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May 7th 2021
1) Enabling #Wholistic Wellbeing for humanity, one person at a time
2) The universe has been kind to me, so I pay it forward with @RoundGlassUS #RoundGlass
3) I found that my #Wellbeing had to be addressed in my mind, body and spirit, nothing in the market was providing that for me. I found that the idea of #wholisticwellbeing was the right way to achieve that & to help others and this drives me every day
Read 31 tweets
Jan 26th 2021
4/ag Here's a solution for "experts on everything" looking for political solutions: Central Govt should #abolish the #APMC Act and the #ECA, along with the 3 new agri laws, and leave every State to make own Agricultural laws. Then they'll be responsible/ accountable to voters!
5/ag Subject to proviso, that States cannot stop inter-state trade in agricultural goods, which framers of the constitution, correctly put under Union Govt's purview. Nor can States force CG to take any action which is responsibility of State, nor obstruct anything in Union list!
Read 19 tweets

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