan ever to them.

Today we learn #CreditSuisse had a $4 billion loss last quarter.

The loan was to bail out CS?

It appears that a major investment bank in Europe needed a multi-billion dollar bailout in recent weeks (funded by the Fed) and not only is it not a "Lehman Moment." It's no moment at all.

Nobody knows. Nobody cares.

That, my friend, is the beauty of having a Dem in the WH.
Read 3 tweets
What's happening to Credit Suisse and it’s impact on Crypto, An ELI5 Thread.

#CreditSuisse is one of the 9 global "Bulge Bracket" banks, the 9 largest multi-national banks in the world.
And it is at a 'Critical Moment' now, says the CEO.
Credit Suisse is considered to be a global systemically important bank, meaning that in the case of their failure, there will be a financial crisis on a global scale.
They are referred to as "too big to fail", like the #LehmanBrothers. Now their situation reminds us of 2008.
Talking history, Credit Suisse was founded in 1856 to fund the development of Switzerland's rail system. In the 1900s, it began shifting to retail banking. It is known for strict bank–client confidentiality and banking secrecy.
Read 33 tweets
#Hilo express
El #DeutscheBank siempre aparece en las noticias cuando hay una crisis financiera.
Antes de la quiebra de #LehmanBrothers ,entre los candidatos para la quiebra estaba el #DB,al final sobrevivió,pero han pasado 14 años y su apodo del “nuevo #Lehman” no pasa de moda. Image
Antes de seguir definamos que es un #CDS
Los Credit Default Swaps son instrumentos que permiten invertir sobre la solvencia de una empresa o de un gobierno.
Son como pólizas de seguro crediticio.A mayor valor de los CDS,mayor será la prima.A mayor riesgo mas caro asegurarse. Image
Continuemos,desde el 2008 el DB ha tenido muchas crisis que se han visto reflejadas en sus CDS,ejemplo crisis europea del 2011,del covid,pero en especial la de 2016,ahí todos decian que se iria a default porque no podría cumplir con sus pagos de deuda
Pero adivinen qué,sobrevivió Image
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Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank are on the verge of collapse.

A thread on the ongoing crisis at DB and CS as per my limited understanding. 🧵


#deutsche #CreditSuisse
The combined asset base of the two banks is nearly $2 Trillion which is 3x the asset base of Lehman Brothers at the time of its collapse.


#deutsche #CreditSuisse #LehmanBrothers
On 15 September 2008, Lehman Brothers, a bank considered 'too big to fail' filed for insolvency. It was the single largest bankruptcy filing in the history of the US.

At the time, the bank had $639 billion in assets and $619 billion in debt.

Read 12 tweets
Más lecturas de verano: long-read histórico del inversor David Einhorn s/#LehmanBrothers, mayo 2008. Título lo dice todo: "Accounting Ingenuity":… Einhorn es modelo de cómo entrevistar al CFO/CEO de una compañía. Cuatro meses después, LB colapsaba. ImageImage
De los skills más importantes para cualquier inversor: saber de contabilidad (criterio, más que técnica). Ejemplo due diligence (al método) de Einhorn a la compañía de café Green Mountain:…
En los dos casos la línea clave en el análisis son los ingresos: cómo de sólidos y reales son. El maquillaje contable empieza en tratar de inflar el crecimiento del negocio.
Read 3 tweets
Il #15settembre 2008 falliva #LehmanBrothers, dando inizio alla più grave crisi economica e finanziaria del secolo.Da allora tante cose sono cambiate nel mondo: crisi, disoccupazione, austerità crescente (1/6)👇
Uno studio dell'ILO mostra che da allora si sono avuti:
- riduzione di vari tipi di sussidi per cibo, agricoltura e carburante in 132 paesi;
- tagli salariali nei settori di educazione, salute e altri serivi pubblici in 130 paesi;
-riforme pensionistiche in 105 paesi
(2/6) 👇
Uno studio dell'ILO mostra che da allora si sono avuti:
- riforme del mondo del lavoro peggiorative in 89 paesi
- riforme sanitarie in 56 paesi
- incremento e/o introduione di tasse indirette (le più inique!) in 138 paesi
- privatizzazioni di beni e servizi in 55 paesi.
(3/6) 👇
Read 6 tweets
A @StaseraItalia #cesarabuonamici afferma“senza l’euro l’Italia non sarebbe ancora in piedi a seguito di una crisi come quella di #Lehmanbrothers” al che @AlbertoBagnai fa sommessamente notare cosa è successo a quei paesi senza l’euro... vediamoli (segue)
Questo è ciò che è successo alla Ungheria dopo 10 anni dalla #LehmanBrothers (segue) @StaseraItalia
Questo è ciò che è successo alla Svizzera dopo 10 anni dalla #LehmanBrothers (segue)
Read 14 tweets

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