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Mar 6th 2019
@JustinTrudeau did not direct the Attorney General to intervene in the #SNCLavalin case, so therefore he respected the independence of the AG which was confirmed by JWR @Puglaas in her testimony.


The #CPC passed the Director of public Prosecutions act in 2006, clearly the AG retains political discretion to override decision's by the director (DPP) on whether to prosecute.

#Bcpoli #Abpoli #Skpoli #Ontpoli #Cdnpoli
When the Attorney General decides whether to initiate and conduct a prosecution on behalf of the federal Crown, Crown counsel must consider two issues:

#ButtsTestimony #Geraldbutts #SNCLavalinโ€ฆ
Read 13 tweets
Feb 7th 2019
NOT SHOCKING (ethics violations).

Trudeau PMO interfering in criminal prosecutions pressuring Attorney General to abandon criminal prosecution of his cronies. When she refused Trudeau fired her. Now he's denying it!

Times' Up Trudeau - Criminal investigation NOW. #cdnpoli
WATCH Trudeau lie to the nation & how easily he does so.

๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆjournalist @ezralevant (regularly vilified by Trudeau govt & state media CBC) points to system flaws:

Attorney General "duty of confidentiality to client" Only Trudeau himself can waive!!


๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆ Parliament: Trudeau Government grilled re PMO interference in criminal prosecution at highest level.

Smirking sheepishly, refusing to answer question. Believe themselves above law & untouchable



Read 49 tweets

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