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Jul 28th 2021
What led to #AssamMizoramBorder tension?
Here is relation btw CM @himantabiswa's hot pursuit against #drug mafias/ betel nut smugglers n #Mynamar #Mizoram based smugglers which r aggrieved due to @CMOfficeAssam @assampolice's crackdown on internatl cartel. Thread #ShameOnMizoram+
If you want to understand the aggression shown by Mizo groups against Assam, you should read about the illegal mafia of drugs, betel nuts and other cartels calling shots in Mizoram. Himanta’s campaign against drugs has rattled those drug lords, who were making millions +
The Mizo mafias and their heinous crimes are uncovering now. The anti drug campaign launched by Assam Police has seriously damaged the drug and betel nut mafia in Mizoram. What is more disturbing is the tactical support of Mizoram admin and police to these criminals +
Read 14 tweets
Feb 1st 2021
for everyone who is confused af about the #burma #myanmar #coup - for those who are asking, should we be calling out for #SuuKyi release? but wasnt she the one who defended and oversaw #genocide against #rohingya ? but how come everyone is up in arms about her detention now...
is it the #military or is it #suukyi who is the bad guy here...
I understand and get why you are confused. Let me just say this to clear it up for you - they were in bed together the whole time through.
There has never really been any #democracy in #Myanmar #Burma...
#SuuKyi was just a puppet for the #military. This #coup isnt even really a coup, because according to the #constitution of #Burma the military is legally entitled to do this. So what can the world do I hear you say?...
Read 7 tweets

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