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#Ukraine #UkraineWar #UkraineRussiaWar️ #UkraineFrontLines
Dziś mała analiza zachowania po 2 tygodniach działań na froncie Zaporosko - Donieckim.
Początkowe ataki Ukraińskie - miały na celu sprawdzenie rosyjskiej obrony, skuteczność dowodzenia oraz taktyki przeciwnika. Image
Jeżeli chodzi o odcinek zachodni frontu - mamy działania w rejonie Łobkowe oraz na kierunku Robatyne - Verbowe. O ile udało się wgryź w rosyjskie linie w rejonie Łobkowe to pod Robatyne Ukraińskie sukcesy były mniejsze z uwagi na odkryty teren, oraz rosyjską obronę. Image
Jednak nie oznacza to że działania Ukraińskie nie miały sukcesu, gdyż po atakach sił zmechanizowanych oraz specjalnych - na tym kierunku udało się rozpoznać obronę oraz taktykę Rosyjska a dzięki temu dobrano odpowiednią taktykę działania strony Ukraińskiej.
Read 12 tweets
Raport z frontu + Nowa Kachowka.
Kupiańsk-w regionie siły UA miały dziś kontratakować, ale brak szczegółów w jakim kierunku, jakimi siłami oraz jak zakończyła się ta operacja. Nie jest to tym razem sukces odparcia kolejnej ukraińskiej ofensywy w wykonaniu rosyjskich telegramów.1/ Image
Swatowo i Kreminna - bez zmian w przebiegu linii frontu. UA nie prowadzą już działań ofensywnych w kierunku wsi Raihorodka. W dużym skrócie, na tym froncie mało jaka jednostka obecnie wychyla nosa z własnych linii obrony. 2/ Image
Okolice Siewierska - bez zmian i ciekawych zdarzeń. Plotki o ukraińskich atakach na Sołedar (ja ich nie publikowałem, ale niektóre telegramy już tak) nie mają żadnego potwierdzenia w faktach. RUS nadal nie mogą zdobyć wsi Spirne oraz Biłohoriwka. Trwa to już prawie 10 miesięcy.3/ Image
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Daily Ukraine🗺️map thread for Fri 26th May

Long range missiles struck Mariupol and in Berdyansk

Russian missile struck a hospital in Dnipro

Russian forces advance in Kreminna forest to Chumatskyi Yerik Lake



1/21 Image
2/21 54th Mechanized brigade destroy Russian T-90M with drone bombs in east Spirne
Coordinates: 48.810599, 38.269599
Map view:…
3/21 Hospital struck by Russian missile in Dnipro
Coordinates: 48.51194, 35.05158
Map view:…
Read 21 tweets
BREAKING ‼️ Es gibt einen Bericht, dass ukrainische Panzer in der Nähe des Kontrollpunkts Grayvoron nach Russland vordringen

Die Informationen müssen bestätigt werden Image
Es besteht kein Zweifel, dass es sich um den Grayvoron-Grenzübergang handelt ImageImage
‼️Erstes Video des ehemaligen russischen Grenzübergangs, der unter ukrainische Kontrolle geraten ist. In den Ruinen liegen laut russischen Quellen tote Russen
Es besteht kein Zweifel, dass es sich um den Grayvoron-Grenzübergang handelt
Read 49 tweets
200,000 Russian troops have died for Putin in Ukraine, Ukraine's military now estimates

That suggests another 600,000 Russian soldiers have likely been wounded, based on Western and Ukrainian estimates of a 3:1 wounded-to-killed rate

#Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar️ #Russia /1 Image
That's 800,000 casualties out of about 900,000 Russian troops in the initial invasion and recruited since.

