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About the right and their anti-trans strategy—that is happening right now.

Rightwingers must drive a wedge between gay people and trans people to effectively demonize trans people. If we all stick together, they lose.

(Same with health—as w/ John Fetterman.)
Rightwing troll:
That “Gay Not Queer” account is 100% a rightwing social media manipulation effort. I’d bet on it.
Funded by the same people that fund Rufo and Knowles and Crowder: rightwing billionaires like Koch.

They’re paying for this trolling.
They seek to split us apart.
While CPAC is getting attention today, the real action is in Florida.
At the Koch-network billionaire donor retreat. Where Republican candidates are heading down to kiss Koch’s ring. For money. Because donors control the GOP.

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#BadSources - our latest investigation into how Indian news agency ANI repeatedly quoted non-existent bloggers, experts, journalists and think tanks spreading anti-Pakistan/China narratives in India. đŸ§”1/N
#BadSources #StoryKillers
To ease your reading, we've shortened ANI's #BadSources to BS in this thread. 2/N
It all started when we took another look at IFFRAS, a Canada-based think tank we had already exposed in our previous #IndianChronicles investigations. 3/N
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This photo shows an account that's been hacked to remotely activate the camera.

But in this case, the author of the intrusion is not a government or hacktivist; it's an open-source intelligence company you've probably never heard of.

#Thread on #StoryKillers part VII (1/8) —
Hidden in a trove of Colombian military docs leaked to @FbdnStories by #Guacamaya, we discovered a brochure for a powerful social media surveillance tool.

Its capacities include influence operations, mass geolocation of targets and even automated phishing campaigns. (2/8)
The leaked brochure highlights use-case examples that demonstrate targeting of activists and journalists.

We linked the brochure to S2T Unlocking Cyberspace, an open-source intelligence company with current and former offices in Singapore, Sri Lanka, the UK and Israel. (3/8)
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In 2020 Israeli company Percepto International run by Lior Chorev & Royi Burstien (ex-CEO of Psy-Group) orchestrated manipulation campaign against Int'l Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Burkina Faso, presumably at govt's request @Cecileski @FbdnStories

Last year I started digging into a @BylineTimes story on Auspex International (run by ex-Cambridge Analytica/Emerdata officials) and their work in Hungary - I noticed Chorev was an ADLE provider and I tweeted about Chorev, Burstien, Percepto International
Below is link to an amazing series of articles from @FbdnStories that are part of a collaborative global investigation

#StoryKillers Inside the deadly disinformation-for-hire

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Around the world journalists are being imprisoned, hacked, even killed. So why should we care about copyright law?

#Thread about the "subtle censorship" of a reputation management firm that uses manipulative methods bury the truth. #StoryKillers


Let's go to 2018. Mexican journalist Daniel Sanchez publishes an investigation into a company contracted by a state governor for @pagina_66.

He starts getting calls asking to take the piece down. He consults with @article19mex who tells him not to.

Daniel 1 - Company 0

Months later, he gets a weird email. It appears to be from the "Compliance Department" of the European Commission. They say he is infringing on a personal data law called #GDPR. Nevertheless, he keeps the article up.

Daniel 2 - Company 0

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VIDÉO : Retour sur #StoryKillers, l’enquĂȘte mondiale du consortium @FbdnStories sur les mercenaires de la dĂ©sinformation.

En se faisant passer pour des clients, les journalistes de @TheMarker @InvestigationRF @haaretzcom sont entrĂ©s en contact avec un mystĂ©rieux “Jorge”.
DĂ©jĂ  impliquĂ© dans le scandale Cambridge Analytica, comme l’a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© l’enquĂȘte, "Jorge" se vante devant les journalistes d'avoir travaillĂ© sur “33 campagnes prĂ©sidentielles” dans le monde, “dont 27 couronnĂ©es de succĂšs".
Pour manipuler l’opinion, “Jorge” propose un outil redoutable dont le consortium a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© l’existence : AIMS.

Devant les journalistes infiltrés, il explique comment #AIMS crée des avatars. Découvrez Sophie Wilde.
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NEW: A reputation management firm called Eliminia has helped drug traffickers, fraudsters, and other criminal actors bury online reports of their crimes via intimidation and search engine manipulation, leaked documents show.

2. Among the firm’s customers are:

💰 Convicted drug traffickers JosĂ© Mestre Fernandez and JosĂ© Nogueira GarcĂ­a

💰 Russian-Georgian mafia money launderer Malchas Tetruashvili

💰 Italian firm Area S.p.A – fined for illegally sending equipment to the Syrian government
3. Eliminalia buried articles on clients’ misdeeds by manipulating search engines with fake news.

