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May 17th 2021
DURGA DAS – The Journalist Nobody Wants To Remember

I'm posting this thread with lots of pain, because his personal history is completely erased, and do not miss the last 2 tweets.
He was a highly respected journalist, got retired as senior editor of @htTweets ,he established ImageImage
Press Council of India, now @PTI_News & INFA Publications.
His name was #DURGADAS
And everybody are shy in remembering him, let alone pay tributes on his death anniversary.
In order to know what a rare Journalist Durga Das was one has to read his 500-page fascinating,wholly
absorbing book ‘India From Curzon To Nehru And After,’ first published in 1969.
Since, not much is known about his personal life, I give you few of the Bharat Centric Information from his book.
Please Do Read.
1) “Lord Curzon was the First of the Viceroys of India, Nehru was the
Read 18 tweets
Oct 8th 2020
@RahulGandhi: India Needs You !

#Nehru: His great grandpa chanted #HindiChiniBhaiBhai and lost miles and miles of Indian land to China. He claimed, "Not a blade of grass grows there." He lost Pakistan Occupied Kashmir to Pakistan and turned Kashmir into hell on earth.
#IndiraGandhi: His grandmother was planted as PM of India by USSR by eliminating Lal Bahadur Shastri. It was KGB that lorded over India during all those years of the Iron Lady's rule. Emergency was clamped USSR backing and Indira did not utter one word against interference.
She kept blaming the "Foreign Hand" of America but was the de facto foreign "Hand" of USSR in India.

#RajivGandhi: Wasn't even able to stand up to the bullying of #AIMPLB. He was such a miserable failure that he sacrificed the interests of Indian Army...
Read 9 tweets
May 25th 2020
⚠️ Do not assume the present Chinese standoffs in multiple locations like dokhlam.

They are prepared for war to protect POK as without it BRI is dead.

Massive unrest 🇨🇳 among PLA & it's people. So they need an outside enemy & 🇮🇳 is the target.

Spanish flu spread during WW1.
The only way 🇮🇳 can throw off the 🐲 for a year, is by taking over POK. This is why so much unrest was being created even before corona. Even Nepal has been pushed away from us. We, as a nation, must be ready for a short battle. We won the 1967 🇨🇳 war
China has begun to remove its citizens from India. India must do the same & prepare for war. This pandemic wasn't an act of nature; it must clear now. CCP is unhappy our deaths weren't high.

18th Century Wuhan Black death killed 20M Indians.…
Read 15 tweets

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