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Jan 2nd 2023
More or less a year ago the #IOTA Foundation announced two new networks.

#Shimmer a staging network and #Assembly a permissionless Layer2 network building on top of #IOTA.

Let's put together everything we know and speculate about their adoption and price.


Okay so first we need to get a little bit of an overview of everything #IOTA.

We need to separate between networks and technology upgrades. This is necessary to keep a clear picture of everything we will talk about in this Thread

Simplified the #IOTA Foundation is marketing two major updates that are coming to their tech.

1) #Stardust - An update enabling the layer 1 (#DAG) to natively support customs assets (Tokens, NFTs) and be the trust anchor for layer 2 #sc networks.

For more info read 👇

Read 45 tweets
Oct 18th 2022
Just so everyone knows how to pronounce Bebe Avalance name it’s eh-lean


(One of) Her canonical nickname(s) is pronounced eh-lee-in. Bebe is another of her canonical nicknames

#TeamElien #AvalanceBabyShower #SaveLegendsOfTomorrow
Gary and Gideon first child is named Nippla. They are non-binary and Elien’s best friend.

Gary and Gideon’s second child is a daughter Gigi (see latest @BeebosLegends)

#TeamElien #AvalanceBabyShower #SaveLegendsOfTomorrow
Read 21 tweets
Aug 4th 2021
Well, I went into my old slides and found a desert trip I had before all this.

I went to this beautiful, small town known as Perfection, Nevada. A group of people from the Casino dropped me off there.

I met some friends, even though I felt some #Tremors
While there I became friends with Val Bacon and Earl Ward. Two cool guys who showed me how to get chicks and make money.

Join me as I go back to that wacky time. I still made it look good. I always do.
@RegaNorwegian Here's your one "I want this review" token being used.

Read 132 tweets

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