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Sep 27th 2020
In #Martuni a grandmother with her 9 year old granddaughter were killed. Via Vahram Poghosyan Image
Russian military portal Военный обозреватель published a list of allegedly killed #Armenia|n soldiers, citing #Azerbaijan|i sources. Turned out to be a list of former students of Military-medical department. managed to find one of them, who's alive & safe Image
#Armenia|n kids in #Stepanaker shelters, under #Azerbaijan shelling today.
Read 169 tweets
Sep 27th 2020
#Azerbaijan launched a massive attack on #Artsakh #Karabakh Republic this morning, uses hitting drones against civilian buildings.
#Armenia Media reports - #Azerbaijan lost 2 helicopters, 3 tanks and 3 drones up to 9am.
* #Azerbaijan Ministry of Defense announces "counter-attack on #Karabakh" after claiming there are people wounded on their side.
In 2016 #AprilWar they covered their attack as "counter attack" too.
Another proof - the attack was planned & well prepared by Azerbaijan - All of a sudden #Turkey state TRT Haber news correspondent appears right in the epicenter of #Azerbaijan positions along #Karabakh. Via Varuzhan Geghamyan
Read 24 tweets
Jul 20th 2020
#Azerbaijan ambassador to @UN @VaqifS misleading Intl. society deliberately spreading false claims. Besides aggressive epithets and misrepresentation of recent clashes, ambassador uses uncovered lies, probably hoping no one's gonna fact check it. See the thread below. ImageImage
On 7/14 @razminfo agency revealed #Azerbaijan using local villages as human shields, violating Geneva conventions 3&4, Additional Protocol I & @ICRC Rule 97…
In 1990 such conduct of Iraq brought to civilians deaths. #Saddam was accused in war crime for this ImageImage
Ambassador distorts #Armenia Minister letter to @OSCE informing #Armenia army remains restrained, but "in case of provocations … ready to react… up to the capture of new advantageous positions". There was no intention to advance, as claimed by Ambassador… Image
Read 7 tweets
Jul 16th 2020
#Armenia army has definitely gained something #Azerbaijan is eager to return.
At 3:40AM Az army conducted attack on Am positions, were beaten up & thrown back. At 5:20 shelling started of Aygepar & Movses villages. @ArmeniaMODTeam reports no casualties, claims Az definitely has Image
lost some personnel, a tank & artillery.
P.S. If that's not the Gharadash, than it must be something smaller around.
PM provides details: night attack was conducted by ~100 soldiers, objective was to gain control over #Armenia border position known as "Anvakh" (fearless). But failed and we're thrown back with loses in personnel and equipment.
Read 6 tweets

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