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Jun 4th 2023
1/15 🧵💡 Decentralized storage & compute could truly supercharge the #InternetOfThings (#IoT). But how? Let's unpack this crucial evolution for our hyper-connected world. 🌐👇
2/15 📚 First, it's crucial to understand the concepts. #DecentralizedStorage refers to data storage spread across multiple devices or locations, rather than a central server. #DecentralizedCompute refers to computations performed on these distributed devices.💻🌍
3/15 📈 IoT devices generate an enormous amount of data daily. Centralized servers currently deal with this load, but as more and more devices connect, scalability becomes a challenge. Decentralization offers a solution. #EdgeComputing #Scalability
Read 15 tweets
Apr 13th 2023
Pose 3D mode & render with Stable Diffusion (ControlNet)

(forget about ray-tracing, path-tracing, or any kind of tracing in that respect #FutureIsNow)

try gr.demo:…
technical details: combined @PavelBoytchev mannequin.js @threejs extension into custom @Gradio component -> @huggingface/@diffuserslib implementation of ControlNet

and Voilà !
1K retweets, and I will fkn implement: 3d rigged animation to video rendering
Read 3 tweets
Mar 15th 2023
1/ I asked GPT-4 to write 10 tweets about Tesla for me to post on twitter.

So, here they are.

2/ 🔌 Just charged my #Tesla for the first time at a V4 Supercharger! ⚡️ The future is here, and it's electrifying! 🚗💨 #ZeroEmissions #ElectricVehicles
3/ 💡 Fun fact: Did you know that #Tesla's regenerative braking system helps extend the life of your brakes and saves energy? Talk about smart driving! 🌍🍃 #EcoFriendly #DriveElectric
Read 12 tweets
Feb 13th 2022
Yes, @Tracey1milligan! How do I #LoveNeurology let me count the ways! 🧠❤️
A 🧵
Below is from a presentation where we each gave a pitch to students why our specialty was the best. All due respect to admired colleagues in other specialties, roasting/humor was encouraged😀
So when trying to choose a specialty, your advisor may ask you what’s your favorite organ?

You’ve heard the arguments:
- the skin is the largest organ in the body
- the heart moves and makes cool sounds
- the kidney has such fascinating biochemistry (if you're into that)
Read 19 tweets
May 14th 2021
After a year since #biorxiv, I am glad that this story found its home at @Dev_journal. Huge thanks to my colleagues @GurdonInstitute @MarioniLab, and people who reached out after #biorxiv submission! Here is the lengthy Tweetorial and some notes.…
We want to know why mammals fail at regen their arms or legs. However, we do not even know if we have cell types to perform such a feat.
To answer this, we use pre-metamorphic frogs/tadpoles. Gladly, my leg doesn’t look like a frog leg, but tadpoles are the most similar lab animal developing their limbs like mammals and can regen limbs + older they get, they fail at regen. So, what`s going different?
Read 16 tweets

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