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Feb 28th 2023
the boyz - roar mv
symbolism & analysis

overall it’s all about the coming back of the fallen=the ancient gods (who let the dogs out is also a signal for their return & the word dogs in general)=the ancient serpents. physical&spiritual world colliding lawlessness &chaos abounding Image
removal of the veil=dimensional tear

removal of veil=revelation of the fallen ones, dimensions merging into one

the word mattress is layered and also signals the word “matter” right after the splits /rips appearing on the screen = material and spiritual world colliding ImageImageImage
those lyrics are self explanatory… imagine fans singing this making an oath with the devil cursing their lives with those words CASTING SPELLS UPON THEMSELVES UNKNOWINGLY
“forever unforgiven” “fallen angel is my name” U ARE MAKING UR VESSEL AVAILABLE TO THE ENEMY

WAKE UP ImageImageImage
Read 16 tweets
Feb 9th 2023
How you should spend your February prepping for ROARwards 3.0 in March 🧵
Stack Lazy Lions

@LazyLionsNFT have some nice deals on the floor & beyond for newcomers & current active collectors to accumulate more. OG Lazy Lions benefit the most from project developments as the highest echelon of the brand & will earn the most Roar points (Currently .42)
Drink 🧃+ 🍼 to complete your Full Set

I feel like matching Full Sets will matter. If you have a virgin Lion, you can drink 🧃 to make an Older Cub & 🍼 to make a Younger Cub. I am betting on matching full Sets to be the top tier ROARward level (cont.)
Read 12 tweets
Nov 30th 2022
Here are my #NFL Week 13 Key Updates to Watch...

Injuries are the Focus this week 👀
#FantasyFootball 🧵

-A. Rodgers (QB) Questionable this week. We could see a Jordan Love sighting

-D. Harris (RB) Out multiple weeks means more work for R. Stevenson

-E. Mitchell (RB) is out multiple weeks + McCaffrey is hobbled. Take a flyer on J.Mason & T.Davis-Price if you have room

-D.Mooney (WR) Out for year. This should help Claypool & Kemt, but volume is still low overall

-A. Robinson (WR) Out for year. If Stafford is out, all bets are off. But V. Jefferson will be WR#1
Read 4 tweets
Nov 29th 2022
Cold exposure to boost your health!

Let's talk about cold showers and winter swimming. We will talk about the nervous system and the implication for physical and psychological well being. #coldshower #icebath #Lifestyle #Health #ROAR Image
The cold-shock response is a simple method to make massive improvements for your life. I talked about temperature regulation in a former thread, which you can visit below.

🧵 (1/18)
To summarize, we know that our body works like a thermostat with thermoreceptors measuring our core (brain) and shell (skin) temperature. To adjust the temperature of our body our skin, muscles and adipose tissue play a major role.

🧵 (2/18)
Read 21 tweets
Nov 27th 2022
All of Great Options in #DraftKings #FantasyFootball This Week... 🏈

Here is what I have my 👀 on!
(1) Stacks A-Plenty!

- Herbert + Allen, Palmer, or Everett
- Tua + Hill or Waddle
- Burrow + Higgins, Perine
- Mahomes + JuJu or Kelce
(2) Get Exposure to... 🌞

- #Chargers @ #Cardinals
- #Dolphins Offense
- #Bengals Offense
- #Seahawks Offense
Read 5 tweets
Oct 29th 2022
Sauna and heat exposure to improve your health!

Let’s talk about how our body works in regulating our body temperature and how sauna can actually improve our physical and mental health. #Sauna #Lifestyle #Health #ROAR

🧵👇 Image
Our body works very similar to a thermostat, where you have a temperature sensor measuring the temperature and a controller comparing the measured temperature with the desired temperature eventually activating a heating or cooling device.

🧵 (1/12)
The body has 2 types of thermoreceptors:

1) Peripheral ones in our skin and viscera
2) Central sensors in our brain (hypothalamus)

Neurons are transporting the information to our thermoregulatory center, the preoptic area (PAO).

