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Mar 10th 2021
Hi Kiran, Im sorry 4 ur loss. Ur statements R real, not bluff. Thank U 4 sharing ur father's (RIP) report of liver #cancer.

1/ Nw, coming back to ur original statement.
Modern #medicine said dad wil hav 8 mo to survive, but #homeopathy gave him 4 yrs.

2/ Im stil convinced #homeopathy did not work

And I knw Y U felt tat way

I blame UR oncologist - he mayB gud wit diagnosis, but he has no insight & communication skils

I blame ur #homeopath.
He is a quack but gud with communication skills

Want to knw why? Let me xplain👇
Be4 we start, chek this figure from @nature
This shows latest guidelines on treatment of #liver cancer, survival and options.
Luk at stage 0 and stage A [stable #cirrhosis, early disease)
Survival > 10 yr - transplant
Survival > 6 yr - removal surgery, tumor burn (ablation)
Read 11 tweets
Aug 4th 2020
So this #Stupidity hits close to home. So a #discussion on #arsenicum album 30.
📌30 means 30 times diluted, standard for #Homeopathy
📌What is #diluted? ➡️ #Arsenic trioxide
📌#homeopath says only 0.443mg of compound per pellet
📌Thats #safety levels right? ➡️ NO.
Read on
#Arsenic whatever form, concentration, level, is #dangerous #harmful to #humans.
📌Even LOW DOSE intermediate to #long use can lead to #Cancer
📌Actually, many types of #Cancers - #skin, #liver, #bladder, #kidney, #lung
📌Those with #diabetes #heartdisease its #deathwish
📌NOT one proper #study on this #drug in #Medical #history
📌Read artilce @AltNewsScience debunking fake evidence:
📌#traditional use was in #diarrhea
📌#pseudoscience at its best
👇 Arsenic is As and not ARS
🔥Even though arsenicum album is #crap
Read 5 tweets

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