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Apr 7th 2021

Unity is first & foremost responsibility

Have you EVER seen a responsible #racist?

Americans view the unfolding events as internal affairs

They forgot - the US gov aggressively promoted globalization & insisted on being the leader of the "free world"


The world agreed & was rewarded with a shock

B4 #Trump, many "flaws" of the system were not obvious

#TraitorTrump exposed them all

- the system of C&B is dangerously unreliable
- human life is worthless
- unprecedented #corruption
- #DoubleStandards

#NoJusticeNoPeace ➡️

#Biden should've restored #RuleOfLaw b4 talking about unity - he put the cart b4 the horse

#JoeBiden's unity
- turned #racism into a political stance
- let #GOPTraitors off the hook
- reduced #RuleOfLaw to nothing
- "inspired" #CorruptGOP & it's base

#NoJusticeNoPeace ➡️
Read 8 tweets
Jan 20th 2019
1/ Day 30 of Trump's shutdown: Gov't workers are suffering. Trump's winning by blaming Dems for not negotiating. BuzzFeed nailed Trump for directing Cohen in illegal acts. Then Mueller made his first mistake & now both have egg on their faces. Trump wins. Enough! Resisters Unite!
Read 14 tweets
Jan 14th 2019
Next Tweets: Pic of Torshin and Butina in Nashville at the 2015 @NRA Convention; pic of Torshin in Nashville in 2012 looking at voting machines with @MarshaBlackburn long term org chair Kline Preston; a couple recent threads we've written on these subjects. #TrumpRussia [Thread]
This pic of two close Putin allies - Butina and Torshin - at Nashville's @countrymusichof makes our blood run cold. (Pic first published by @CJCMichel.)

We can't see nametags on the other two women but our guess is other Russians in town for the convention.
Torshin in Nashville in 2012 with Kline Preston, @MarshaBlackburn's longtime org chair. (Shots from Torshin's own Twitter feed, which was still live last we checked tho Torshin himself seems to have... gone dark.)
Read 26 tweets
Jul 24th 2018

Russia hacking our elections is a threat to our national security.

Trump & GOP ignore/do Nothing while even more sinister attacks continue.

Since 2015 Russia has breached, hacked & attacked U.S.:
🔹Nuclear plants
🔹Power grids
December 2016 Report: In Aug 2015, Russian hackers struck at the heart of the U.S. military by seizing the e-mail system. “Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees”



July 2017 Report: Russians Are Suspects in several U.S. Nuclear Site Hackings


Read 6 tweets

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