After Area S.p.A hired Eliminalia, articles flooded the internet on everything from K-Pop to blockchain mentioning the firm’s name, drowning out legitimate news reports. Image
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If I'm not mistaken, #StoryKillers might be the @FbdnStories project where we publish the most original articles.

Little appreciation #thread for my amazing colleagues:

My colleague @KarinePfenniger looked into a veritable army of US influencers who attacked journalist @ghadaoueiss presumably on behalf of the Saudis. An incredible story that started with the work of @AudreyTravere. 2/

Then there's this exclusive interview by @ILea_Pe that shows the derives of a communications agency into disinfo and influence. The influence market is big and growing, as @EmmaLBriant and other researchers told us. 4/

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Nouvelles révélations #StoryKillers

Ceci est une « Ă©tude de cas », prĂ©sentĂ©e par la sociĂ©tĂ© d’influence israĂ©lienne Percepto International Ă  ses clients, en fait des journalistes sous couverture du consortium @FbdnStories —
Elle raconte, dans le dĂ©tail, comment « limiter l’intervention d’une Ă©minente ONG », pour satisfaire un client, nommĂ© « gov. » comme gouvernement, en anglais.
MalgrĂ© les floutages, nous sommes parvenus Ă  remonter le fil de cette campagne. La victime n’est autre que le ComitĂ© International de la Croix Rouge au Burkina Faso, en aoĂ»t 2020.
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The following is a "case study," presented by Israeli influence firm Percepto International to its prospective clients – in reality undercover journalists for #StoryKillers —
It explains in detail how to "limit prominent NGO intervention" in order to satisfy a client, which they call "gov.”
Despite the blurred content, we were able to trace this campaign back to the source. The victim is none other than the International Committee of the Red Cross in Burkina Faso in August 2020.
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1/ Die #StoryKillers-Recherchen zur Desinformations-Organisation "#TeamJorge" sind phÀnomenaler Investigativjournalismus.

Aber wie steht es um Team Jorge: Können diese Leute wirklich weltweit Wahlen drehen, wie sie behaupten? Ich bezweifle es. đŸ§”

2/ Team Jorge hat den Undercover-Journalisten in einem Videocall ihr Angebot erklÀrt. Die Journis haben den Call aufgezeichnet. Das ist ein erstes Anzeichen, dass es sich um eine eher dilettantische kriminelle Organisation handelt. Warum?

3/ Ein wirklich grosser, professioneller Player im Hacking- und Desinformations-Business wĂŒrde *kaum* den trivialen Fehler machen, mit Unbekannten, deren IdentitĂ€t nicht geprĂŒft wurde, einen Videocall durchzufĂŒhren, den diese am anderen Ende einfach aufzeichnen können.
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Videos #StoryKillers: Today @FbdnStories & 30 media partners reveal “Jorge’s” secretive disinformation business. Discover how he offered to manipulate elections and influence opinions to undercover journalists of the project, from @haaretzcom @InvestigationRF @TheMarker. #Thread
Before journalists who posed as clients, “Jorge” showed how his tool “AIMS” can create avatars for influence campaigns. Meet Sophie Wilde —
The AIMS tool doesn’t just offer avatar creation. The latest version can also create and disseminate automated content in any language, either with a “positive,” “negative” or “neutral” tone.
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💬 𝗧𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗧 #StoryKillers | Team Jorge ou le business de la dĂ©sinformation : posez vos questions Ă  nos journalistes âŹ‡ïž

𝗧𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗧 #StoryKillers | @flornrnd : « Si Team Jorge s’enorgueillit d’avoir travaillĂ© sur de nombreuses campagnes Ă©lectorales, force est de constater que les opĂ©rations que nous avons dĂ©couvertes concernent beaucoup des affaires commerciales ou privĂ©es »

𝗧𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗧 #StoryKillers | Vos questions : « Entre cette histoire et Pegasus, on peut se demander quel est le degrĂ© d'implication des pouvoirs publics israĂ©liens, mĂȘme s'il s'agit de sociĂ©tĂ©s officiellement privĂ©es »

La rĂ©ponse de @Damien_Leloup âŹ‡ïž

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💣 Extraordinary story exposing a team of Israeli hackers-for-hire who meddled in over 30 elections via social media accounts ⁊@guardian⁩ ⁊@carolecadwalla⁩

@guardian @carolecadwalla "When Team Jorge worked covertly on the Nigerian presidential race in 2015 it did so alongside Cambridge Analytica" @FbdnStories
"The methods and techniques described by Team Jorge raise new challenges for big tech platforms, which have for years struggled to prevent nefarious actors spreading falsehoods or breaching the security on their platforms."
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Twisted information, an army of avatars, hacking of high-ranking officials: the second part of #StoryKillers pulls back the curtain on "Team Jorge", a shadowy ”black ops” entity that worked with Cambridge Analytica.

