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Mar 6th 2023
The Biden administration keeps proving that personnel are policy. Biden himself is a kind of empty vessel into which different wings of the Democratic party pour their will, yielding a strange brew of appointments both great and terrible. 1/ A bombed out neighborhood. Over the crumbling houses is the
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
On the one hand, you have progressive appointments like #JonathanKanter at @JusticeATR and @linakhanFTC at the @FTC, leaders who are determined to challenge and curb corporate power:… 3/
Read 63 tweets
Aug 11th 2021
The #HouseholdPulseSurvey estimates that of adults living in homes w/ children, 30.3% were in homes where children received #FoodAssistance in past 7 days based on responses collected 7/21-8/2. #Census #
The #HouseholdPulseSurvey estimates that of adults living in homes w/ children under 5, 29.4% were in homes where children were unable to attend daycare/other #childcare arrangement due to safety concerns in past 4 weeks, based on responses collected 7/21-8/2. #Census #COVID #HPS
The #HouseholdPulseSurvey estimates that of 57.2% of American adults lived in homes where someone worked onsite at a workplace in past 7 days, based on responses collected 7/21-8/2. #Census #COVID #HPS
Read 11 tweets
Apr 7th 2021
The #HouseholdPulseSurvey estimates that 17.4% of American adults expect someone in their household to experience loss in employment income in next 4 weeks, based on responses collected 3/3-15.… #Census #COVID19 #Pandemic #Coronavirus #EmploymentDisruption
The #HouseholdPulseSurvey estimates that 39.1% of adults live in households where at least one adult substituted some or all in-person work for #telework because of the coronavirus pandemic, based on responses collected March 3-15. #Census #COVID19 #Pandemic #Coronavirus
The #HouseholdPulseSurvey estimates that 8.8% of American adults lived in households where there was either sometimes or often not enough to eat in the previous 7 days, based on responses collected March 3-15. #Census #COVID19 #Pandemic #Coronavirus #FoodScarcity
Read 9 tweets
Feb 24th 2021
The #HouseholdPulseSurvey estimates that 23.4% of American adults expect someone in their household to experience loss in employment income in next 4 weeks, based on responses collected 2/3-15.… #Census #COVID19 #Pandemic #Coronavirus #EmploymentDisruption
The #HouseholdPulseSurvey estimates that 38.8% of adults live in households where at least one adult substituted some or all in-person work for #telework because of the coronavirus pandemic, based on responses collected Feb. 3-15. #Census #COVID19 #Pandemic #Coronavirus
The #HouseholdPulseSurvey estimates that 11.4% of American adults lived in households where there was either sometimes or often not enough to eat in the previous 7 days, based on responses collected Feb. 3-15. #Census #COVID19 #Pandemic #Coronavirus #FoodScarcity
Read 9 tweets
Jul 27th 2018
Women make a difference, then and now.
“As it turns out, nearly two-thirds of all known rescuers have been found to be women.”

Make your plans about how you can save our families, our country.
I’ve been repeatedly warned that I’ll destroy my career if I dare speak out, so most of my political tweets and blogs are under a different name.
BUT when a govt starts harming children and their families, I realized that speaking out for them IS my career.
I need some help
I delayed my divorce until my kids were beyond custody battles, thinking I could obtain my share of our assets to move on.
I didn’t realize that divorce cts in the US (some worse than others) are set up 2 asset-strip and discard the more dependent spouse, like venture capitalists
Read 25 tweets

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