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Oct 19th 2022
#Engel suunnitteli tämän rakennuksen #Senaatintori'n ladalle, mutta #venäläiset rakensivat sen.
- Kuten #siionisti'en määräämät #Lenin- ja #RauhanPatsas poistot, tämä häpeällinen 'valtioneuvoston linna', olisi enempien miljardi -tuhojen estämiseksi poistettava #WTC911 tapaan. Image
Niinsanotun 'Valtioneuvoston', linna
- Eugen #Schauman ampui kenraalikuvernööri Nikolai #Bobrikovin kuoliaaksi linnan toisen kerroksen tasanteella vuonna 1904. Surmapaikalle on myöhemmin kiinnitetty muistolaatta.… ImageImage
The #Davos controlled #FifthColumn, selected by rigged #elections in 2019 in the #HappiestCountry.
- The only target is to destroy #Finnish #economy by crushing the resistance using famine, to pave a way to a archipelago of #NATO #NuclearWeapons. Image
Read 9 tweets
Sep 11th 2021
Kafir never remembers the history and they never forget it!

Ever wonder why 11th Sep was chosen for the terrorist attack against the United States of America in 2001?

Sadly most people believe that it was a coincidence.

It was on 11th September 1683, when Europeans drove the Islamic invader from the gates of #Vienna. The proud #Turkish Army was humiliated.

The battle of Vienna was the turning point in the struggle against Muslim attempts to conquer Europe.
Since the Battle of Vienna the military might of the Ottoman empire fell into continuous decline.

Al-Qaeda chose the anniversary of this event to show the world that the Muslim forces were back in business again.

They remembered and we...??

Read 6 tweets

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