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Granthi is a Sanskrit term meaning "doubt" or "knot;" more specifically, it denotes "a difficult knot to untie."
#kundalini #yoga… Image
The term is found in yogic literature and refers to knotted areas of energy, which can block the flow of prana in the body.
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On Kundalini
#kundalini #yoga Image
When the mind is fixed at Kutastha, a strong current of prana rises through the chakras in the spine producing at the ajna chakra a wondrous sound called nada.
#kundalini #yoga Image
It is called the conch shell of Sri Krishna because it is heard at the ajna chakra seat of Kutastha or krishna consciousness. With this sound a light appears at the ajna chakra~ Sri Sri Pranahamsa Yoganandaji Maharaj
#kundalini #yoga… Image
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Have you seen a picture of 'THIRU-VALLUVAR' from 1873 ???
Zoom the pic :
1. Hair- lock with a bun tied.
2. 'Shiva Lingam' on the forehead.
3. Vibhoothi on forehead.
4. Japa beads on right hand.
5. Palm leaf inscription on left hand.
6. POONOOL on left shoulder. Image
7. CHIN MUDRA on right hand.
8. Seated PADMASANA (yoga-aasana).
The picture is from a book called 'TAMIL WISDOM' by EDWARD JEWITT ROBINSON. Published on 1873.
Zoomed in pic: ImageImage
You might have been familiar with the below pic which is from 1935. But the above pic is from 1873! Image
Read 57 tweets
Chakra 5 Vishuddhi
#Yoga #Kundalini #spirituality

Vishuddhi chakra is 'purification center'. Sanskrit word shuddhi means to purify; in this chakra the purifying a harmonizing of all opposites takes place. Vishuddhi is also known as 'nectar & poison center'.
#Yoga #Kundalini Image
Here, the nectar which drips down from bindu is said to be split into the pure form and the poison. The poison is discarded and the pure nectar then nourishes the body, ensuring excellent health and longevity.
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Vishuddhi represents a state of openness in which life is regarded as the provider of experiences that lead to greater understanding. One ceases to continually avoid the unpleasant aspects of life and seek the pleasant. #Yoga #Kundalini #spirituality Image
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Kundalini. Chakras. Bodies.

Bindu visarga

Location or seat of bindu is at the top back of head, exactly at the spot where Hindu brahmins leave a tuft of hair growing. Although this custom is still being followed, its original purpose is completely forgotten.
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In Sanskrit that tuft of hair is called shikha, which means 'the flame of fire'. Here, the word 'flame' stands for the flame of vasanas or the hidden karmas belonging to the previous life.
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During the period of sandhya, when the child underwent the thread ceremony and was initiated into mantra, they used to hold and tighten this tuft as much as possible and then tie it.
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The meaning of ‘Visdhuddha’ is ‘Amrita’ or ‘Nectar’ - a sweet liquid or drink of heaven / drink of God/Goddess so Throat Chakra is centre of purification that purifies negative thoughts, feelings and emotions like guilt, fear, doubts, shame etc.
#kundalini #yoga
into positive thoughts, feelings and emotions like courage, self-confidence, determination, patience, control etc. Vishuddha is positioned at the throat region, near the spine, with its Kshetra or superficial activation point in the pit of the throat.
#kundalini #yoga
Due to its position, it is known as the Throat Chakra. The colour of Vishuddha Chakra is blue, Blue represents both the sky and the sea, and is associated with open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, expansiveness, inspiration and sensitivity.
#kundalini #yoga
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Thought of sharing this...for those who are into Kundalini awakening and practice spirituality through yoga, bhakti and tantrism

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How do you move your kundalini energy out of your head?

People who feel that kundalini energy is “stuck” in their head usually say that it’s the sort that rises from the base of the spine and stops in one of three specific places:
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at the base of the skull, at the prominence of the occipital bone, and at the crown of the head about two inches above the fontanel.
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Myth: Kundalini awakening is about power.