🧵 (2/12)
Read 16 tweets
Mar 30th 2022
تحت هذه التغريدة ابرز مسلسلات شهر ابريل
مسلسل #TheOutlaws

يركز المسلسل على مجموعة غرباء يجبروا على
سداد دينهم للمجتمع معاً في بريستول

- S1 | #BBC/#Amazon
- 1 ابريل 2022
- بطولة كريستوفر ووكين
- العرض الثاني
- تم تجديده لموسم ثاني
مسلسل #SlowHorses

مقتبس من رواية تجـسس عن قائد ذكي لكن
سريع الغضب لمجـموعة جواسيس الذين قد
انتهى بهم المطاف بـ Slough House التابع
الى MI5 بعد ان تم نفيهم

- S1 | #AppleTV
- 1 ابريل 2022
- بطولة غاري اولدمان، جونوثان برايس و غيرهم
- اخذ مراجعات ايجابية
Read 31 tweets
Feb 13th 2022
7 observations / narratives from the NFT market year-to-date.

What's hot 🔥 and what's not ❌

1. @AzukiZen has taken the NFT world by storm 🔥

There have been a number of threads about their quality artwork, launch, mint, community aspect, etc.

In a word, it's been DOPE!

The launch was on Jan 12 with a public mint; then a Whitelist mint the day after (all sales 1E).
1a. The buzz quickly took over and pre-reveal prices exceeded 3E.

After a slight post-reveal dip, it was 🚀 time as the floor exceeded 16E at one point.

It has now settled around 11E.

The project has the highest sales activity in the last 30 days!
Read 16 tweets
Aug 4th 2021
@QuigleyEimear @KevinSharpe59 This is the response I recieved from the Dept of Education.…
@QuigleyEimear @KevinSharpe59 Response from @NormaFoleyTD1 basically says:
800ppm is good, but not covid free.
1500ppm is bad so when it gets there, best to open more windows.


@QuigleyEimear @KevinSharpe59 @NormaFoleyTD1 I recieved this letter from Dept of Ed this morning. It seems to backtrack and now giving 800ppm as guidance for C02 monitors when they send them to schools Aug/Sept instead of 1400/1500.

They have not yet updated…
Read 4 tweets
Nov 24th 2019
1.On 12th Oct, a group of campaigners organised #R4OR to highlight the risk of Brexit to our rights. This is the 2nd part of all the speeches from that day.

We @FinalSayForAll work hard to show how #BrexitIsPersonal. If you wish to help, please donate at
2. Annelies @Liesebieke speaks about how limited the access to the NHS is for people with disabilities & how so many of them are paying for treatment themselves. Brexit will only make this worse for her, even make it life-threatening. #ROAR
3. Steve Bray @snb19692 spoke at #R4OR of how SODEM represents everyone, no matter how they voted, and even if they don’t realise it. How we need to understand what led us here & the need for PR. They're fighting for everyone’s rights & future.
Read 11 tweets
May 29th 2019
El mundo del cine y sus increíbles maravillas. Abrimos hilo sobre hechos, curiosidades y datos de cine que tanto fascinan. ¡Vamos allá!
#Cine #curiosidades #elMundoDelCine #hilo #DeshilachandoCine
En los discursos de aceptación de los Oscars, se le ha dado a Steven Spielberg las gracias más que a dios. Aquí están las estadísticas que a quienes se le han dado más las gracias con una estatuilla en la mano.
#Cine #Spielberg #elMundoDelCine #hilo #DeshilachandoCine #Oscars
La leyenda urbana de que todos los relojes en Pulp Fiction están parados a las 4:20 es falsa. Algunos sí, pero no todos ni mucho menos. Hay relojes importantes en la trama que ni de cerca.
#Cine #PulpFiction #elMundoDelCine #hilo #DeshilachandoCine #Tarantino
Read 126 tweets

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