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Hi, actual #WotCStaff and D&D Designer here. I am credited on several UA releases—and I’ve made edits to that content based on both qualitative and quantitative survey results.

Let’s walk through what happens behind the scenes of a UA, shall we? 🧵
1. We design player-facing mechanical elements that we hope to include in a future product. We then place those mechanical elements into a UA document and release it, to see what our player base at large thinks of it.

2. We release a survey about the UA.
3. The survey information is collated by members of the team. It’s broken down into two parts: quantitative satisfaction expressed as a percentage, and a summary of qualitative feedback trends noticed in the comments.
Read 8 tweets
I was able to speak to former and current WotC employees for this latest piece, and the situation inside the Seattle stronghold is dire. Here's a report on some of what happened in between the OGL 1.1 leak on Jan 5 and the apology yesterday.…
Long story short: nobody in WotC planned for the OGL 1.1 to be widely seen before @io9 reported on it. We confirmed the rumored "sweetheart deals" WotC presented to 3PP in late December. And how the fan-led #DnDBegone campaign sent the biggest message.
There WAS an OGL 2.0 that was supposed to release Thursday, alongside a FAQ. The 2.0 would go into effect Fri. We saw the FAQ ahead of time. It was a half-step back. When the FAQ began to spread, WotC buttoned up in order to avoid more leaks to press and content creators.
Read 9 tweets
To celebrate the #MTGBRO Transformers cards, I thought I'd do a little thread of design notes for the cards. First up: Optimus Prime, of course! #WotCStaff 1/?
Optimus changed throughout design, but the Robot's death trigger reviving as a truck never did. It was a good nod to his history of sacrificing himself for the team only to return...though we did keep accidentally enabling infinite loops. #WotCStaff 2/?
Starscream stayed close to this design the whole time. Most change revolved around which side was which and color identity. We always think about how the audience might combine their favorite characters in the same deck, and how to support that. #WotCStaff 3/?
Read 17 tweets
Because #MTGUNF is my baby, they gave me a social media preview. I chose this card because there's an interesting story behind it. which I'm going to tell today. I want you to try and predict what the card might do from my story before you see it. (1/10)
When we decided to make some of the cards eternal, I put together a four-person team: @Dunkatog, the Rules Manager, @Em_TeeGee from the play design team, @WotC_Matt, the set’s editor, and myself. Today’s preview card came up in the meeting. (2/10)
@Dunkatog said, “This works perfectly in the rules, I have no issue with it.” @Em_TeeGee said, “I have a few tweaks I’d like to do ratewise, but given those changes, I’m good with it.” @WotC_Matt said, “I can write it on a card.” So, the card got marked as eternal. (3/10)
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We reprinted six of the Ice Age / Apocalypse "painlands" in #MTGDominaria. Why these six cards, and not any of the other four? Read on to find out! #WOTCstaff 1/6
We knew we wanted to reprint the allied painlands to help to balance mana bases in the Pioneer format, where only the enemy colored painlands were legal. The challenge was in the cards' names: several of them had proper nouns unique to Dominaria. 2/6
Dominaria United and The Brothers' War provided the opportunity we needed. We could stick the allied lands in one set and the enemy lands in the other. Easy-peasy! But not so fast! 3/6
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I led the design process for the box toppers for #MTGDominaria. These cards are updated designs representing characters that appeared as legendary creatures in the 1994 Legends set.
Before we get into card-by-card discussions, let's talk about constraints! It's important to have constraints when designing things, even if those constraints are pretty arbitrary.
1. Each card should correspond with a legendary creature card from the original Legends set.
2. Each card should be the same colors as the original card. (Jedit Ojanen is a slight exception.)
3. Each color identity should be equally represented among the cards.
4. There should be 20 cards.
Read 30 tweets
The #mtg Reserve List convo has bubbled back up. My stance as it was when I was #wotcstaff: you can’t abolish it for legal reasons that would bankrupt the game. But you don’t need to… 1/
You can smash it by just printing improved versions of the cards. Make a Black Lotus that sacs for CCCC. Make Mox that gain you life when they ETB. But a better solution to solve the problem is a design like: 2/
White Lotus 0
When <CARDNAME> ETBs you gain an emblem with “If you would cast or have cast a card named Black Lotus, you lose the game.”
Tap/sac: add 3 mana
Read 6 tweets
During our cooking class last month, I noticed our chef skipping a few steps while preparing traditional Iranian rice, which I've made many times.

Later, when we were eating and conversing, I asked him about the steps he skipped, hoping to learn more. 🧵 #WOTCstaff #dnd
"Agha, I noticed you didn't poke holes in the rice before steaming it," I said to him softly. "My baba and grandmother always taught me to do it that way so the steam could rise through the rice and make it fluffy. Was this just a folktale, or does it actually help the dish?"
"No, you're right! It does help," he replied.

