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Nov 13th 2022
This incidence from #Dalit archives is clear indicator why #EWSQuota survived.
In 1902, one Govind Mukunda #Mahar in Ahmednagar dared to take water from a waterbody used by Savarna Hindus. The Savarna Hindus filed a criminal case against Govind Mahar before the magistrate.
#Mahar people had somehow awakened. They protested to the government and also set up a fund to fight Govind Mahar's case before the magistrate. But, Govind Mahar was convicted by the then magistrate of Ahmednagar, Mr. Bapu Hari Godbole, a Brahmin by caste. #BrahminicalSupremacy
He imposed a punishment of two week’s imprisonment and fine of eight rupees on Govind Mahar.
#Mahars petitioned to the Collector, Sir Richard, who appealed to the High Court pleading the punishment was unjust. Govind Mahar was acquitted of all charges in the High Court. #Justice
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Nov 11th 2021
Today #bahujans
If you have a little reasoning #power,then some #Questions are given to those sly
#Ask #Brahmins Q1) If Chhatrapati #Shivaji Maharaj was the protector of #Hindu religion, then your
Why didn't the father-grandfather crown him? @Profdilipmandal @ProfVilas [Thread]
Q2] Chhatrapati #ShivajiMaharaj you #Brahmins
Should have #danced on his shoulder as he was #fighting against the #Mughals
Were! Why were your ancestors #angry with him? [Thread]
Q3] If indeed #Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj's Guru was Ramdas, then he
Why did #Guru #Ramdas Wrote a #foolish king [Shivaji Maharaj] in his Book Bodh Granth? @Profdilipmandal @ProfVilas @artinchow @BharadwajSpeaks [Thread]
Read 12 tweets
Dec 31st 2019
Why Should We Need to rewrite History of #India, #BhimaKoregaon is false pride.
(1) Though the battle was between British troops & #Maratha under Peshwa, the soldiers of British troops were not only #mahars but also Rajputs, Marathas, Jews & Peshwa's Troops were Arabs ImageImageImageImage
#BhimaKoregaon_शौर्यदिवस is a false pride
Among 500 British troops, only 49 were from #Mahars among them almost 27 died. The retreat of Peshwa is not due to the bravery of British troops but his own fear of approaching British troops. Image
Even #Ambedkar himself has written the account of #BhimaKoregaon where he mentioned among the dead British Soldiers; 22 were Mahars or Parwaris, 16 were Marathas, 8 were Rajputs, two were Muslims,& two were probably Indian Jews
#BhimaKoregaon202 is false
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