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Nov 20th 2021
Is This the Right Time to Close Down #APMC Mandis Sans Consulting All Stakeholders?…
Home truth of Indian agriculture: #Farmincome declined in India in 7 years,…
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Jul 8th 2021

केंद्रीय माहिती व प्रसारणमंत्री @ianuragthakur आजच्या केंद्रीय मंत्रीमंडळ बैठकीतील निर्णयाची माहिती देताना.


नारळ बोर्ड कायद्यात सुधारणा करणार. नारळ बोर्डाचा अध्यक्ष अशासकीय असणार. कार्यकारी कामकाजासाठी एक मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी असेल.

केंद्र सरकारकडून नेमणूक करण्यात येणाऱ्या सदस्यांची संख्या 6 करण्यात आली आहे.

@nstomar @AgriGoI

अर्थसंकल्पात जाहीर केलेल्या एक लाख कोटी रुपयांच्या निधीसाठी #APMC पात्र असणार.

याचा वापर मंडयांमध्ये पायाभूत सुविधांचा विकास करण्यासाठी करता येणार : केंद्रीय कृषीमंत्री @nstomar

@AgriGoI @PIBAgriculture
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Feb 5th 2021
A tweet thread.
Re: #FarmersProtest There is a great deal of ignorance and misinformation about the freedoms currently available to Indian farmers and big business houses., even before the #farmLaws were dreamt up by the #ModiGovt that is causing so much turmoil in India.
Take one example. When McDonald's (NYSE: MCD; Market Cap USD 158 Bn) opened in India, they found the Indian potato was not the right kind for their french fries. The Govt did not allow the import of American or European potatoes. What did they do?
Read on:
McDonald India went to the enterprising Indian farmer and did a deal "Grow this variety of potato, to these specs and we'll guarantee to pay this price and what's more we'll pick up your crop come what may". No #mandis no #APMC. #ContractFarming with guarantees.
Read 16 tweets
Jan 26th 2021
4/ag Here's a solution for "experts on everything" looking for political solutions: Central Govt should #abolish the #APMC Act and the #ECA, along with the 3 new agri laws, and leave every State to make own Agricultural laws. Then they'll be responsible/ accountable to voters!
5/ag Subject to proviso, that States cannot stop inter-state trade in agricultural goods, which framers of the constitution, correctly put under Union Govt's purview. Nor can States force CG to take any action which is responsibility of State, nor obstruct anything in Union list!
Read 19 tweets
Dec 12th 2020
Disagree !
1) Set a limit on #MSP purchase say 5Mn tonnes .
2) Ensure all of it is purchased directly from #Farmers via #ContractFarming for @FCI_India .
3) Ensure the contracts go only to #Farmers having 5acres or less land with a total asset calculation of less than ₹10Lakh.
#MSP is necessary to uplift the downtrodden small #Farmers & hence should not be abolished . What is necessary is reformation of the system to cut out the #APMC via direct Contracts by @FCI_India under a @Amul_Coop like cooperative model to directly acquire grains from farms .
The govt of #India needs to reform @FCI_India as well , turn it from a PDS feedstock storage to a true #food corporation that can be used to sell FCI branded flour & Rice directly to consumers on market prices under the @kvicindia model .
Expand to other foods as well.
Read 11 tweets
Sep 20th 2020
This is a #revolutionary #reform of the #agriculture #sector, which will help farmers and hurt middle men & their political partners who share in monopoly rents. I have observed hints of this rent seeking in decision process of the Committee of Secretaries on prices!
2/ru Don't let vested interests mislead u by red herring of Usery (which is banned since 1918). That's a separate issue which was addressed by bank nationalization, DFIs, setting up of NBFCs and the proliferation of micro finance institutions(MFIs… )
Read 7 tweets
Sep 18th 2020
My thread on historic #FarmBills by @narendramodi govto unshackle farmers from monopolistic #APMCs&give them freedom of price discovery,rebuts flimsy allegations

It also highlights why most farmers' protests are concentrated in Punjab

How Modi broke,the wily #Arhatiya system👇
* govt to
Do #AgricultureBills remove MSP? No!Do Bills remove Procurement by FCI?No

Do #FarmBills tamper with PDS?No

There are 6900 APMCs now,with each #APMC catering to 300-400 villages;The Bills will create new #TradeAreas that will not replace but compete with APMCs,hence the protests
Read 5 tweets
Sep 18th 2020
Defanging #APMCs mean👇

Farmers can sell directly to processors,at price they wish to,with no middlemen

Farmers can sell beyond Notified Mandi

#MSP to continue

#TradeCartelisation to end

@narendramodi gov creating single #AgriMarket
My Oped @firstpost…
While @HarsimratBadal_ has politicised the issue,#Punjab,an @INCIndia ruled State,is one of the few States that already allows #ContractFarming,in select commodities,to farmers,via separate State legislation..So opposition to #FarmBills by Congressis&Akalis,is not about Farmers!
Are #Akalis opposed to #FarmBills of @narendramodi govt,as these Bills once they become Acts,will strip Mandi Traders,wily Commission Agents,Food Processors,Exporters&Marketing Committees of #APMCs,of the brazen power they wield,forcing farmers to sell their produce,dirt cheap?😑
Read 10 tweets
Jun 5th 2020
Shiromani Akali Dal will never compromise on the issue of Minimum Support Price & Assured Marketing for farmers' produce, especially for paddy & wheat. We have already ensured that the present assured marketing and MSP regime for farmers produce will continue. 1/3

#APMC #farmers Image
Federalism and interests of the Panth, Punjab & farmers form the four pillars on which the edifice of @Akali_Dal_ stands, and there will never be any compromise on any one of these. No sacrifice is too high for us for protecting these pillars through peaceful democratic ways. 2/3 Image
Punjab CM @capt_amarinder today lied in broad daylight on the issue of the #APMC. He has in fact already given his assent to the main provisions of the Act on August 14, 2017. Now the only thing he will be remembered for after 2022 is the withdrawal of free power to farmers. 3/3 Image
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