Concord Management asking judge about Mueller.
Canadian Parliament hearing on Cambridge Analytica
Judge in Maria Butina case won't strike declaration by former FBI counterintelligence official outlining how damaging her activities were 2 US national security.
Dems launch probe into ‘unprecedented’ HSA firings by tRUmp admin.
📌FBI will discuss Florida election hacking with Rick Scott.
Judge temporarily blocks tRUmp Admin's ban on abortion referrals.
Operation Central City🔥
Feds search locations tied 2 Baltimore mayor amid book scandal.
WH won't allow Stephen Miller 2 testify on immigration to House Oversight.
Rule of Law in Massachusetts! Indictments given.
📌FBI + US attorney question JetSmarter customers

📌Edinberg, TX mayor + wife arrested in organized illegal voting scheme.
SDNY, Yo! 9 defendants arrested in NY, FL + TX 4 multimillion-dollar wire fraud scheme. #TCO #TransnationalOrganizedCrime
NK issued $2 million bill 4 Otto Warmbier's care. Wouldn't release body unless envoy signs acknowledgement.
RUssian floating nuclear power plant at 100% capacity.
Putin's citizenship decree was seen as challenge 2 Ukraine's new president.
Gun-violence group says NRA made illegal donations 2 tRUmp.
NRA sues over Los Angeles law requiring contractors 2 disclose ties 2 gun rights group.
NJ former deputy chief of staff sentenced.
Michigan plaintiffs win in partisan gerrymandering battle! #FairMaps
2 take action 2 protect U.S. elections.
tRUmp can’t separate nation’s security
from questions about
legitimacy of his victory in 2016 election.…
Orange Mob Blob
just can't quit Hillary!!!
Trump’s demand 2 have
Jeff Sessions reverse his recusal +
order prosecution of Hillary Clinton.
“President wanted Sessions to un-recuse from ‘all of it.’”…
Trump emissaries + Russian spies,
and general portrayal of Trump
as a 'highly unsavory character.'
Yummy read.
#Chekist #Provokatsiva
Concord Management,
1 of the defendants in
Mueller's Russian troll farm case,
is asking judge 2 order govt 2 say
Y it shouldn't be found in contempt
4 info it released relating 2 Mueller's report case.
June 12, 2018
Standing Committee on
Access 2 Information, Privacy + Ethics
🎧Take a listen🎧…
🗓️Calendar Update🗓️
Whole lot of #contempt on the board.
Looking forward 2 getting some
courtroom sketches of Butina tomorrow.
#TeamNutshellReport #TeamPatriot

Joe steps N2 ring.
Biden aimed directly at Donald Trump
in an announcement video
seizing on the Republican president’s response
to the deadly clash btw white supremacists +
counter-protesters in Charlottesville, VA, 2 yrs ago.…
Trump’s *hand-picked IRS Commissioner,
Charles Rettig,
earns as much as $1 million in rental income
from Trump-branded properties he co-owns
while facing demands from Congress
2 release Trump’s tax returns.…
Think about Orange Mob Blob
taking back John Brennan’s security clearance.
Think about all the Family Klan tRUmp
failures getting clearance overrides?
Keebler elf descends from his cookie tree
2 encourage everyone 2 move on from
the report about foreign interference
in our elections that he had 2 recuse himself from
because of foreign interference.
Praise be.🙏
Reps write ltr 2 acting HSA Secretary Kevin McAleenan
demanding communications related 2 departure
or potential departure of
former HSA Sec Kirstjen Nielsen,
former Secret Service Dir Randolph Alles
+ other officials.…
In next few weeks FBI will discuss
the agency's suspicion
Russians had hacked at least 1 county in FL
during 2016 presidential election
in the former-governor's state.
temporary nationwide injunction
blocking tRUmp administration’s
ban on abortion referrals.
Halts Title X plan as judge grants nationwide injunction.
tRUmp plan would have gone in effect May 3rd.
2 major drug rings in NY TAKEN DOWN!
93 count indictment
65 people
arrested 4 flooding area w heroin, fentanyl, + cocaine.
4.7K heroin & fentanyl worth $140K.
2 kilos cocaine worth over $200K.
Firearms &
Over 75K in cash.…

against home + several locations
tied 2 Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh,
who is embroiled in scandal
over whether she improperly profited
from a book deal steered 2 a Maryland medical system
while she served on its board.
House Oversight Committee,
🧛🏾♂️Stephen Miller🧛🏾♂️
will not testify B4 panel
about his role in President Donald tRUmp's
controversial immigration policies.
how can we keep him away
from Sunday AM programs???
“The allegations in today’s indictment involve
obstruction by a sitting judge,
that is intentional interference w enforcement of federal law,
+ that is a crime."
~ U.S. Attorney Andrew E. Lelling…
the federal laws we follow,
or use our personal views
2 justify violating the law.”
~ U.S. Attorney Andrew E. Lelling

