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Mar 13th 2020
The #NoBidenPledge:

We pledge to neither vote for, convince others to vote for, nor support the campaign of @JoeBiden in the event he becomes the Democratic Party nominee

Some of us are independents. Some are lifelong Democrats. Some were #ObamaToTrump voters in 2016. Some are @BernieSanders supporters, others @ewarren supporters, and others undecided.

All of us would have otherwise supported @TheDemocrats in the general election.
Our three major objections:

1) @JoeBiden’s history of support for right-wing policy

2) Concerns about Biden’s health and ability to defeat Trump and carry out the office of President

3) The DNC and media’s collective effort to smother a grassroots progressive movement
Read 24 tweets
Apr 20th 2019
Getting my $10 money bomb for Bernie ready when Joe Biden announces because #NoBiden + his record pales in comparison 👇👇👇…
Joe Biden’s awful record #Bernie2020 #NoBiden
Read 10 tweets
Sep 14th 2018
Dear not alive during #AnitaHill:

Those hearings terrorized us as we sat transfixed, knowing for a fact we would not be believed

or given a fair chance to tell our stories of rape and harassment

In America or in front of the United States Senate.

#KavanaughConfirmation and his fascist Theocrat cronies Grassley and Orrin Hatch simply following the crucifixion of Anita Hill model of Trotting out dude after dude who told us that Clarence Thomas “wasn’t” a porn addicted rapist. #longDongSilver
During the Anita Hill hearings a sharp line emerged between women who had been raped and harassed

and those who hadn’t yet reconciled and named their experiences.

Women in denial called Anita a bitch.

The rest of us wore buttons

because her story was our story.
Read 12 tweets

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