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Nov 18th 2022
A friend in US had to pay $2,000 (₹1.6 Lakhs) for Ambulance 🤯

Don't even ask me how much for the treatment😔

He could've avoided this if he had Travel Insurance 🤩

Here's all you need to know about TRAVEL INSURANCE👇
1/ What is Travel Insurance?

If you are travelling abroad and you-
-> Lose your passport
-> Misplace your luggage
-> Luggage gets stolen
-> Fall sick or meet an accident

or if your flight gets delayed,

Financial loss for the same will be covered by Travel Ins. to an extent
2/ How much cover?

There's a famous saying in the US,

"You have to sell yourself to get treated."

Doctors and Hospitals send bill separately.

If you have to get a surgery, don't budget anything less than $25,000 (INR 20L)

So on a safer side, have a cover of $25-30k at least
Read 9 tweets
Aug 4th 2021
The recent attention in the media to the pressing issue of #DocumentedDreamers gives us an opportunity to take a bigger view of immigration issues. The issue of kids aging-out is an unintended though not unforeseeable consequence of massive #GCBacklogs.🧵 👇 1/9
Fundamentally, this is a demand-supply and allocation issue. The number of #GC annually given out has not changed meaningfully since 1990. Meanwhile the US economy and labor market today are completely different from back then. 2/9
On top of this supply issue of #GC is the fact that their allocation is not equitable. How long you wait in line, usually boils down to the country you were born in. Not on skills, education, work experience, duration of stay in the US or contribution to the economy. 3/9
Read 9 tweets
Apr 30th 2021
Arguments linking per-country caps to maintaining diversity in America are used repeatedly. They came up yet again during the house judiciary committee hearing on 04/28, so we wanted to take some time to address it. 1/12
The thing being considered right now, is the removal of per-country caps in EB immigration. The caps apply to immigrants in this category who are ALREADY in the US and have been awaiting their turn for a green card for years! 2/12
Eliminating these per-country caps wouldn't let in any more EB immigrants into the US annually than right now. It would just make it make everyone stand in the SAME LINE for them, irrespective of their country of birth. 3/12
Read 14 tweets
Apr 6th 2021
1.@wkamaubell @drdrew Unlike you I don’t have a @KeckMedUSC #MD but I’ve known that #Vaccines are needed to travel internationally since I was 4. In 1959 my father had several vaccines. These left scars which were noticeable until he died in 2009. I don’t have the records for...
2. these but I know how the #SalazarDictatorship worked. I’m sure that my father had to provide his vaccine records to leave #Portugal to go work in #Angola. His scars weren't enough proof. I’ve known about the #InternationalCertificateOfVaccination since I was 8 bc......
3. my parents, sister & I were each issued 1 to proof that we had gotten the #SmallpoxVaccine in order to immigrate here. We also had to have lung x-rays to proof we didn’t have TB. Here are pictures of mine from 1963:
Read 13 tweets
Jul 7th 2020
1. I was an international student admissions evaluator & advisor for 3 years. I’ve issued I-20s. I’ve had countless international students in my office. I currently still work in international admissions/collegiate administration. 1/14
2. I am not/have never been an international student, but I want US natives to understand why their international classmates/students/peers are freaking out & overwhelmed right now:
- Imagine you were admitted to a university in a foreign country. It’s prestigious and exciting.
3. - You can only get the visa paperwork to come if you fork over/provide proof of enough money for a full year’s tuition, living expenses, MANDATORY student insurance, and various fees.
- Maybe you get lucky or are awarded funding based on your merit to offset costs. Maybe not.
Read 15 tweets

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