For over 6 months, more than 100 journalists coordinated by @FbdnStories pored over secret recordings obtained by undercover reporters: @InvestigationRF, @TheMarker, @haaretzcom.
In these videos, "Team Jorge" offered a catalogue of services, including influence operations, bot creation and hacking campaigns.

We identified dozens of clients, suggesting their work with Cambridge Analytica was just the tip of the iceberg.
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DerriĂšre le scandale @BFMTV, le projet #StoryKillers qui rĂ©vĂšle aujourd’hui l’existence d’une officine de la dĂ©sinformation.

Elle serait impliquĂ©e dans la manipulation d’une trentaine d’élections dans le monde —

Au dĂ©part de l’enquĂȘte : 3 journalistes du consortium se faisant passer pour des clients et 6h de discussions enregistrĂ©es entre eux et la cellule d’un mystĂ©rieux « Jorge ». @TheMarker, @InvestigationRF, @haaretzcom.
Dans ces vidĂ©os, « Jorge » propose des services allant de la crĂ©ation automatique de bots au piratage d’emails en passant par la manipulation d’élections.

L’enquĂȘte a permis d’identifier des dizaines de clients dans le monde, sur quasiment tous les continents.
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NEW: Undercover reporters expose a group of disinformation experts calling themselves "Team Jorge" and the tactics they claim to have used to influence political campaigns worldwide — including hacking emails and planting fake news.


2. Believing he was courting potential clients, group ringleader "Jorge" showed reporters how he could access the Telegram account of an advisor to William Ruto, who was running for president in Kenya then. He appeared to read a polling survey and send a message to a businessman. Image
3. "Jorge" also explained another disinformation trick: curating targeted social media campaigns, a technology he claims to have sold to more than 10 intelligence agencies. Image
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From Bangalore, to Paris, to Berlin and finally in Delhi, nearly nine months of reporting for #storykillers is now published by Forbidden Stories and their partners.

Some findings here :
Picking up where Lankesh left off, Forbidden Stories investigated Postcard News.

I found that in the years following Lankesh’s killing, Hegde grew closer to the BJP, co-founding a company that lists an active BJP advisor as a director.

In August 2021, Hegde co-founded a PR firm, Wise Index Media, which lists two additional directors: Shrikanth Kote and Beluru Sudarshana.

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« À l'Ăšre des fausses informations », c’est le titre du dernier Ă©ditorial de Gauri Lankesh.

La journaliste indienne a Ă©tĂ© tuĂ©e avant qu’il ne soit publiĂ©. Avec #StoryKillers, @FbdnStories a poursuivi son travail sur la dĂ©sinformation. (1/10)
#StoryKillers est une enquĂȘte internationale sur les mercenaires de la dĂ©sinformation, coordonnĂ©e par Forbidden Stories avec plus de 100 journalistes.

De nouvelles révélations seront publiées toute la semaine. (2/10)

Dans son dernier Ă©ditorial, Gauri Lankesh dĂ©nonce celles et ceux qui se servent des « fake news » comme d’une arme.

Elle identifie l’origine d’une rumeur virale : Postcard News, un site local connu pour attaquer les journalistes et propager de fausses informations. (3/10)
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"In the age of false news": this was the title of Gauri Lankesh's prescient final editorial.

In 2017, Lankesh was shot dead before it went to print. @FbdnStories pursued her work on #disinformation. A #StoryKillers thread. (1/10)
 (by @PhineasJFR)
Lankesh's final editorial was the start of the #StoryKillers project.

A global investigation into disinformation mercenaries that brought together more than 100 journalists from 30 media outlets in more than 20 countries. (2/10)

In her editorial, she described how fake news is used as "weapon," and wrote about the "lie-factories" that spread disinformation in #India.

She traced a viral rumor to Postcard News, a local site known to attack journalists and spread falsehoods. (3/10)
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