But he went on to say that his first priority was that the students in these classes—who come from all sorts of backgrounds and places—actually go home and cook these dishes, to welcome them in their homes and make them their own.
Read 9 tweets
We, as employees of Wizards of the Coast, are frustrated, disappointed, and completely dissatisfied with Hasbro’s out of touch, tone-deaf, and lackluster response to Friday’s Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade. (1/11)
This decision, that healthcare for marginalized individuals is a privilege based on location and means, violates basic human rights. (2/11)
At a bare minimum, any ethical organization should be offering healthcare travel benefits, support, and a clear message of solidarity. (3/11)
Read 11 tweets
I’m excited, thankful, and sad to report that I am leaving @paizo to join @Wizards of the Coast as a Senior Designer on Dungeons & Dragons. @Wizards_DnD #WOTCstaff

If you want to know more, follow along: 1/7
I’m so incredibly grateful to everyone at Paizo, including those no longer there, who gave me incredible opportunities, mentored me, and were patient with my mistakes as I climbed the learning curve. More important, these people have become my friends. 2/7
Paizo makes important games. So many players from all backgrounds have found themselves represented in Starfinder and Pathfinder, and I’m honored to have had a small part in that. I’m especially proud of my very small role in the formation of @PaizoWorkers 3/7
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I have a few thoughts on Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty in general, and on Mechtitan Core in particular. I want to preface this by saying, I'm not Japanese and can't speak or read Japanese; my perspective is purely as an American who helped to design the set. 1/X #MTGNeon #WOTCstaff
The original Kamigawa block was a failure on a lot of levels, though it has always had its vocal proponents. Part of the problem lay in execution, both on the design and worldbuilding departments, part lay in a competitive format that was broken by Mirrodin block... 2/X
...and part lay in the audience. A lot of people were completely unfamiliar with the concepts evoked by the block, so the sets did not resonate with them. I've been a Magic designer for over ten years now, and for most of those years I opposed returning to Kamigawa. 3/X
Read 25 tweets
Innistrad: Midnight Hunt card-by-card thread! I'll talk about various cards in the set, which I led the Vision Design team for. #WOTCstaff #MTGMidnight 1/X
Phantom Carriage: This is one of many references to classic horror films... 2/X
In this case, to the extremely bleak and gloomy 1921 Swedish film, The Phantom Carriage. 3/X
Read 15 tweets
#MTGKaldheim: Creature types, color combinations, and the Realms! This will be a long thread, so I may have to take breaks here and there to do the actual work I'm being paid for, eat, sleep, etc. #WOTCstaff 1/
For context, I led the vision design team. Our team collaborates extensively with the worldbuilding team, with ideas from one team inspiring more ideas from the other. 2/
I was so excited by Kaldheim as it developed that I asked Jenna Helland if I could help write the world guide. My main contribution was writing early drafts of the descriptions of Istfell, Karfell, and Surtland, 3/
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One interesting thing about #CMRLegends is that the line for a common in a Commander format is a bit different. We did what was right for draft, and that created some unusual commons! Since I've been asked some questions, I want to take a moment to chat about Pauper.
First, on one particular downshift! Red and black are the colors of mass damage to creatures. However, in Pauper, the most damage red can deal with a playable sweeper is 1! Having one in red could open up control strategies to red, and also plays well with bigger red creatures.
So in #CMRLegends, we were going to need some common sweepers and this seemed like the perfect spot. I handed off Steam Blast at common, and that got changed to another card when Pirates were added. Long-term, I am excited to have this card in the format and for what it might do!
Read 6 tweets
Hi everyone! I thought it would be worth taking a moment to talk about white in Commander. There's no way I can do this topic justice in a single tweet, so it's going to be a long thread - I encourage you to read the whole thing. :) Let's get started!
#wotcstaff #CMRLegends
So to set the ground floor to begin: we recognize that white needs some Commander love. More then ever, and especially in the past 9ish months, this has been a very front-of-mind issue. Commander is a format built upon ramp and card draw - and these are both weaknesses of white.
We aren't blind to the issue, and we don't think what we have is enough. We've had many great discussions about how to get white what it needs. I want to give a big shout out to @SixthComma, who as white on the Council of Colors, has been doing a great job leading the charge.
Read 26 tweets
Thank so many of you for watching the panel live today! Wow, what a rush to be able to talk about this stuff. Naturally, I've spent the past hour doing nothing but reading thoughts about Commander Legends! So here's a thread of notes and thoughts that may be helpful:
We tried a LOT of different numbers for this. Here is why 60:
-First and foremost, 60 played great
-You still have tons of variety, since you've never played the deck before.
-It lets you find the cards you're excited about.
-Draft is smaller than normal constructed, therefore Commander draft is smaller than commander
-You would need to buy more packs to play. For example, draft 5 packs. And as a set with a draft focus, we wanted to keep it accessible.
Read 26 tweets
@WinningerR @Wizards_DnD #WOTCstaff

