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Mar 9th 2023
Rustaveli Avenue blocked‼️‼️ ‼️

The Georgian parliament already has over a thousand people.
People are chanting "Sakartvelo"🔥
Free Georgians are gathering in Rustaveli. we are taking another step towards the European Union and thereby moving away from rotten Russia!‼️

this action will be important. follow the news!…
we also call on the security forces, instead of confronting peaceful people, to put on their uniforms and join the action!‼️

We have one era and one future - Europe!

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Read 47 tweets
Mar 9th 2023
A stage is being set up at Rustaveli and sound amplifiers are being installed. We will stand until the pro-Russian forces leave the parliament!

Recall that the rally will begin at 19:00‼️‼️

Subscribe to Georgia 24…
We are going to Rustaveli at 19:00❗️❗️❗️

Our requirements:

1. Clarity about the so-called “withdrawal” of the pro-Russian bill.

2. Full details of the detained peaceful protesters. The authorities must release them immediately!

Spread it among everyone🤝🤝🤝
Despite the statement of the ruling party "Georgian Dream" to withdraw from the parliament the scandalous draft law on "foreign agents", its opponents intend to gather again for a protest. It was announced on March 9 in the center of Tbilisi
Read 16 tweets
Mar 9th 2023
With the #TbilisiProtests happening, I feel obligated to compile a list of helpful tips and ideas to help the protesters deal with and survive the riot police, based on past mass protests I watched unfold. I welcome any and all additions bc I am no expert. 🧵
Personal Prep & Safety: Charge your phone & an extra battery bank if you have it. Tell someone where you are going. Do not go anywhere alone. If you are being arrested, shout out your name so others know who you are. 🧵
Write down important phone numbers on your arm with a permanent marker incase you lose your phone or it is taken. As far as phones go, turn off location services if you can. In 🇭🇰 the police would track the protesters via location services. 🧵
Read 20 tweets
Mar 8th 2023

Fireworks went on ‼️‼️

Do not use weapons against security forces yet‼️‼️‼️…
They have gas for the whole country, we bring our gas masks❗️❗️❗️
Security forces at all entrances❗️❗️

According to our estimates, there were more than 200 detainees, 6 people were wounded before my eyes!!!
We won't leave, we're up against you Russian pigs!!!😡😡😡

Who are you for, for your people, or for Putin, idiots???
The embankment was blocked, people at the sit-in rally were dispersed and at least 30 people were packed, among them women😡😡😡
Read 11 tweets
Mar 7th 2023
1. 🇷🇺🇬🇪 Thousands of people protest against what has been condemned as a #Russian-style law that threatens #Georgia’s democracy, in #Tiblisi.
People chant Sakartvelo and Putin 'Khuylo'.
📹 Mariam Nikuradze…
2. Earlier the 🇺🇦 anthem was played after the 🇬🇪 anthem.

#Georgia #თბილისი #TbilisiProtests
#Tbilisi #Ukraine #Russia #protests
3. While the drafts of the law was being discussed, a minute of silence was observed to pay tribute to the victims in #Ukraine 🇬🇪🇺🇦
#Georgia #თბილისი #TbilisiProtests
#Tbilisi #Ukraine #Russia #protests
#RussianUkrainianWar #Sakartvelo
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