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Nov 17th 2019
So, there's some unconfirmed reporting that 'possible chest discomfort' is what sent Trump to Walter Reed yesterday. Interesting, bc they have the clinical ability @ the WH to do an EKG. If he was released, he's fine, so going there could have been posturing. #SundayMotivation…
#SundayThoughts #WalterReedHospital
"in the last two years, Trump’s annual physical was held in January or February, CNN correspondent Jeremy Diamond reported during a broadcast on the network, and he said the previous exams were publicly announced
Read 5 tweets
Nov 16th 2019
David Holmes is the State staffer who overheard Trump/Sondland cellphone/restaurant call where DT asked @ 'the investigations'. He's in Congress depo right now. And he's got devastating testimony. Opening statement: #FridayFeeling…
2-Sondland tells Trump Zelensky would 'do anything you tell him to' & says 'Trump only cares about the big the Biden investigation' It draws a DIRECT line bet Trump & the shakedown. Exactly what Dems need. #ImpeachmentIsComing #ImpeachmentHearing #FridayFeeling
3-Holmes' testimony also indicates that Rudy Giuliani represented to the Ukrainian Government that he was an adviser to Vice President Mike Pence, putting Pence directly in this shakedown scandal. This whole statement is ENORMOUS news. #FridayFeeling #ImpeachmentHearings
Read 3 tweets
Oct 31st 2019

The House Rules Committee has just passed the Impeachment Resolution.

On to the full House floor vote tomorrow!

#WednesdayWisdom #ImpeachmentIsComing
And here's a little bit of what happened in that markup meeting: "Republican members introduced a barrage of dead-on-arrival amendments during the committee markup of the measure, each one failing along party lines.
2-"The proposed changes attempted in part to restrict the potential scope of the impeachment inquiry as Democrats move toward the public-facing phase of the probe. The committee is comprised of nine Democrats and four Republicans.
Read 11 tweets
Oct 25th 2019
Breaking: The DOJ's admin review of the origins of the Russia Invest has nowturned into a criminal inquiry. This is stunning, Trump will stop at nothing. Please just read the thread. ⤵️ It's long, but really matters. #ThursdayThoughts…
2-"For more than two years, President Trump has repeatedly attacked the Russia investigation, portraying it as a hoax and illegal even months after the special counsel closed it. Now, Mr. Trump’s own Justice Department has opened a criminal investigation into how it all began.
3-"Justice Department officials have shifted an administrative review of the Russia investigation closely overseen by Attorney General William P. Barr to a criminal inquiry, according to two people familiar with the matter. The move gives the prosecutor running it,
Read 44 tweets
Oct 16th 2019
World: Meet the person Trump plans to scapegoat for his Ukraine crimes. Dpty WH Counsel John A. Eisenberg.
Also read here the beginnings of Trump's defense, which they wouldn't prepare unless they were very convinced that #ImpeachmentIsComing…
2-So, this pc describes an investigation that the WH have opened into why Trump's Zelensky call transcript was put in a 'super secret' server.. Mulvaney (who is deeply implicated in the scandal) is 'participating' in the probe. BUT it doesn't explain why WH has put DT's other
3-calls on same server. It's weak. Of course.
NYT: "Even as the impeachment inquiry intensifies in Congress, White House lawyers are leading their own review, the people said. They are seeking to understand White House officials’ actions around Mr. Trump’s July 25 call with
Read 13 tweets
Oct 1st 2019
Poll shows net 20-point swing in favor of impeaching and removing Trump… via @axios #YesWeCan
CNN’s Jim Acosta: Administration officials are warning Trump that he’s probably going to be impeached… via @fawfulfan #ImpeachTheMF
This impeachment poll has ZERO good news for Trump… via @CNN #NarcissisticInjury #InsecurityInChief #ImpeachTheMF
Read 23 tweets
Sep 30th 2019
"Senate Republicans for the first time see Trump’s scandal possibly costing them their majority."
Good perspective here. #ImpeachmentIsComing #MondayMotivation…
2-"Last week, McConnell showed independence from Trump by coming out publicly in support of continuing military aid to Ukraine. More important, he also pushed the White House to share the whistleblower complaint with Congress.
3-"And McConnell has to deal with a well-known Senate Republican daring to separate himself from Trump on the Ukraine scandal — Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah). Romney said he is “deeply troubled” to see reports of Trump pressuring the Ukrainian president to damage Biden.
Read 10 tweets
Apr 25th 2019

President won't take action 2 protect elections from foreign meddling, finding it politically + personally unpalatable.

Mueller Report reveals tRUmp's fixation on targeting Hillary Clinton.

Confirmation of tRUth about Steele dossier finally seeing the light.

Concord Management asking judge about Mueller.

Canadian Parliament hearing on Cambridge Analytica

Judge in Maria Butina case won't strike declaration by former FBI counterintelligence official outlining how damaging her activities were 2 US national security.

Biden launches 2020 bid warning ‘soul’ of America at stake.

Mnuchin’s coffee boy, Charles Rettig at IRS, under scope.

Executive Order transfers responsibility for background investigations to DoD
Read 64 tweets

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