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Jan 19th 2021
Al die belangenverstrengeling... de #kliek in Den Haag die maakt dat we steeds in hetzelfde kringetje vastdraaien.
@PieterOmtzigt maakte weer even duidelijk hoe #ziek onze #rechtsstaat is.
We hebben grondige hervormingen nodig, maar wie zal de #macht hervormen?
Goede bijdrage van @MarijnissenL
De #Ruttedoctrine heeft op veel meer terreinen gevolgen, het is een fundamenteel probleem. Denk aan #Hawija, de steun aan #SyrischeRebellen (WAAR blijft dat onderzoek?) en wss nog meer.
Nu proberen door die huig-R en het gehakkel van @PloumenLilianne heen te luisteren.🤦‍♂️
Read 4 tweets
Jun 29th 2018
Make no mistake - the #ISIS problem is a long, long way from going away, in both #Syria & #Iraq.

Raids, ambushes, assassinations, IEDs, kidnappings, extortion/intimidation etc. It’s all continuing, while everyone proclaims “victory” and the fight [near] “over."
#ISIS is back to bombings, assassinations, kidnappings across #Diyala, #Kirkuk & Salah ad Din - in scenes eerily reminiscent of 2011-2014.

This has been building for weeks, but thanks @LizSly for bringing more attention - the fight is **far** from over.…
@LizSly Former #Iraq-i National Security Advisor al-Rubaie:

- “There's going to be an imminent resurgence of #ISIS. You can see it in the records & the intelligence reports”

More deeply worrying reports, this time from @AbdoGeneive:…
Read 5 tweets
Jan 1st 2018
We started a new year (I hope the last) of the Syrian civil war. But 2017 has been the most important year & the result of inflection point of the war in 2016 with many political & military developments : (1)
The first military operation of #SAA was Wadi Bara (23/12/2016 - 29/1/2017) which finished with the evacuation of rebels from Wadi Barada & the North montainous area in the border with Lebanon. At the same time other forces advanced in E.Ghouta reaching some parts of Hazrama (2)
#SDF started the second phase of #WrathOfEuphrates operation on December securing the West flank of #Raqqa plains (3)
Read 47 tweets

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