Keep in mind most wounded eventually return to combat. Based on data from this and past wars, about half of Russian wounded have likely returned to combat after med care /2
The data suggests over 53% of those 900,000 troops are out of action (killed, disabled, recovering, missing or captured)

A common rule of thumb is that a military force losing over 50% of its troops is considered combat ineffective and needs to be withrawn to be reconstituted /3
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Allowing the #COVID19 public health emergency declaration to expire, the Biden admin has codified into law that COVID-19 will remain permanently embedded in society, continuing to infect, disable and kill masses of people for the foreseeable future. A🧵1/…
The expiration of the PHE was the 3rd and final measure dissolving all official response to the pandemic in the US. It follows the April 1 lifting of Medicaid disenrollment restrictions & the April 10 ending of the COVID national emergency declaration. 2/…
The most consequential was the cutoff of Medicaid disenrollment restrictions, which the Kaiser Family Foundation estimates could cause up to 24 million Americans (including 7 million children) to lose access to Medicaid over the coming year. 3/…
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I can't say who attacked the Kremlin. But probable i can give a guess what type of drone/UAV was used. I will give it a try.... #KremlinStrike #KremlinAttack #Kremlindrone #droneattackedkremlin #UkraineRussiaWar️ 🧵 1/10
1st. There where people on top of Kremlin Senate ( Сенатский дворец ). For what purpose? At night? Looks unusual... 2/10
Back to the drone. Its not a copter. It's a wing type. And its a single wing. And a single body. And it is tailless. No rudder. And definitely too small to be launched from 🇺🇦! 3/10 ImageImage
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Krótki raport z frontu.
- Kupiańsk, Swatowo, Kreminna, Spirne, Gorłówka, Marjinka - bez zmian i nowych, ciekawych informacji. RUS i UA są w większości w defensywie.

Ciekawy jest fakt, że na wschód od Spirne RUS po zdobyciu przemapowani gazu utknęli w tym miejscu. 1/
Bachmut - informacje o ukraińskim kontrataku w mieście nie mają obecnie żadnego potwierdzenia w faktach. Na plus jest to, że nie ma również informacji o nowych stratach terytorialnych po stronie UA. Nie zmienia to faktu, że UA posiada na pewno mniej niż 10% miasta. 2/ Image
Awdijiwka. Na północy RUS po zdobyciu wsi Kamjanka zostali całkowicie zatrzymani.

Na południu, siły UA pomału wypychają RUS w stronę wsi Opytne i Wodiane. RUS przeszli tutaj do defensywy. Jak dla mnie Awdjiwka to niesamowita klęska armii rosyjskiej. 3/ Image
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For a decade, Putin's Russia has made every effort to encourage Western scholars of Russia to write history along Putin's lines. In the context of genocide, this is no longer acceptable. After 2014, Putin saw Russian history as part of national security and persecuted 1/11
dissenting views. In 2016, Russian historian Alexander Churbarian told Izvestia that "we have received a request from the president: to intensify and broaden contacts with foreign scholars with the purpose of promoting historical truth" (as understood by Putin, of course). 2/11, p. 76. As a result, many Western historians of Russia were invited to events. I myself met Chubarian at an event whose purpose was to argue that Russia was a better colonizer than the West around the time of this quote. As Olga Bertelsen says 3/11
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Augen auf beim #Stellungsbau! Min 2 Russ Soldaten haben sich beim Schanzen in #Asowske mit #Anthrax infiziert. Warum das spannend ist in ein paar Zeilen:

#ARWT #Milzbrand #Wisskomm #miltwitter #UkraineKrieg #UkraineRussiaWar️ /1 ImageImage
Nach d Telegram-Kanal von Ivan FEdorov (BM von Melitopol) wurden im Bereich eines Verscharrungsortes von an #Milzbrand-verendeten Rindern/Schweinen Stellungsbau betrieben woraufhin sich 2 Soldaten infizierten. /2
Das ganze ist ist ein Novum, da hum Infektionen direkt aus der Erde bis dato unbekannt waren (…) - das wurde aus Daten des 1+2.WK bis dato ganz gut untersucht. Aufgrund der jungen Historie dieses Locus nicht verwunderlich/3
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One of the Global South's leading voices, 🇧🇷 Lula, is in #China.

Prof. Cheng Yawen argues that "🇨🇳 and develop. countries need to break the current core-periphery world order" and build a new international system free from Western interference.

🔹The Author: Cheng Yawen (程亚文) – Researcher at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Shanghai International Studies University. Image
🔹 Summary of Cheng's views:

1⃣ US-led globalisation and capitalism drove #NATO's eastward expansion. This, in turn, has been the “main reason” behind #Russia’s offensive in #Ukraine.

