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Whether you're Left, Right, or Centrist, #GC, #TransRights, #BlackLivesMatter, #AllLivesMatter, pro-#NHS, anti-#lockdown, #Republican or #Monarchist, the Govt's draconian, antidemocratic, & anti-free speech Public Order Bill should concern #EVERYONE. 🇬🇧
GENEVA, 27/04/23:

The Public Order Bill, which has now been passed by the UK Parliament, is deeply troubling legislation that is incompatible with the UK’s international human rights obligations regarding people’s rights to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly & association.
“This new law imposes serious & undue restrictions on these rights that are neither  necessary nor proportionate to achieve a legitimate purpose as defined under international law.”
- UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk.
Read 11 tweets
🧵Ya tenemos la sentencia del Tribunal Supremo n.º 424/2023, de 29 de marzo, que estima el recurso de casación interpuesto por el Coronel Pérez de los Cobos en relación a su cese como jefe de la Comandancia de Madrid. Vamos con un hilo de #DerechoMilitar versión admvo (1/28) Image
En su momento analizamos la sentencia del Juzgado Central de lo Contencioso-Administrativo por este mismo asunto aquí (2/28):
HECHOS: El Coronel Pérez de los Cobos era el Jefe de la Comandancia de la Guardia Civil de Madrid. En la organización periférica de la #GC, la Comandancia es la unidad territorial de ámbito provincial, salvo Asturias y Cádiz que cuentan con dos Comandancias (3/28) Image
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Today, TBS set a common approach to hybrid work in the federal public service that will see employees work on site at least 2–3 days each week or 40–60% of their regular schedule: (1/3)
As the employer, TBS is refining how hybrid work is applied across the #GC. This will give employees & Canadians the benefits of in-person experiences, while maintaining flexibility – ensuring fairness & equity across workplaces. (2/3)
Employee health and safety remains paramount, and the #GC will continue to follow guidance from Health Canada. (3/3)
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So apparently the BBC is anti trans now.
According to one poster with flags (means one is a good person) in bio.
Have you been under a rock?

The BBC only pulled out of Stonewall last year after years of captured and bias reporting.…
See example A
A CBBC (childrens) documentary about “becoming a trans man”….
Read 7 tweets
🧵 Earlier this week I wrote an article about how I narrowly avoided the #transwagon (play on bandwagon)
I attempted to address the whys and it was entirely about my personal experience.
I skated around and I don’t think fully addressed the connection between my being autistic
and the reasons for latching on to the “inbetween” of non binary.
So here goes
Autistic people often have sensory issues, physical discomfort in one’s body. As a consequence comfort is key. To some this means compression clothing, to others loose and baggy.
An aversion to change.
Binding one’s breasts, wanting everything solid to give one a better centre of gravity. There is also a correlation between autism and poor muscle tone. Often co-morbid with autism is dyspraxia. For all these reasons autistic people feel PHYSICAL discomfort and disconnect
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1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial, Update on New HFrEF Data from ESC 2022 with a Focus on Vericiguat. Our expert author is Giuseppe Galati MD, MMSc in Heart Failure, FHFA, @GiuseppeGalati_ , Consultant #Cardiologist #HeartFailure & #Cardiomyopathies
2) @GiuseppeGalati_ is at San Raffaele Research Hospital, Milan 🇮🇹 @SanRaffaeleMI. This program is intended for #healthcare professionals & is accredited for 0.75h CE/#CME credit for #physicians #physicianassistants #nurses #nursepractitioners #pharmacists.
3) This program is supported by an educational grant from Bayer. See archived programs still open for credit at Statement of accreditation & faculty disclosures at🙏 FOLLOW US !
Read 43 tweets
#GC #Gold 🧵To, że na poziomie ~1678 USD/oz popyt będzie próbował wyciągnąć armaty przeciw Niedźwiedziom, nie jest większym zaskoczeniem: dołek z sierpnia '21 - 1677.9, wcześniej z marca '21 było1673 - 1676. Do tego RSI(14) około 20 pkt, to razem zachęca Byki do obrony ImageImage
Dodajmy do tego, że tygodniowy RSI jest niecały punkt nad klasyczną linią wyprzedania Wellesa Wildera (30 pkt), co wzmacnia potencjał obronny strefy/2 Image
1) "Wszyscy" się obrony tego poziomu spodziewają i stawiają na to swoje pieniądze
2) Brak dywergencji RSI(14) na dziennym /3
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#Gold #GC 🧵 zbliża się do poważnych wsparć. "Wszyscy" widzą okolice 1670 USD/oz, nieliczni zauważają, że trochę pod tym wsparciem znajduje się istotna, wieloletnia linia trendu (strefa 1620 - 1680, kwestia dokładności rysunku na dużym dystansie) /1 ImageImage
Dzienny RSI jest już mocno wyprzedany, tygodniowy tylko lekko, więc cena po lekkim odbiciu ma jeszcze przestrzeń do spadków, które prawdopodobnie zrobią dywergencję z RSI na dziennym /2 ImageImage
Prawdopodobnie któreś z pokazanych wsparć (linia trendu i / lub wsparcie ~1670)spowoduje odbicie i wzrost ceny. Pytanie o charakter tego odbicia pozostaje otwarte... /3 EOT
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Today, Bill C-28 received Royal Assent and became law. This means that any person who consumes drugs and/or alcohol in a criminally negligent manner will be held criminally responsible if they harm others while extremely intoxicated. Bill C-28 An Act to Amend the Criminal Code (self-induced ex
Ensuring that our criminal justice system supports victims and survivors of crime, holds offenders to account, and respects Charter rights is a #GC priority.
The changes to the #CriminalCode are one of several ways the GC is taking action to support victims and survivors of crime and to improve confidence in the criminal justice system.
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Community-based justice services to Inuit peoples in Nunavik are at the heart of Makivik Corporation ’s Makivik Justice Program. @Makivik_Corp
This program helps to address overrepresentation in the criminal justice system by offering culturally adapted approaches that emphasize healing for individuals, families and communities and address the underlying causes of crime.
The Makivik Justice Program’s alternative justice processes help offenders understand their behaviour and its impacts on others. This helps to reduce their risk of reoffending and contributes to lowering the overrepresentation of Indigenous peoples in the justice system.
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The recovery of unmarked burial sites at former residential schools is a reminder of the shameful legacy of residential schools and colonialism. A grey and navy graphic wit...
We must ensure continued support to communities as they respond to and heal from intergenerational trauma and the ongoing impacts of residential schools. The #GC is committed to undertaking this work in partnership with Indigenous peoples and communities.
To support the appointment of a Special Interlocutor who will work collaboratively with Indigenous peoples and make recommendations for changes to strengthen federal laws and practices to protect & preserve unmarked burial sites, #Budget2022 proposes $10.4 million over two years.
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There is an anti-trans genocide and we keep shouting it from the rooftops.