*Adding my insights, bringing another vision. Not the kind of stuff you will ever find on google.
#yoga #Kundalini #Chakra
Kundalini awakening is not about acquisition of powers, it’s actually about cessation of being. Kundalini will lead you to enlightenment, which is nothing but death, the final death and getting into eternal bliss.
#yoga #Kundalini #Chakra
You have a soul, the soul acts on kundalini and chakras, the chakra system acts on nervous system and nervous system acts on bones and muscles.
#yoga #Kundalini #Chakra
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Astral body is connected with physical body with Silver-Cord, this cord is invisible but very powerful, it is flexible and magical because of this silver cord you receive the signals and information about your physical body.
#yoga #Kundalini #Chakra
1. E.g. Digestion or urination process occurs & when your physical body needs to go to washroom while you are in astral plane, your subconscious mind sends you signals through silver cord “Return Urgently” & you start seeing images of washrooms or clocks in your vision.
2. E.g. - If someone tries to wake you up or insect bites you then again your subconscious mind sends you signals and you hear voices like “wake up” or seeing insects.
#yoga #Kundalini #Chakra
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taeyang ft. jimin - vibe mv.
analysis & symbolism

this whole song is about the pending darkness, the golden dawn/age (sunrise code word), the awakening of the spirit of kundalini (fiery serpent), the collusion between the dimensions all coming together.
the rest of the analysis is from days ago and you can find it here if interested
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new jeans - omg music video. symbolism and analysis.

1. first let’s break down the word “omg” it’s way deeper than you think. Image
2. the whole music video is happening at a mental hospital and the girls are shown as if they are suffering from multiple personality disorder. Image
3. “i was actually an iphone”

i = eye
i is also ai = artificial Intelligence
phone = voice
her saying that she is an iphone is dehumanization.
siri = sirius, iris(eye) Image
Read 11 tweets
#gratitude #Karma #SHIVA #Kundalini
The rendition of Ayagiri Nandini is so flawless and so uplifting that I have listened to this almost every day last year!
Very happy to note @kuldeepmpai reaching billion views on YouTube.
Here is small thread of appreciation.
Please share.
Our purpose in life will always be revealed to us when we are ready. Till that time, please do your best in whatever dharmic work you are doing with no expectation of any return/reward. This is what Lord Krishna said in The Geeta.
Sanatana is positive philosophy.
Please watch the YouTube video for the gratitude expressed by @kuldeepmpai. Link is in the picture. Also note the screensaver on Mr. Pai's Mac.
It is the same message as provided in The Geeta. Image
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When the mind is fixed at Kutastha, a strong current of prana rises through the chakras in the spine producing at the ajna chakra a wondrous sound called nada.
#yoga Image
It is called the conch shell of Sri Krishna because it is heard at the ajna chakra seat of Kutastha or krishna(or Christ) consciousness. With this sound a light appears at the ajna chakra~ Sri Sri Pranahamsa Yoganandaji Maharaj
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The light or sound or vibrations that are seen, felt or heard within are the three divine qualites of Consciousness

It is believed that concentration on the ajna chakra brings all other chakras under its command.
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By obstructing life-air/prana vayu(with the act of particular sadhana) in eyebrow center. Kootash & star like planets are seen, the yogi penetrates these and by this way, sees the internally situated Supreme person. Such a yogi does not get reborn.
The Kriya by which this position is reached is known as the "Omkar Kriya" . By the power gained due to yogic practices, the yogi can do 20 736 Omkar Kriyas in one breath, and doing as such the Brahmrandra spilts open ~Sri Sanyal Mahasaya
At the time of death, with the mind having faith in the teachings of Guru, remaining embedded in Atma. With dharana, dhyan, samadhi and with power. If one enters completely in the prana vayu in the middle of the eyebrows, then - Sat- ones sees the Supreme person.
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Difference between kundalini & chakras.. Chakras are energy centers; without kundalini chakras can get activated as a person will experience the chakra rotations.
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Without chakras kundalini may rise. Some people raised serpent inside but they went in to depression.
#Yoga Image
When the energies enter the subtle nadis and still when energies go into deeper level of central nadi which is the most sensitive nadi it's called sushumna nadi ...
#Yoga Image
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Naga Sadhus see lust as a powerful energy which, when transformed, can be channelized to achieve peak possibility of awakening latent kundalini energy & merging with pure consciousness. Naga Sadhus practice strict celibacy to achieve highest states of consciousness.
Naga sadhus are like Mahadeva. Mahadeva is the embodiment of non-possessiveness. He keeps all the useless things for himself and gives away the best things to the society.
During the churning of the Milky Ocean, the best fragrant flower trees were given to the Devatas; Shyamantaka jewellery was given to Bhagwan Vishnu, Devi Lakshmi was given to Bhagwan Vishnu as well.
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Three unique secrets about the divine mother Matangi are Veena, Fingers and Eyes
The name of the Veena in the hands of the Matangi is “Vallaki”. Veena indicates the vertebral backbone of the human skeletal system and strings in the Veena indicate the nerves. This system consists of bones, nerves & cerebrospinal which helps in sitting, standing and rotating.
The yogic secret involved in this system is the 6 chakras, from Anus to the Parietal region (Mooladhara chakra to Ajna chakra). She is responsible to Awaken the Kundalini from Mooladhara chakra to Ajna chakra.
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Why do enlightened people like Jiddu, U.G. Ramakrishna, and Ramana Maharshi give contradictory statements on the Kundalini power? Some of them negate and others affirmative.
Ramakrishna Paramahamsa is universal in his spirituality. He did not merely accept but intensely practiced several religious paths and then the several systems within Hinduism, and showed that they were all true.
He stated the truths in simple words, expressed and displayed truths directly, and compassionately taught all these to everyone.

