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Dec 23rd 2022
Congratulations to the writers of #VolodymyrZelenskyy's excellent speech! While most people lionize now #Zelenskyy​, I do not think that another president of #Ukraine would have been much worse. /1 - THREAD
Imagine #VolodymyrZelenskiy​ had not entered the presidential race and there had been a different contest and election in early 2019. /2
If, for instance, #PetroPoroshenko​, #YuliiaTymoshenko​, #AnatolyyHrytsenko​, #VitaliKlitschko​, or another of the more feasible candidates had become Ukrainian president, this would have changed little in the subsequent course of events. /3
Read 6 tweets
Jan 24th 2022
[#NATO war propaganda]
US orders families of #Kyiv #embassy staff to leave Ukraine | Jan 23
- In a travel advisory published on its website, the State Department said that there were reports Russia is planning significant military action against Ukraine.…
The #misinformation spread by the British Foreign Office is another evidence that these are the #NATO countries, led by the Anglo-Saxons that are #escalating tensions around #Ukraine | Jan 24
-We call to stop provocative activities, stop spreading nonsense…
[War criminals: #NATO-#ISIS-#AlQaeda-#CIA]
We call on the British Foreign Office @trussliz to stop provocative activities, stop spreading nonsense and focus on studying the history of the Tatar-Mongol yoke” a representative of the Russian FM told | Jan 22…
Read 58 tweets
Jul 25th 2020
@felipeneto é prova viva do mal causado pela falta de leitura neste país. Ele acredita que só se pode endossar uma posição política através dessa dicotomia Dir/Esq ou Bolsonaro X Anti-Bolsonarismo. O último exemplo, quando se meteu a falar de um país, culturalmente rico+
historicamente apaixonante e geopoliticamente complexo que é a #Ucrânia prova isso. O seu atual presidente, eleito com folga, @ZelenskyyUa (Volodymyr Zelensky), é um desses líderes (que, com sorte, ainda poderemos ter no Brasil), capaz de desagradar extremistas de ambos os lados+
Após o país sair da posição de república da extinta #URSS, oscilou politicamente entre forças pró-russas e ocidentais (apoiadoras da União Europeia). Seu ex-presidente, #ViktorYushchenko, p.ex., foi um dos líderes da #RevoluçãoLaranja, em 2004, que o tirou da órbita russa. +
Read 10 tweets

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