In Missouri they discussed banning trans people to the age of 25.

Texas is investigating parents.

Florida is considering social transition bans.

And Norway... Medical detransitioning is happening.
We need people to fight for us more than ever now, and if you are trans, you have to consider what you need to do to maintain your medication supply globally.
A lot of people are asking questions about the clinic and from what I’ve been able to gather, it was one of the few private clinics they have in Norway. The UK did this with one of their private clinics as well.

They seem to be issuing directives for under 18s all around.
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Os traigo hoy unas ideas que podéis utilizar para cuando estáis esperando entrar al mercado en las #cripto en #BTC o para cuando estéis con posiciones abiertas. Vale para cualquier activo. #ES, #NQ, #GC, #HC, #CL Lo aprendí como FASE DE MOVIMIENTO. Es = q Mark up/Markdown. 1/14
En definitiva, es la transición d una Fase d Acumulación a F Distribución. Donde todos queremos estar cuando se produce. Como saber q se está terminando esta fase?. Siempre hay que fijarse en velas con volúmenes ULTRA ALTOS y grandes o muy grandes rangos de las velas, estas 2/14
formaciones suelen ser el preludio de un AGOTAMIENTO, una finalización de la tendencia actual (considere que esta tenencia puede estar formando parte de otra de grado mayor), entonces diremos que es un AGOTAMIENTO PARCIAL, el problema es que no lo sabremos hasta que no se 3/14
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Okay I’ve been saving this one for the right moment. The ultimate timeline cleanse: Animals riding other animals, a thread. 🧵

1/ To kick things off, here’s a monkey riding a deer. 🐒 🦌 Image
2/ here’s a weasel riding a woodpecker — woodpecker looks terrified but the experience looks forgettable 🦅 Image
3/ penguin riding seal 🐧 🦭 Image
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Statement on a cyber incident involving @GAC_Corporate: The #GC deals with ongoing and persistent cyber risks and threats every day. #GCDigital (1/9)
Cyber threats can result from system or application vulnerabilities, or from deliberate, persistent, targeted attacks by outside actors to gain access to information. (2/9)
.@TBS_Canada & @SSC_CA, can confirm they are working with #GC partners, including @cse_cst & its Canadian Centre for Cyber Security, in response to a recent cyber incident involving @GAC_Corporate. (3/9)
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(1/7) A quality control tool for raw #sequence data. Using #FastQC you may check:
🚀 Per base sequence #quality (do you see a drop in sequencing quality near the read end?). This view shows an overview of the range of quality across all bases at each position in the FASTQ file. Per base sequence quality FastQC
(2/7) Per sequence quality scores (how many reads are the best?) The per sequence quality score report shows whether a subset of sequences has universally low-quality values. Per sequence quality scores FastQC
(3/7) Per base sequence content (the proportion of each base position in a file for which each of the four normal #DNA bases has been called). Ideally, in a random library, we would see four parallel lines representing the relative base composition. Per base sequence content FastQC
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Starting to look at the governments #ConversionTherapy documents. I wonder what the @BACP, @UKCP_Updates @BPSOfficial @BPSSexualities @BritPsyCouncil @ncs_counselling @PinkTherapyUK all think about the highlighted section here? I especially wonder what the #MoU2 think.
I also want to point out that there is a brag about us being in the @ILGAEurope top 10.

