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Aug 30th 2021
🚨The exciting part of the year for Japanese politics is rapidly approaching: with the race for the leadership of the LDP upon us, the general election for the Lower House is getting closer and closer.📆

Reports say that it could take place by Mid-October! Thus, this project:➕ Image
I would like to make a rundown on the 289 Single-Member Districts that compose part of the Lower House of the Japanese Diet.

Let's see the conditions of each district, the candidates & how the Japanese media & history see the race. Join me and follow along! In for a long ride🎢
Yes. I'm THAT crazy. LOL

All in with the 289 districts. Let's do it for fun and in order to learn more (myself included) about JP politics.

Please don't hesitate to add info, point out mistakes or anything you want! #JapanPolitics
Read 109 tweets
Oct 1st 2020
Here it is!

#Inktober2020 day 1 in my #PathogenPortraits series. After years of studying this in cow bums, it had to be #EcoliO157

It causes bloody diarrhoea & if that wasn't bad enough, sometimes kidney failure & death. More info @…
#sciart #microbiology Inktober2020 E. coli O157 c...
#Inktober2020 day 2 in my #PathogenPortraits series. 'The Clap' (Neisseria gonorrhoeae) b/c who doesn't 💚 green purulent discharge?

It's sexually transmitted but also from mother->newborn during birth to cause blindness.
More info:…

#sciart #microbiology Image
#Inktober2020 day 3 in my #PathogenPortraits series. The very 💛golden💛 #MRSA.

Minds it's own business on your skin, but if it gets inside, methicillin won't do a thing to stop it.

More info at #sciart #microbiology Methicillin resistant staph...
Read 34 tweets
Dec 10th 2019

Chikubushima (竹生島), a tiny island on Lake Biwa (琵琶湖), is home to Tsukubusuma-jinja (都久夫須麻神社) & Hogon-ji (宝厳寺), 1 of Japan's 3 great Benzaiten (弁才天) Shrines.
It is believed Benzaiten's first steps on Earth were here.
#Shiga #Japan ImageImageImageImage
Benzaiten, as goddess of 'all that flows', is often enshrined close to water.
Hogon-ji's statue of Benzaiten is one of the most celebrated in Japan. Created in 1565, unusually the goddess is depicted with 8 arms, each carrying an object that confirms her power & divinity. -2- Image
In the distant past, two mountains in Northern Shiga argued over which was tallest. Mt Ibuki (伊吹山) became so angry that he drew a sword & sliced the peak from his rival. The piece flew into Lake Biwa to become Chikubushima. Thus Ibuki-yama became Shiga's highest mountain. -3- ImageImageImageImage
Read 8 tweets

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