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Mar 1st 2022
We're piloting a new project, the Strategic Legal Advice Committee (SLAC) and would love you to come to our free Strategic Litigation Myth-Busting launch event to hear more about it!

Details: Wed 23 March, 5-6.30pm on Zoom

Sign up here:

Speakers below! Image
Our amazing panelists include: @SimonFRCox, @shushinluh, @MikeSpencerLaw, Sasha Rozansky of @dpg_law and Jean Demars of @publiclawcentre

This event is an opportunity to answer all the things you've ever wondered about #strategiclitigation but been afraid to ask.
⚡️Like, how much impact can this really have on the issues we care about?

⚡️Or, how can I ask our lawyer how much strategic litigation will really cost?

⚡️Or how do I explain if there are potential risks to our NGO partners?
Read 4 tweets
Mar 14th 2021
#Thread_ #Balochistan and #SLF.
The State has a history of censoring intellectual debates on #Balochistan. Authorities used to stop student unions from holding discussions, political circles, and debates inside Balochistan.
They would disappear and torture student leaders, journalists, and writers only speaking on issues related to Balochistan. Even the authorities would close the schools, colleges, and institutions for holding talks and political debates on Balochistan inside Balochistan.
Secular voices and politicians have been blackmailed or countered with unknown faces like Balochistan Awami Party (BAP) and hardcore religious fanatics.
Read 10 tweets
Aug 6th 2020
My thread 👇 on #RBIPolicy,the need to hold rates steady for now&analysis of #CanaraBank and #BankofIndia Nos

What is amply clear is,be it #SBI,#HdfcBank,Axis,or smaller Public Sector banks,there has been a dramatic improvement in #AssetQuality,which bodes well

BIG decision by #RBI,is bringing #StartUps under priority sector lending--out of the box move

Move to give 5000Cr addnl liquidity to #Nabard&5000Cr to #NHB,will help agri&real estate

Decision to set up #InnovationHub will help tech innovation&ideation

@narendramodi govt cares!
In April 2020,@narendramodi govt infused 50000Cr,of which 25000Cr was for #NABARD to support #RRBs&MFIs

15000Cr was for #SIDBI,for refinancing financial entities who lend to #MSMEs

#NHB was given 10000Cr to support #HFCs

Today's 10000Cr is over&above this 50000Cr💪

Read 6 tweets
Jan 16th 2020
This is how #ClimateChange is affecting #Wildlife!
#CommonLeopard is now reported from #SnowLeopard's habitat, & experts fear this will not only threaten the #SnowLeopard but may even jeopardize the entire #Ecosystem!

My latest for @third_pole

@WWFPak @SLFPakistan
This story is part of my research I did during my masters in international journalism from @CardiffJomec. I was only able to finalize this after thorough feedback from my supervisors @viewmagazine & @MattSwaine. Cannot thank them enough for their support…
Read 16 tweets

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