2⃣ Western-style globalisation is coming to an end. Image
Read 15 tweets
In today's #vatniksoup, I'll introduce a Finnish economist, conspiracy theorist and doomsayer, Tuomas Malinen (@mtmalinen). He's best-known for promoting market crash every two months, for his alleged support for the WEF conspiracy theory, and for his pro-Russian hot takes.

1/23 Image
Malinen has a PhD in Economics from University of Helsinki, where he studied, among other things, economic crises. Currently he's working for GNS Economics (actually Kasvu ja Suhdanne Oy), a company with revenue of 100 000 EUR and operating loss of 10 000 EUR.

2/23 Image
Based on Malinen, there are five partners on board with him on GNS.

For many years now, Tuomas has been forecasting the economic end times that never came. He's often suggested people to "withdraw cash and keep it" because the collapse can happen on "any day now".

3/23 ImageImageImageImage
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1/18 Daily #UkraineRussiaWar️ map thread for Sunday 26th March

Highlights: 79th Air Assault brigade repelled 10 tank/IFV assault east of Novomykhailivka

#Bakhmut still holds, and has survived another month against the onslaught.

2/18 Russian tank hit by Javelin from 110th brigade whilst retreating after failed attack
Coordinates: 48.091150, 37.752940
Map view:…
3/18 110th Mechanized drones hunt Russian infantry at night east of Krasnohorivka
Coordinates: 48.197698, 37.761669
Map view:…
Read 19 tweets
Raport z frontu. Dworiczna. W ciągu ostatnich dni RUS powstrzymywali się tutaj z dużymi atakami. Nie próbowali również forować rzeki Osil, ani nacierać w kierunku Kupiańska. Problemem jest dla RUS nie tylko twardy opór UA, ale również fatalny stan ziemi - wszędzie jest błoto. 1/
Kysliwka - bez większych zmian od kilku miesięcy. jedna i druga strona jest w defensywie. 2/
Kuzemiwka - RUS dali sobie już chyba spokój z próbą zdobycia wzgórz znajdujących się na zachód od niej. Od kliku dni, lokalne źródła informują o nadzwyczajnej postawie defensywnej RUS w tym regionie. Reszta odcinka - bez zmian. 3/
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I will write a thread about stories from the Iraq war told by American soldiers:
1⃣ Sergeant Dillard Johnson: I killed more than 2,746 Iraqis, and the first killing I did was when I ran over 13 civilians with an armored vehicle, and killing them was more fun than hunting deer……
2⃣ Private Jon Turner : The first civilian I killed was innocent person walking back to his house, and I killed him in front of his father and his friend.
3⃣ Sergeant Frank was throwing grenades into civilian homes and killed 24 civilians, most of them women and children
Read 18 tweets
UN commission corroborates my academic study finding that there is no #genocide in #Ukraine. Propaganda peddlers & Internet trolls attacked me for telling truth on this issue. They have no concern for truth & lives of #Ukrainians. #ukrainewar #Russia…
My updated study presented at Annual Meeting of American Political Science Association: "There is no evidence of the Ukrainian genocide or Russian genocide but various evidence of war crimes, primarily by the Russian forces." #UkraineRussiaWar️ #Ukraine️…
Chair of the United Nations Human Rights Council Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine said during a press conference that the Commission’s investigation into human rights violations in Ukraine has not found evidence that Russia committed genocide in Ukraine.
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Vídeos longos das primeiras batalhas da guerra na Ucrânia (que começou em 2014)

#Guerra #Ucrania #Donbass #Donetsk #Lugansk #UkraineRussiaWar️ #Bakhmut #Putin #Zelensky #Poroshenko #Kiev #EUA #OTAN #Nuland #Obama #GuerraNaUcrania #Ukraine
1/8) Batalha pelo Aeroporto de Donetsk - 2014-2015

Coleção de vídeos da batalha mais épica e mais cruel no Leste da Ucrânia - a do aeroporto batalha Donetsk. A batalha teve 242 dias de duração
2/8) Guerra Civil no Leste da Ucrânia: 2014

A guerra no Donbass (também chamada de Guerra na Ucrânia ou guerra no leste da Ucrânia) é um conflito armado na região do Donbass na Ucrânia.
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#Guerra #Ucrania #Donbass #Donetsk #Lugansk #UkraineRussiaWar️ #Bakhmut #Putin #Zelensky #Poroshenko #Kiev #EUA #OTAN #Nuland #Obama #GuerraNaUcrania #Ukraine
1/12) Guerra na Ucrânia - Crônicas de um genocídio

