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Apr 25th 2020
INTRO - Voici ma réflexion sur le revenu de base à la lumière de ce que nous vivons actuellement.

Here are my thoughts on basic income in light how what we are experiencing now.

(English thread was published earlier today) #revenudebase #rbu #rmg
1) Depuis le début de la pandémie et la création de la Prestation canadienne d’urgence (PCU), l’intérêt pour un revenu de base s’est accru… mais aussi la confusion sur ce qu’est et n’est pas un revenu de base. Comme je l’ai dit précédemment, les mots veulent dire quelque chose.
2) En premier lieu, le Revenu de Base Universel (RBU) est un revenu de base, mais un Revenu de Base n’est pas nécessairement un RBU. Le mot “universel” signifie que tout le monde reçoit un chèque, peu importe leur propre revenu.
Read 37 tweets
May 14th 2019
#SupplyChains #India needs to work indipendently with #USA and #China to separate the supply chains headed in the two directions and try to shift as much of them as possible to India
3/n #SupplyChains This is the final opportunity for making India a manufacturing hub, & bring manufacture jobs to India. It would be tragic if we miss this opportunity. I suggest that the new Govt appoint a #MOS(Supply Chains)in @PMOIndia to attract Global supply chains to India.
Read 54 tweets
Jan 21st 2019
@Guardian frontpage article today implies that sourcing clothes from Bangladeshi factories is morally wrong.…. This is a deeply problematic. These factories give income to millions of poor people. I worked for years with these factories. Long THREAD 1/37
Background: Bangladesh is second largest garment exporter in the world, after China. Ca. 4000 factories produce for export, with 4M workers, ca. 3M female. Factories vary from damp poorly lit shacks with few dozen workers to vast modern complexes with 10,000s workers. 2/37
Every major clothing brand in the world sources garments there, from exactly the kind of factories described in the article. If you are outraged over the Spice Girls from this article, you need to be outraged over EVERY large Western cloth retailer. But should you? 3/37
Read 38 tweets

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