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Aug 26th 2020
1st, I’m a progressive.
But come on progressives, are “Medicare For All,” “The Green New Deal,” or “Ending Citizen’s United” the hills you want to die on? If you do, there will be no living to fight another day.
We need to defeat tRump if we are going to have a chance to live to fight another day. We cannot afford the luxury of being purists, arguing about whether or not the party will or won’t move completely away from fossil fuels or will or won’t embrace Medicare for all.

If we hold out for those demands we will find ourselves living in a dictatorship with zero freedoms. We can fight for the other things later. If we don’t take a stand against tRump right now, there won’t be anything left to save.
Read 19 tweets
Nov 13th 2018
Full house for @UrbanLeaguePDX conference commemorating 30-year anniversary of Mulugeta Seraw's murder by white supremacists on the streets of Portland. @rblazak gives attendees a brief history of Oregon's roots as a white supremacist Utopia.
Oregon's small Black population is not coincidental; it was by design-- the design of the KKK. The Klan elected Portland mayors and they marched in the Rose Parade. There were Klan rallies where the Timbers now play.

This anti-Black racism extended to Jews and Catholics as well.
This white supremacist foothold didn't weaken in the 1920s or 40s or 60s. It was still going strong (arguably strengthening as white supremacists from other parts of the county migrated to seek refuge here) in the 80s & 90s w rise of skinheads/neo-Nazis (inc Eastside White Pride)
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