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Sep 13th 2022
"Malone v. Canada (Attorney General) - Raceshifting":…
sec 31 of that canlii file, applicant baldly asserts that he has my genealogy wrong, I still damn well "BALDLY" dispute and assert it, seems funny a RR Metis judge was used in this case, and he lied to boot. He had my full genealogy tree. Image
He see's no merit in fixing "HIS" errors because saying I am 14 generations came in pretty handy for Darryl Leroux to then put me on this #raceshifting website, when he damn well knows he is lying. ImageImageImage
Read 12 tweets
Feb 1st 2022
Benwa, Chief Benoit first nation .. again, not saying anything about him, addressing those who keep calling me and my kinships "pretendian" Image
Jason who is Pierre Lejeune descendant through his son Pierre Lejeune dit Briard and Mom Marie Doucet. Image
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Jan 8th 2022
So on wikitree, I finally figured out how to do the relationship finder thing, good god, it shows how truly stupid that judge and Leroux has to be, and it also shows they totally went out of their way to make it 14 generations, LOL .. My unknown Mi'kmaq grandmother who was
married to Philippe Mius d'Entremont was my 8th GG, my mom's 7th, my nans 6th, and my great nan's Evangeline Mius' 5th. Her dad was born in 1862, Tranquille Mius, that was his 4th Grandmother. Who was there to tell her she was a #raceshifter when telling my nan about our Mi'kmaw
heritage/descendency @DarrylLeroux .. When you have me on your race shifting page as being 14 generations, I have all my papers proving this lineage too asshat. lol .. Wanna keep saying I only have 1 native ancestor, 300 yrs ago, lol .. My 7th great grandfather who is the son
Read 41 tweets
May 30th 2020
Couldn't say it any better myself and fully agree. That man's BS is violent bigotry and it is going to come back and hurt all Indigenous people. If you think the gov is going to stop at using his tactics at just Eastern Metis you are very naive.
There has been so much posted about how the Metis/SangMele people of South West NS were treated differently and not by him because he has an agenda to sell a book and be paid by MNC. They are determined to white wash #EasternMetis people , even though Clem himself has already Le père Sigogne et les Acadiens du sud-ouest de la Nouvelle-Écosse - By Gérald C. Boudreau - sang mele - whites did not want to see their unmarried children mixing with the mixed blood race.
done that to Mi'kmaw people years ago in the RCAP 432 report. RCAP 432 - Clement Chartier - Where are all the Indian People - the people looked different in the East- There were blonds, red heads and I guess i was naive at the time.
Read 21 tweets
Feb 5th 2020
"Proliferation of self-identified Indigenous people represents "new wave of colonialism" - APTN NewsAPTN News":…
Ever stop & wonder what all this lying is about? Ever heard of how important family is in the Mi'kmaw culture. What in the hell is happening? Why are the Metis people from Nova Scotia, being trashed and humiliated? I know we were allies and family with the Mi'kmaw, we went to war
,hunted, fished, and intermarried back and forth. Has colonialism really gone this far? What exactly is happening here? Native Council Nova Scotia - chief and presidents response to Manitoba Metis Federation- NCNS has been in existence for the off reserve Aboriginal People's for
Read 44 tweets
Nov 1st 2019
"Accomplices Not Allies: Abolishing the Ally Industrial Complex – Indigenous Action Media":… - Remind you of anyone, who gets financial gain from being such an "ally."
“Exploitation & Co-optation”
Those who co-opt are only there to advance self interests (usually it’s either notoriety or financial). As these “allies” seek to impose their agenda, they out themselves.
Certain folks in the struggles (usually movement “personalities”) who don’t upset the ally establishment status quo can be rewarded with inclusion in the ally industry. Ahh we see the beginning of it now. #Metis
Read 43 tweets
Sep 18th 2019
The Other natives - the-les Metis- Publisher - Winnipeg-Manitoba Me´tis Federation Press- 1978 #Metis History - an individual could identify as an Indian, A Scot, A frenchmen or a #Metis / #Raceshifting?
MMF identity in 1978./ The Other natives - the-les Metis- Publisher - Winnipeg-Manitoba Me´tis Federation Press- 1978 #Metis History - A Non Native can be a member of MMF if married to a Metis. #Raceshifting #Metis
D. Bruce Sealey / Antoine S. Lussier
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