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May 28th 2022
This month I finally convinced myself to tackle the undo-redo system since it was becoming a premonition of a technical debt👀

And of course I decided to make it animated. How hard can it be, right!? 😂 [1/10]

#screenshotsaturday #indiegamedev #rustlang 🦀 #procgen #bevyengine
[2/10] Undo is essential for this game to stay playful and relaxing: if you misclick, a cat jumps on the keyboard, or you simply change your mind, it should always be easy to go back.

I had been scheming an undo system for a while, and now was the time to roll up my sleeves 💪
[3/10] Undo-redo for terrain and paths was pretty straightforward. Since the interactions between systems are procedural, a lot of animation is happening for free 😎 For ex, arches appearing where paths cross walls, stones arranging along a path, or walls sticking to the ground
Read 10 tweets
Jan 15th 2022
Where many games use a bottom-up approach to content generation, I like to think #Unexplored2 uses a top-down approach. Let me use this cool ‘lake-bed’ temple I have been working on to illustrate what I mean for #screenshotsaturday #indidev #gamedev #procgen 1/11
A good example of a bottom-up approach is stitching pre-designed rooms into a larger random structure. It works well for many dungeon crawling games, especially when different parameters can be used to vary the rooms. 2/11
In contrast, we don’t author bits and pieces, we author the general structure as this diagram shows. It consists of 6 interconnected levels, the structure specifies how the levels are connected and where crucial keys can be found and where enemies should be spawned. 3/11
Read 11 tweets
Sep 21st 2021
Hello everyone! I have been working on a grammar system for a while, and learning the “old” #Unity Editor GUI system. It could be called “Grammar System for obstacle placement in linear runner type games”. I hope you like it / find it useful. (1/11) #madewithunity #procgen
I also made some images that explain the idea behind the grammar system (2/11) #procgen
Read 12 tweets
Jul 30th 2021
The #WaveFunctionCollapse algorithm by @ExUtumno has got really trendy in #ProcGen and game dev communities, but it wasn't the first of its kind!
It was highly based on Paul Merrell's work published almost 10 years earlier.⬇️
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First of all, Gumin's #WFC and Merrell's #ModelSynthesis give very similar results when they use the same tile set.
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But WFC is more often "stuck" and forced to restart, so it takes much longer on large grids. Merrell's approach is more naive but in the end it does not make a visible difference.
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Read 7 tweets
Jul 26th 2020
Thread of tips and tricks for your next @js13kGames entry (2020 edition starts on august 13th, lasts 1 month, and has a theme, a jury and awesome prizes to win) 🤠
1) If you make a desktop game that needs 4 directional inputs, please PLEASE consider supporting both WASD and ZQSD (and arrow keys, ideally).

The three patterns can be supported at once with just 73 bytes of JS:…

2) I highly recommend scribbling on a notepad. Even if it looks dumb or absurd, once in a while a great idea will pop out of it !

I won #js13k 2017 after implementing an idea I got by coloring the squares of my notepad.

This year, I wanna play with perspective and emoji! ✍️ 👀
Read 35 tweets
May 6th 2020
I've just realized, a bit late, that I need to play and rate more #LDJAM games! Anyone has any good suggestions? Oh btw, if you still haven't seen TITAN, OPSND that @dario_zubovic and I made for the jam, please play and rate the game too:… :) ImageImage
Ok, here I'll put some games I really liked.

First: Laika - "You were late - But your babushka still loves you very much" - OMG, this is the most realistic game I played!… Image
This one is so well done. So juicy, the graphics, the idea is really "out there", it's a perfect jam game:… Image
Read 5 tweets
Apr 27th 2020
Started streaming at Continuing office and pizza modeling for #OPSND Image
Finished so far on stream:
1. More cheese ✅
2. Cuts ✅
3. No pepperoni overlap cuts ✅
4. 2 more hours spent on a completely unimportant part of the game ✅
#procgen #pizza #gameart #OPSND ImageImage
And, it's done!
5. Model cuts perfectly follow the texture cuts ✅
6. Noise displacement for even better looks ✅
7. Separated each cut ✅
8. Pizza finally complete! ✅
9. Taking a break ✅ ImageImageImageImage
Read 3 tweets
Jan 4th 2020
Today was a long tedious day of digging into my old #procgen #landscape engine. Trying every trick in the book to get it running at 60fps on the #wii but thankfully I made some progress! #thread #gamedev #lowpoly #screenshotsaturday
Fixed some strange bugs in my simple view frustrum and increased its size
Moved the clouds, water and mountains to the correct position in the render list in order to reduce alpha-transparency bugs
Read 8 tweets
Feb 17th 2019
This is the new Cat Slime Does a Dungeon dev thread. Cat Slime is a tamagotchi/dungeon diving game made in #pico8.

To support cat slime and find out more see You can also follow cat slime at @HappyCatSlime

Previous dev thread:
Haven't gotten a lot done lately, but I did just get the room template data I need to procgen levels loaded into the game so I can start on that soon.
Going with a tile based generation method for level generation. Haven't randomized the connections yet, so everything connects to all neighbors right now, but it's looking pretty decent. #gamedev #pico8 #catslime #procgen
Read 22 tweets
Apr 24th 2017
Nice example of map #procgen using Naive Bayes trained on a single hand-made map.… (Thx @alexjc for link!)
.@alexjc Seems similar enough to WCF (…) except it commits to a particular tile immediately, instead of keeping around ...
.@alexjc ... an entire prob distribution of possible output tiles. Which should make production easier (but conflict resolution harder).
Read 3 tweets

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