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Sep 10th 2021
"#Data: a new direction" - a public consultation by @DCMS on "reforms to the UK’s #DataProtection regime":…

The consultation ends on 19 Nov 2021, and you can respond by e-mail to or online here:… Image
A quick sample of initial reactions...

We're clearly going to be hearing a lot about #LegitimateInterests, as well as #commercial and #public ones. The real question being, how do this Government's interests actually align with YOURS?

140+ pages on a Friday is a lot to digest, but @lilianedwards' "penumbra of often futile determinedly populist ideas largely not evidence-based" seems entirely consistent with @DCMS's Drunkard's Walk through #data and #ID this past year...

Read 28 tweets
Nov 26th 2019
Report: Brexit referendum and US elections are tainted by Canadian privacy law violations by British Columbia based company AIQ. #PIPEDA #DataRights #TheGreatHack h/t @jason_kint…
Because the data scandal was global in nature since SCL and its affiliates such as AiQ operate across borders, elections, and jurisdictions, collaboration between privacy regulators is THE NEW NORMAL. Also suggests UK ICO’s report is coming very soon. #DataRights
Custom Audiences — the microtargeting audience matching feature that Facebook badly wants to preserve and digital political technology consultants swear by. Google suspended their matching feature tho. We’re starting to wonder if it is even legal? #DataRights
Read 5 tweets

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