He did express about Kundalini, which has been celebrated by Sages for thousands of years. This must be true. No doubts.
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From The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna Introduction

TANTRA and Shri Ramkrishna Paramhans
#Tantra Image

According to Tantra, the Ultimate Reality is Chit, or Consciousness, which is identical with Sat, or Being, and with Ananda, or Bliss. This Ultimate Reality, Satchidananda, Existence-Knowledge-Bliss Absolute, is identical with the Reality preached in the Vedas. Image
Man is one with this Reality; influenced by maya(illusion), he forgets his true nature. Apparent world of subject & object is real for him; this error is the cause of his bondage & suffering. Goal of spiritual discipline is rediscovery of his true identity with divine Reality. Image
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One thought that pervades modern society is: Everyday life and Spirituality are two separate compartments. They are like two parallel tracks that don't have a meeting point.
#meditation Image
There is huge stress on health & fitness, new fads & trends emerge everyday, Yoga stays as the most popular. Most people don't know that Yoga is essentially a Spiritual System, thus don't approach it from that point of view.
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That's how warped ideas like Kundalini Awakening through public camps etc emerge and take root. If you tell people that Kundalini Awakening implies a long struggle, they dismiss you as an ignorant fool.
#Kundalini Image
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Can Shaktipat be given from a distance by enlightened human beings?

Not at all.
Shaktipat can't be delivered long distance; also it happens in total surrender. Shaktipat requires ego-less medium (Enlightened Master/ Guru) hence if somebody says he can deliver Shaktipat, be wary of him.
An ego-less medium alone can't claim to deliver Shaktipat. Shatipat happens in the great communion between Divine-Master-Disciple.
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Kundalini, Chakras, Bodies

Body 2: The Etheric Body

This second body will be known from the outside now. If you know the first body from the inside, then you will become aware of the second body from the outside.
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From outside first body you can never know second body, but from inside it you can see outside of second body. Every body has two dimensions: outer & inner. Just like a wall has two sides - one looking outward, the other looking inward - every body has a boundary, a wall. Image
When you come to know the first body from the inside, you become aware of the second body from the outside.
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Kundalini, Chakras. Bodies:

Ajna Chakra:The center of command The word ajna comes from the Sanskrit root which means 'to know, to obey or to follow'. Literally, ajna means 'command' or 'the monitoring center'.
In astrology ajna is center of Jupiter, which symbolizes the guru or preceptor. Amongst deities, Jupiter is represented by Brihaspati, the guru of the devas & preceptor of the gods. Therefore, this center is also known as 'the guru chakra'.
Ajna is the bridge which links guru with his disciples. It represents the level at which it is possible for direct mind to mind communication to take place between two people. It is in this chakra that communication with the external guru, the teacher or preceptor takes place.
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Even Sri Ramakrishna himself could not describe what happened when Kundalini reached the Sahasrara chakra or the crown centre.
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One day at Dakshineswar, a group of devotees assembled in Sri Ramakrishna's room. Seeing them, the Master was in a very joyful mood & said: “Today I am telling you everything (about Kundalini) without any secrets or hiding any thing. I am revealing it today.”
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Then began a live commentary on what happens when Kundalini starts its upward ascent.

Sri Ramakrishna's Kundalini has awakened & began its upward ascent. At each centre he describea what's happening. He could describe only upto Ajna chakra or the centre between the eyebrows. Image
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