announce obstruction charges
against Massachusetts
Trial Court Judge Joseph &
Court Officer MacGregor 4
preventing ICE Officer
from taking custody of an alien defendant
in #NewtonDistrictCourt…
interviewing customers of
JetSmarter 👈
about private jet company’s biz practices + comms.
"Jetsmarter + RUMob AF"
Ronn Torossian👈
Nov 1, 2017
h/t @ninaandtito…
Let's try
Let’s me the girl about town:
Lolita ( *Frangulyan ) Petrossov
Wonder if she's friends w #FARA?
h/t @brazencapital
My office will always do everything it can
2 protect the integrity of Texas elections +
the rights of every legal voter
2 cast a ballot + have it counted accurately.
No 1 is above the law."
~ AG Ken Paxton…
businesses + individuals
of more than $3.5 million thru
Biz email compromises,
Russian oil scam +
Romance scam.
“A #TOC [sic] conducting
illicit domestic + international wire fraud
has been dismantled”
~ James C. Spero…
"There are no secrets here,
Russia's position is always open,
there are no conspiracies."
~Vladimir Pootles…
in Hanoi 2 months ago,
Kremlin tries hard 2 present Kim Jong Un's
1st ever visit 2 Russia
as historic event aimed at
proving how important Moscow is
in de-nuclearization of Korean Peninsula.
exchange vows.
Wait a minute.
They exchange gifts, not vows.
And, lurve the awkward exchange.
h/t @JuliaDavis
Presentation of invoice extraordinarily brazen,
even 4 a regime known 4 its aggressive tactics.
Prior 2 flying Warmbier’s body out of NK,
U.S. envoy were instructed
2 sign acknowledgment for bill.
Coast Guard Lt. Christopher Hasson,
who was accused of plotting terror attack
by federal prosecutors.
Judge says govt. has not charged him
w terrorism + murder
and doesn’t plan 2,
so no grounds 2 hold.…
asked crt 4 Hasson 2B detained
ahead of trial 4 firearms + controlled substances charges,
arguing he was a “domestic terrorist”
who posed a great risk to society,
was shot down today by the crt.…
will be towed out of Murmansk
towards Pevek along Northern Sea Route
during sailing season 2019.
That will likely take place
as the sea ice is at minimum in late Aug/Sept.…
simplifying citizenship process
4 people in separatist-held regions of Ukraine,
issuing challenge 2 Ukraine’s president-elect
that threatens 2 intensify 5-year war in country’s east.
Stirred up trouble in Sudan.
🔥Its plan: Fake news and public executions👈…
leader of the Islamic Revolution
says US admin’s hostile attempts
2 block Iran’s oil sales will lead nowhere.
Country will export
“as much crude as it needs + wishes”
in defiance of American sanctions.…
allowing importing Iranian crude oil are over.
🔥GOP talks of Iranian sanctions
will only create stronger resolve on behalf of Iran.🔥
released from detention center in Japan
after paying 500 million yen ($4.5 million) in bail
+ winning a court rejection of an appeal from prosecutors.
*Walks out of court “solemnly”.…
which advocates 4 tougher gun laws,
brought the suit because it says
the 4 complaints about NRA it filed w
Federal Election Commission
are gathering dust.…
files lawsuit challenging
newly implemented ordinance by
City of Los Angeles
seeking 2 limit ties
btw city contractors +
gun rights group.
Former Deputy Chief-of-Staff in NJ Gov Office
sentenced to 13 months in prison
4 misusing government property
2 punish Fort Lee Mayor, Mark Sokolich,
4 not endorsing Chris Christie's re-election as gov.
h/t @MsMariaT
Unearthed private emails showing
GOP used their 2011 redistricting plan
2 maintain electoral advantage over Democrats.
Court ruling confirms
Michigan state House + Senate
+ U.S. congressional districts
are unconstitutional.…
plans 2 open investigation into
Facebook’s unauthorized collection
of >1.5 million users’ email address books,
according 2 two people briefed on the matter.
Lists used 2 improve FB’s ad-targeting algorithms.…
Devin Nunes
schedules secretive fundraiser
w warning 2 attendees 2 not reveal location.
👇 👇 👇 👇 👇
and her intrigue of
powerful women
of North Korea and
Kim Dynasty.
Rest well #TeamPatriot.
Be good 2 urself.
Stop 4 a minute +
feel grateful 4 someone in ur life or
for a beautiful sky or
for wind moving thru the trees.
Cleanse ur palette.
Huge shout out 2 @pleasesaveour @kim585 @mikes_booh @SuzanneWinland @McSercy @anathymadevice @starree @smp0312 @BelievnTheDream @geekgirlden @leesgirl9 @Texdj123 @tbrennan666 @PortlusGlam @ninaandtito @brazencapital
#NutShellReport #ThePatriotTimes
April 25, 2019
Want 2 send special TY 2 @karolcummins 4 entrusting me w #TeamNutShellReport.
Could only happen w great support of
+ all of my favorite nutters! TY!
Rest well.