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May 16th 2022
#MCPersonalFinance: To help you save on your travel bookings and to make the most of your holidays, we have here the best travel #creditcards available in the market for both domestic & #InternationalTravel. ✈️…

by @thanawala_hiral | #Travel | @kayezad
@thanawala_hiral @kayezad All your bags are packed, you're ready to go. The third wave has eased and destinations far & near beckon.✈️

But before you book that #ticket there are a few things you should keep in mind. Read👇…

by @thanawala_hiral | #Travel #MCPersonalFinance @kayezad
@thanawala_hiral @kayezad #MCPersonalFinance: While traveling abroad for holidays, some of us withdraw money using our ATM, credit or debit cards, but unknowingly pay hefty fees.

Check charges for using credit or debit cards abroad👇…

by @thanawala_hiral | #Travel | @kayezad
Read 10 tweets
May 10th 2022
A severe tightening of Chinese firms is taking shape in the U.S: is #Washington planning to catch two birds 🐦 🐦 with one stone ❓
More than 80 U.S.-listed Chinese #stocks, including and #Pinduoduo, have been included in a new list of pre-delisting (i.e., forced exit from the exchange), with a total of 105 #Chinese stocks on the list.
Read 13 tweets
Jan 16th 2020
U.S. Treasury released its semi-annual report a few days ago and move China from "#currency manipulator" to “watch list”. Image
Gradually declined after reaching a peak in June 2014, China's #foreignexchange reserves has stabilized around US $ 3 trillion since 2017.
The main purpose of China's foreign exchange market operations in recent years is to “stabilize the foreign exchange reserves”, instead of one-way foreign exchange intervention.
Read 5 tweets
Sep 16th 2019
Last year when we discussed the situation of China-US trade war, we believed that it would take time for a "#tradewar" to turn into a "financial war", said CF40 member Chen Yuan. 1/5…
Exchange rate lies at the core of financial markets. It even occupies a more fundamental place in money markets as #exchangerate policy can impact a country’s money supply, inflation and economic growth. 2/5
For China, #exchangerate represents a price ratio that bears very close relations with countries involved, their enterprises and individuals. It is a key measurable index. 3/5
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