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May 26th 2022
We need to talk about the bastardization of the 2A by the #GOP, the NRA, & the captured Supreme Court.

The INDIVIDUAL right to own a gun was NOT given by the Founding Fathers.

Republican Supreme Court Chief Justice Burger 1991.

#gunlaws #Texas

His words...

"The gun lobby’s interpretation of the Second Amendment is one of the greatest pieces of fraud, I repeat the word fraud, on the American people by special interest groups that I have ever seen in my lifetime....

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#NRA @MomsDemand #MomsDemand
..The real purpose of the Second Amendment was to ensure that state armies – the militia – would be maintained for the defense of the state...

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#2A #GunReformNow #Uvalde
Read 24 tweets
May 25th 2022
As the mother of a daughter who is disabled, I’d just like to remind you that not all of our children can “run for their lives.”

As per usual, the most vulnerable are the most vulnerable.

Let me tell you about the special hell of sitting down with a team of people at your school to talk through the scenario of an active shooter and who would help your disabled daughter out of the school. You know, the daughter who can’t run for her life.

“You mean the exit next to the music room isn’t accessible?”

“Yes it would be ideal for two teachers to carry her down the stairs, but honestly someone just grab her and run.”

Read 6 tweets
Aug 5th 2019
The past week has been shocking: #DaytonShooting #ElPasoShooting #GilroyShooting #BrownsvilleShooting. We've all got to do our part on #gunviolence in America. That starts by learning about the problem and solutions. Over the past year & a half, I've devoted myself to this cause.
Season 3 of my podcast @ISIHpodcast has covered #gunviolence in America. In our first chapter, we tackled the unique history that produced America's gun culture. In our second chapter, we delve into how race and gender intersect with guns and gun violence.
@ISIHpodcast In the third chapter of Season 3 of @ISIHpodcast we focused on #guns themselves: do more guns lead to more vs less crime... what does it look like when people use guns in self-defense... instrumentality... & the impact of Australia's gun buyback.
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Mar 2nd 2019
Again, didn’t threaten a primary.

I was upset that 26 Dems forced the other 200+ to vote for a pro-ICE provision at the last min without warning.

Because I think an agency that pins children down + forcibly injects them w/ antipsychotic drugs shouldn’t be given more power.
“At [DHS immigrant detention] facility, children recounted being held down for forcible injections, which medical records show are powerful antipsychotics and sedatives.”…
What I DID say was that I had to go back to my district & share the MTR vote to explain why a pro-ICE amendment was slipped into a gun safety law.

Maybe they’re mad bc I don’t believe pro-ICE expansion votes should be cast in the dark, and people deserve to know what happened.
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