The UK was first in 2015 or 2016.
In 2021 we have slipped to 10th. What does that tell you?

#lgbt #banconversiontherapy #transphobia #inequality
Furthermore, counselling is not a regulated profession, so how will they legislate for this? How can they call #ConversionTherapy "abhorrent", then state that adults can consent?

Everyone at risk of conversion therapy is vulnerable, not just children.

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My story, re #Glinner, & my #GrahamLinehanIsVile & #GlinnerisVile tweet, which resonated. MY story. Not his.

I was a trans ally, or so I believed. And then? I read a thread re an infamous Canuck trans woman, who seemed overly fixated on cis girls. /1
This person welcomed controversy. Clearly has problems. Still does. But. Seemed to THRIVE on it. I was violently sexually assaulted (cis man), as a kid, by someone who resembled her, loosely. I freaked out. /2
Still an ally, I contacted a respected Canuck trans woman, involved in politics. I asked, "What can I do?". She had good ideas, as also worried re this person (NOT because trans). I then spoke to an alleged victim. /3
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The recent attention in the media to the pressing issue of #DocumentedDreamers gives us an opportunity to take a bigger view of immigration issues. The issue of kids aging-out is an unintended though not unforeseeable consequence of massive #GCBacklogs.🧵 👇 1/9
Fundamentally, this is a demand-supply and allocation issue. The number of #GC annually given out has not changed meaningfully since 1990. Meanwhile the US economy and labor market today are completely different from back then. 2/9
On top of this supply issue of #GC is the fact that their allocation is not equitable. How long you wait in line, usually boils down to the country you were born in. Not on skills, education, work experience, duration of stay in the US or contribution to the economy. 3/9
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Tras 48 años el Royale Union St Gilloise vuelve a la primera división de Bélgica. En Suiza, el club más ganador del país regresa a la élite: Grasshopper Club Zürich. ¿Qué otros clubes con títulos e historia en primeras divisiones de Europa continúan en el Ascenso? Los repasamos.
Union St Gilloise se fundó en 1897 en el municipio de Forest, uno de los 19 que rodean a Bruselas. Para 1935 el club tenía ganados 11 campeonatos de Bélgica y 2 Copas, además de otros 8 subcampeonatos, lo que lo ubicaba como el club más ganador del país. #RUSG
Incluso entre 1933 y 1935 estuvo 60 partidos invicto, lo cual es un récord en el fútbol de Bélgica. Sin embargo, tras la segunda guerra mundial, el equipo cayó en un pozo irrecuperable. Solo en 1960, tras una buena campaña, llegó a disputar la Copa UEFA y cayó en semifinales.
Read 33 tweets
Una conclusión s/ #CoronavirusRD y cómo el gobierno lo ha politizado de forma tan ruin y hostil. NADIE ha hecho MEJOR PAPEL humano, político, como estadista y de responsabilidad social como Luis Abinader. -Abro un hilo- Cc. @luisabinader / @GonzaloCTerrero / @LeonelFernandez
(2) El #GobDom, @danilomedina y el #PLD desesperados ante la inminente derrota en las #EleccionesPresidenciales, como paso en las municipales del #15M, no solo hace uso politiquero de la crisis #COVID19, sino que también usa la coyuntura para campaña sucia vs @luisabinader.
(3) A parte de lo descarado que resulta usar la desgracia humana que padecemos por el #COVID19, el #GobDom, no solo ha sido grosero en el uso de los recursos del estado, sino también inepto. No tomó las medidas a tiempo, no cerraron las fronteras, han jugado con la vida de #RD.
Read 20 tweets
If you've been following #Global #Capital #Markets, you'll have noted a significant rebound in some of the world's key stock market indices. This follows a "correction" in the wake of #COVID19. The rebound largely comes on the back of #CentralBank commitment to "lower for longer"
While #CentralBank commitment to "lower for longer" might help rally markets today, it is still imperative for us to consider the #Global #MonetaryPolicy #Toolbox and if policy makers will have enough space to "keep cutting" or providing "stimulus" moving forward.
Below are #CentralBank meeting dates for March 1st to 7th 2020. From this list, Banks that usually "move the needle" as it where, are Bank of #Australia & the Bank of #Canada. As it so happens, Bank of Australia cut policy rate by 25bps to 0.5% citing #COVID19 as downside risk.
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The @UKLabour @LibDems & @TheGreenParty have, clearly & explicitly, supported male entryism into female safe space, gender stereotyping, erasure of lesbian & gay identity, sterilisation of kids, silencing academics and have ignored the violent harassment of #GC women. Women vote.
Scotland is the exception that proves the rule. @theSNP has halted the executive rush to self-ID, has high-profile gender-critical feminists @joannaccherry & @JoanMcAlpine and allies of debate such as @glasgowcathcart. @scottishlabour has too but is considered a UK branch office.
I mean no disrespect to @scottishlabour who have had a hard night and I admire @LabourRichard for supporting debate on this issue. I simply mean the Scottish electorate have not differentiated them from the main UK party that like the other 2 bans debate and excludes dissenters.
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