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Dec 13th 2022
Good morning, @amy_jsolomons here ready for my #TwitterTakeover. My PhD with @LivUniHistory explores 18th c. female readers in @NT_Libraries. For the past 3 months I’ve been on a @britishlibrary PhD placement with @BL_MadeDigital. Amy, Heritage Made Digital ...
I have been working with @BL_MadeDigital to make more of the Library’s digitised content freely available online. I’ve also been promoting the Evanion collection via blogs and an online Exhibit.
Join me today to find out more! 👇… An early piece of audio pla...
My first week involved training on the digitisation workflow used in the Library. Projects go through conservation before being digitised. We then perform image quality checks, gather metadata and ingest the images for display in the @universalviewer in #IIIF.
Read 13 tweets
Mar 2nd 2022
GLaM, l’outil d’apprentissage de google MuM ? (Generalist Language Model) #GLaM #AI

A thread ⬇️…
Aujourd'hui je vais vous parler encore de MuM et de la manière dont Google l'entraîne.
Vous savez certainement que l'avenir de Google qui a été présenté lors de l'événement Google IO 2021 est dans l'intelligence artificielle pour proposer des résultats qui vont aller au-delà de ce que l'on trouve actuellement dans son index.
Read 63 tweets
Dec 5th 2021
1/🧵 Another week of exciting content on the #WalledCulture blog:
➡️ @glynmoody covered how digital images of #PublicDomain works get captured, why #artist nor #academics should sign away their rights, & why Singapore 🇸🇬 sets an example to follow with its updated Copyright Law 👇
👉 Cultural digitisation for the many, or cultural depredation for the few: time to choose…

#Museums #ArtGalleries #PublicDomain #GLAM #CHIs #Wikimedia #Wikipedia #WalledCulture
👉 Why are #TaylorSwift and #academics all in the same boat? And why is she more fortunate?…

Read 5 tweets
Oct 14th 2020
In 2014, I gave a keynote at Museums and the Web on the suicide-mission of cultural institutions that had decided to sacrifice access - making their collections as broadly available as possible - for revenues (selling licenses to rich people).…

I argued that rich people didn't want museums, they wanted to own the things the museums had in their collections; so if museums eschewed universal access to get crumbs from plutes, they'd end up with rich people slavering to dismantle them and no public to help them resist.

Now, a group of professionals and institutions from the galleries, libraries, archives and museums (#GLAM) sector have published the "Passenger Pigeon Manifesto," in which they eloquently make the same point.

Read 11 tweets
Jul 31st 2020
S10 Ep12 #RHOBH
Teddi Melancholy had no reason to tell Rinna what Brandi said when she & Kim “brought clothes over” to Vile.
BTW I was #TeamDenise at this point.
Dorito looks like a walking billboard in her #Chanel head-to-toe ensemble. Could you try harder? And WTF is with the stupid pearls?

❓Where does the glam squad stay/eat?
❓What do they do when they aren’t tending to their flock?
❓Who pays them?
@erikajayne I love you. Much more than most people who watch #RHOBH. But WTH we you thinking wearing all white for a day out in filthy dirty Rome? And that fucking hat? Was your neck broken too? I can’t...
Read 10 tweets
Jul 29th 2020
Le grand chassé-croisé des vacances d’été se rapproche… Que vous soyez juillettiste ou aoûtien, vous n'avez peut-être pas encore choisi les #podcasts qui vous accompagneront sur la route. 🚗🚐🚛🚲🚄🚀

Voici notre sélection pour vous faciliter la tâche ⬇ Image
Scientifiques et artistes partagent leurs souvenirs et leurs attentes. Ouvrez vos oreilles sur le monde avec "Chacun sa route" par @ELOFONT
(44 émissions d'une heure sont disponibles au #podcast aujourd'hui)

#bienEtre #histoire #amour #philosophie
@ELOFONT Michka Assayas vous raconte le destin d'un visionnaire dont la voix et la ferveur continuent de nous éclairer
(5 épisodes d'une heure)…

#BobMarley #Wailers #Reggae
Read 9 tweets
Jul 3rd 2020
Thread: for those interested in such things, the revised Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classifications are out. Focusing on the areas I'm involved in, a few things to note. #research #twitterstorians #GLAM #universities
Starting with the FoR (Field of Research) codes, under 43: History, heritage and archaeology we have Heritage, archive and museum studies, which includes: Archival, repository and related studies; Critical heritage, museum and archive studies; and Digital heritage.
Historical studies is also under 43. Good to see the 'excluding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history' has been removed from the 'Australian history' code. Also, note 430306: Digital history
Read 12 tweets
Mar 30th 2020
Confinement oblige, l'ADEMEC propose de partager chaque jour une ressource utile dénichée par les membres du bureau 🔎⚙️📚 Déroulez ce tweet pour y trouver lectures, outils, et autres trouvailles accessibles en ligne ! L'occasion aussi de partager les vôtres ? 🤓
[Humanités numériques 💾] Pour commencer, on vous invite à consulter l’ouvrage de Pierre Mounier [@piotrr70], “Les humanités numériques” (2018), qui nous propose, de par une histoire critique des HN, une analyse des SHS aujourd'hui. À consulter en ligne :
Du même auteur, associé à @marindacos et pour une approche + institutionnelle: "Humanités numériques: état des lieux et positionnement de la recherche française dans le contexte international", 2015, ici…
Pour mieux savoir où on met les 🦶
Read 78 tweets
Jul 25th 2019
1/ Hi everyone! Today we’re going to take a bit of time to talk more about protocols, permissions and some Indigenous-led projects and resources relevant to the #GLAM sphere. And we’re going to start talking about #metadata!
2/ As we’ve mentioned, in many Indigenous knowledge systems, a person’s right to access certain information (especially traditional knowledge and customs) may be bound by specific, contextual permissions. #OpenGLAM
3/ Here’s an example relevant to the G in #GLAM: the proceedings from @_FPCC's Cultural Protocols & the Arts Forum in 2014. As the late Dr. Greg Younging said, “Protocols provide guidelines for behaviour.”…
Read 18 tweets
Jul 24th 2019
1/ Happy Wednesday afternoon @OpenGLAM community! Today we're hoping to talk a little more about the L and the A in #GLAM: #Archives and #Libraries and some of their experiences with #OpenAccess re. Indigenous materials and belongings :)
2/ #Openness & #access are inseparable & access is a core value of librarianship & the archival profession. In both the American Library Association @ALALibrary Core Values & Int'l Federation of Library Associations & Institutions @IFLA Code of Ethics access is @ the forefront.
3/ The ALA’s Core Values of Librarianship state that "all information...should be readily, equally, & equitably accessible to all library users." Likewise IFLA pinpoints Access to Information as the core mission of librarians & other information workers.…
Read 25 tweets

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