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Apr 13th 2023
1/In this RCT, continuous IV hydrocortisone significantly lowered the risk of death in patients with severe CAP compared to placebo. Welcome to our weekly #OMTweetorial. #MedTwitter #MedEd #EBM #JournalClub Image
2/In this pre-COVID government-funded trial in @NEJM, Pierre-François Dequin et al assessed whether a continuous hydrocortisone infusion reduced mortality in patients with severe CAP.
3/Design: RCT of 800 adults admitted to ICUs in France with severe CAP. Randomized 1:1 to placebo or a 4-d continuous infusion of hydrocortisone 200 mg IV daily followed by an 8–14 d taper. All pts received abx and standard supportive care. Primary outcome: death by day 28.
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Apr 13th 2022
Ok #AcademicTwitter. This month, I'm entering my 3rd year of PhD! yayy🎉

I was looking through my 1st research journal and found these "tips" I had written for myself. I thought I'll share them here.

So, here's a 🧵of #PhDtips for those starting their PhD!

#PhDlife #PhDchat Image
1. Maintain a #PhDjournal📒
Experiments, results, failures, meetings w/ guide, seminars, weekly plans, proposal brainstorming, talk prep - everything related to your PhD in one notebook.

(coursework & journal notes can be separate, but I used the same note. 1 note/year for me)
2. Read a lot of journal articles. A lot.
It is the best way to take your research forward!

(I wanted to try the #365papersChallenge, but couldn't keep up. I read way fewer papers than I want myself to. This could be my sign from the universe to step up!)
Read 9 tweets
Jul 27th 2021
1/ The June 2021 Edition of MDA Fellows JCWatch 📰 is now available❗️ Check out all 6️⃣ #journalclub summaries below 👇🏽 that cover GU, GI, & breast medical oncology ➕ classical hematology & SCT! #meded @MDanmolsingh @HemOncFellows @HOJournalClub @Hemoncq @MDAndersonNews
2/ First up, Dr. Ferreri presented an interesting article evaluating the potential to classify tumor microenvironments into one of four subtypes to predict response to immunotherapy ⚡️ 🔗
3/ Next, Dr. @FasaAgbedia presented the results of the phase 3️⃣ ASCENT trial that demonstrated ⬆️ OS and ⬆️ PFS w/ sacituzumab govitecan vs standard single agent chemotherapy in pretreated metastatic TNBC #bcsm 🔗
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Jul 23rd 2021
@emresidents family! Let’s have a little #journalclub 🧵from the EMRA Research Comm. Agitation is super common problem(~2mil presentations per year) so what’s in your 🧰 to care for these patients? Let’s talk about it!📢
📄: IM Droperidol vs IM Olanzapine for Agitation in the ED
The journal: @AnnalsofEM
The paper:
The author: @jonbcole2
Before we dive in 🤿 what do you reach for when you need an IM medication for acute agitation? 🚑💉
Read 19 tweets
Mar 25th 2021
Here goes! Our first Twitter #journalclub. In this review, Yasmin, @RodTMitchell & Lane discuss fertility preservation in young people with haematological malignancies. They raise a number of really important points, and areas for further development. #AYACancerIE 1/2
Let's get started,
#Question1 what are the barriers to discussing fertility with a young patient who has been newly diagnosed with cancer?
Remember, answer in line & tag #AYACancerIE in your replies so we don't miss any! 2/2
Read 4 tweets
Oct 13th 2020
So folks wanted a #journalclub on the @JAMAPediatrics paper on #epidurals and #autism. we go!
1. Let's review the intro first. Beyond conjecture, they offer scant data to justify their study which was an animal study (ref 5). They say 'standard clinical doses of LAs 👇produce neurotoxic effects & altered neurobeh devlpment in monkeys.'
These aren't standard doses. We use in fact substantially lower concentrations & doses of epidural local anesthetics. Plus, this small study in non-laboring monkeys included multiple behav outcomes. So high likelihood of chance finding. Also, anyone know if monkeys get ASD??
Read 19 tweets
Sep 11th 2020
@DukePallCare SUCCESS! Journal Club Time Machine: Speed Dating with the Classics. Format - everyone in attendance (MS2-Attending) teaches a classic article for 4 minutes, it is put in context by someone old for 1-2 min, and we move on. Here's the list! A #HPC thread:
No 1 - SUPPORT Trial: 5 AMCs. Docs don't know pt's CPR preference, many DNRs within 2d of death, lots of ICU time and pain. RN led intervention gives docs data. Centers around communication. NO CHANGE IN KEY METRICS.
No 2 - Prognostication: Docs of pts referred to #hospice asked for assessment of prognosis. Only 20% accurate (+/- 33%) with most over-optimistic. Average miss factor of 5.3! Longer pt/doc relationship = worse prognostication accuracy (#LoveThemTooMuch)
Read 13 tweets
Apr 22nd 2020
Very informative #virtual #journalclub @MaudsleyNHS @KingsIoPPN @ioppnjc on Sir Robin Murray’s paper on “ could history repeat itself?The influenza pandemic of 1918,schizophrenia& immune system “ well chaired by @sameerjauhar @tompollak @MTPPsych @MicrosoftTeams
Here’s the link to original paper…
Read 11 tweets
Dec 10th 2019
Tonight we have a special installment of #MitoMonday as @ClaireBensard hosts a #Tweetorial on her recent paper in @CellMetabolism #LateNightWithTheRutterLab
Can a specific metabolic program provoke a cell to become a cancer cell? Focusing mainly on glucose, with some thoughts on fatty acids, and glutamine, we tested the uncoupling of glycolysis and glucose oxidation to induce the transformation from stem cell to cancer cell. 2/
Long ago, Otto Warburg observed that cancer cells perform aerobic glycolysis, but we didn’t know how a cell could control flux from cytosolic glycolysis to mitochondrial glucose oxidation until the transporter was identified… #MPC 3/
Read 23 tweets

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