To Mr. Winninger and the Dungeons and Dragons team,

You are likely aware of the discussions occurring in the Dungeons and Dragons community. I felt the need to add my voice and I hope you take the time to listen to all the voices. (1/16)
I believe that Dungeons and Dragons and Wizards of the Coast have an opportunity to step up, set the example for other tabletop role playing games, and truly be leaders.
Who am I? I am a father, a scientist, and someone who has played Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) for 35 years. I have made many friends who I cherish through D&D. The game holds a special place for me. I took a break after v. 3.5 and was amazed at the popularity for 5e. (3/16)
Read 16 tweets
DRYADS AND NYMPHS: A MAGIC THE GATHERING HISTORY I talked about this on the Weekly MTG stream, but I know that not everyone was able to watch that. 1/X #WOTCstaff
IN THE BEGINNING Richard Garfield, PhD created Magic, and it was good. 2/X
He populated the world with various creatures you'd expect to see in the AD&D Monster Manual, and from various mythologies and fantasy novels. There were dragons... 3/X
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ICONIC AND CHARACTERISTIC CREATURE TYPES AND THE PLANES THEY LIVE (AND DON'T LIVE) ON MEGATHREAD: I'm too sick to do anything useful, so you all must endure my ramblings. #WOTCstaff 1/X
Each color has one iconic creature type. These are generally big, powerful creatures that exemplify the color in some way. Some of these have been with their color from the beginning of Magic; some were picked up along the way. 2/X
Angels in Magic are holy, martial protectors. They are, as a rule, female, in contrast to the male demons. Angels first appeared in Alpha and have been a staple of the game ever since. 3/X
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When I started designing Theros Beyond Death, I already knew that we'd be seeing a lot more of the Underworld than we had in our previous visit to Theros. #MTGTHB #WOTCstaff 1/8
I got really excited about the titans from Greek mythology. These are the primordial ur-gods who created the universe and gave birth to the current crop of gods. Cronos, Oceanus, Hyperion, etc. The gods imprisoned the titans in the Underworld when they rose to power. 2/8
In Magic, we use the Elder creature type to represent huge primordial entities. We always pair it with another creature type. 3/8
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Ok, let's talk about Planeswalkers in Commander.

Usually I give a standard #wotcstaff disclaimer about certain topics not being my area, but CMD *is* my area. In just over a year, I've worked on four CMD products and am heavily involved with all of our ongoing discussions.

I want to explore the common arguments against PWs as commanders and why, bluntly, none of them hold a lot of water to me. I want to start by saying that I have a very long-term view. If we want CMD to exist in 50 years, we can't hold it to what it's done in the first 25.

"PWs are inherently problematic from a power level standpoint."

This just isn't true. Nothing about PWs makes them categorically more powerful than creatures. Yes, there are certain PWs that would probably need to be banned. The same is true for creatures.

Read 18 tweets
You all know I travel. You all know I play Magic. But it's when the two intersect that the most amazing things happen. So here's a thread about an event I ran - come along for the ride!
I'm in New York City this week, and wanted to see a bunch of my friends from all different walks of life. So, I decided I'd do one of the things I love: set up an event! The fabulous store @HexAndCompany just opened up a new shop on Monday - and they were game to play host!
The shop was great, with plenty of playspace, games, fantastic staff, and shockingly great food and drinks (including a full bar!). Many thanks to them - you can go check it out in the Upper East Side. The shop does a ton of Magic - I am so glad our game helps create such spaces!
Read 24 tweets… #WotCStaff announced today: every pack of Modern Horizons will have an ART SERIES card! Here are some fun facts about these extras...
There are 54 art cards in total- the number was the max number we could print, determined by our collation process. With over 200 new pieces of art in the set, I had to make some really tough choices... #WotCStaff
The backs are intentionally minimal, with light branding, artist credit, and collector numbers. At my request, the production team reduced the coating on the reverse side so that they could be written (or drawn) on with either ink or pencil... #WotCStaff
Read 5 tweets
Today marks my 7th anniversary since I first walked through the doors at Wizards and began doing work on Magic. It's been a crazy seven years with all sorts of highs and lows.
Yesterday was our company All Hands meeting and it was a great day. A few highlights:
1. We got a very exciting look at what next year holds for Wizards. I had good visibility into Magic, but there were still some surprises, and also I got a look at what is coming for D&D which was SUPER exciting as well. #wotcstaff
Read 9 tweets

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