Crimes de guerra extensos em Donbass cometidos por Poroshenko e seu exército de assassinos de 27 de julho 14 de agosto de 2014 contra o Donbass.
2/12) Ilona Banevitch morava em Donetsk. Depois que seu prédio foi destruído ela se juntou à Milícia de Donbass. Ela comanda mais de cem homens que lutam contra os soldados ucranianos, paramilitares neonazistas e mercenários da OTAN.
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"‘Little fissures’: The U.S.-Ukraine war unity is slowly cracking apart..." Based on conversations with 10 officials, lawmakers and experts, new points of tension are emerging: The sabotage of a natural gas pipeline on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean;" 1/…
"Multiple administration officials have begun worrying that Ukraine is expending so much manpower and ammunition in Bakhmut that it could sap their ability to mount a major counteroffensive in the spring." 2/ #UkraineWar #Bakhmut #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar️
"But the growing disconnects may foreshadow a larger divide over the debate as to how the war will end.

Though Biden has pledged steadfast support, and the coffers remain open for now, the U.S. has been clear with Kyiv that it cannot fund Ukraine indefinitely at this level." 3/
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#Guerra #Ucrania #Donbass #Donetsk #Lugansk #UkraineRussiaWar️ #Bakhmut #Putin #Zelensky #Poroshenko #Kiev #EUA #OTAN #Nuland #Obama #GuerraNaUcrania #Ukraine Image
1/15) O golpe na Ucrânia, financiado pelos EUA foi chamado pela mídia DE Revolução Euromaidan. Supostamente reivindicando "liberdade" contra um governo corrupto e autoritário. Mas, prática, esse golpe colocou os neonazistas no poder...
2/15) O Setor Direita é uma aliança entre diversas gangues neonazistas ucranianas; partido Svoboda é o partido neonazista ucraniano. Eles fazeram barricadas, atiraram e mataram policiais de choque (Berkut) na praça Maidan Image
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Huge respect for the coffin of "Da Vinci" in his hometown, the whole town came to pay their last respects

#Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar️
A few more pictures ImageImageImageImage
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There are signs of escalation everywhere you look.

It seems that Russia used hypersonic missiles in its early-morning raid for the first time. Marked as retaliation, but could also be the beginning of new phase in #UkraineRussiaWar️ .
Poland and others are sending more tanks, on which first ones should be in operation in Ukraine in this month. Bakhmut, on the other hand, is falling to Russian hands (to the Wagner group).

The war is not going as we in the west have been told. 2/
The buildup of Russian troops to Donbass region has been massive, according to many reports.
The reason for this is unclear, but large troop buildups rarely occur just as a "show of force".
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No arty for Russia🔥
⚡️Operational information as of 06.00 09.03.2023 :

" According to preliminary information, the armed forces of the Russian Federation have almost used up the entire stock of artillery ammunition located in warehouses in the central part of ...
...Russia. At present, the movement of ammunition from warehouses located in other regions of Russia to the territory of the temporarily occupied part of Ukraine is being observed. This significantly increases delivery times. There is also an unsatisfactory state and quality ...
...of new batches of ammunition due to improper storage and violation of maintenance rules and regulations. Almost 50% of them have visible signs of rust damage. In the conditions of intense hostilities and the existing unsatisfactory state of ammunition, one should expect ...
Read 4 tweets
Krótki raport z frontu.

Kupiańsk i Swatowo. Bez większych zmian w przebiegu linii frontu. Trwa nadal ewakuacja kobiet i dzieci z Kupiańska oraz umacnianie miasta. RUS dziś mieli być tutaj wyjątkowo spokojni. 1/ Image
Kreminna. RUS próbowali w ciągu ostatnich 24 godzin podejść pod Makiiwkę oraz atakowali w kierunku wsi Terny - bez żadnych rezultatów. 2/ Image
Siewiersk. RUS pierwszy raz od kilku tygodni próbowali na poważnie zdobyć wieś Rozdoliwka po to, aby z niej ruszyć na wzdłuż linii kolejowej na Siewiersk. Na szczęście atak według na razie wstępnych informacji zakończył się niepowodzeniem. 3/ Image
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