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Mar 8th 2022
Since it's #InternationalWomensDay, here's a thread of TEN #BlackWomen #Creators in #Anime and #Manga Spaces that you NEED to know about!
First up is: @NeyshaPlays, an exceptionally talented
multidisciplinary Digital Creative. She's a podcaster, writer & pop culture critic and an AMAZING Cosplayer. Is there anything that she can't do?

P.S. The answer to that question is NO. She can do everything!
Next we have: @tudzdotexe! Tudz is a #BlackBritish Youtuber, Podcaster, Streamer and Magical Girl. Get into her content please, because it is AMAZING!

Her #Podcast: @4EyesAcademia

Her #Youtube Channel:…
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