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Apr 3rd 2023
🔴On March 31, Madrasa Azizia was set on fire by Hindutva mob during #RamNavami celebrations in #Biharsharif, Naland. Mohammad Shahabuddin, the caretaker of the institution said that The madrasa contained more than 4,500 books which were destroyed in the fire.
“The armed men were chanting ‘#JaiShreeRam,’” said Mohan Bahadur, a guard at the madrasa. He also said the mob attacked him, but he managed to flee. The 110-year-old library was vandalized by armed mob of around 1,000 people. #rssterror #RamNavamiViolence #ModiGovt #Hindutva
The saffron mob threw petrol bombs into the mosque and the library. #MadrasaAzizia was established by Bibi Sogra in memory of her husband, Abdul Aziz, and she is recognized as one of the most respected philanthropists in the history of #BiharViolence and vandalism have marred..
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Mar 12th 2023

The #IndianGovt is arming thousands of civilians in the #Jammu, one of the world’s most militarized places, showing the limits of PM @narendramodi more muscular approach to controlling the region.
#Hindutva #RSS #Kashmir
Many villagers have been equipped with automatic rifles and given defense training for #terrorist attack” scenarios, according to officials. It comes amid a recent uptick in violence against the region’s #Hindu minority.
#rssterror #Kashmir @narendramodi @AmitShah
The decision to revive the groups originally set up in the 1990s was taken by the authorities in March 2022, but the training was ramped up following an attack in #Dangri, a remote village in the #Rajouri district in southern Jammu. @BBCWorld @AlJazeeraWorld @ndtv @timesofindia Image
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Oct 10th 2017
1/ The story of com.UK Kunjiraman, The 1st victim of #RSSTerror in Kannur, Kerala is also the story of Thalassery riots
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@cpimspeak @cgcpimspeak @cpimkarnataka @cpim_hp @tncpim @BJP4India @LeftwordBooks @mallucomrade @KisanSabha @SitaramYechury 2/ By the early-1970s,RSS had chosen Thalassery in Kannur district of Kerala as a special target for spreading its politics of hate&violence
@cpimspeak @cgcpimspeak @cpimkarnataka @cpim_hp @tncpim @BJP4India @LeftwordBooks @mallucomrade @KisanSabha @SitaramYechury 3/The choice of Thalassery was not accidental;D taluk had a large concentration of Muslims as well as a strong communist presence
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