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The menopause anthology I am editing for @unbounders is at 50%! Goodness did it take ages to get here but I am told that once we hit the halfway mark, it gets easier.

If you have funds, please consider supporting us by pledging and/or sharing this link✊🏽…
Menopause has been kicking my fucking ass. Which is why I agreed to edit this anthology. Oh how I needed it when I was younger!

Until we publish #BloodyHell, here are some essays I've written about menopause: is it perimenopause or the pandemic?…
For those of us who were raised with any version of "purity culture" and who are now going through the menopause transition.

On being shameless!…
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In Japan, the first study to focus on #menopause and work found that ‘menopausal loss’ affected one-fifth of women experiencing menopause, who quit, turned down promotions, reduced their working hours or were demoted as a result of their symptoms.…
"Menopause often comes at a time when people move into more senior, more demanding roles. In research, as in other careers,this coincidence is almost certainly causing some to reconsider their career ambitions, adding yet another drain to the ‘leaky pipeline’ of women in science"
“How can I compete with men when I can’t sleep?” Andrea, 50, a senior executive at a Canadian financial services company. “I looked around the table at all the men and thought, ‘I can’t sleep. I sweat all the time. How can I ever compete with these guys?’”…
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I am 4 months away from 12 months without a period and becoming post-menopausal.

I swear, if it comes back and I have to start this fucking clock again, I WILL DESTROY MANY THINGS.

One of the hardest things about this menopausal transition is anxiety. What the actual fuck?
Menopause is a transition, so I know things won't suddenly change as I emerge through peri and into postmenopause .

I was never an anxious person & I had no idea that anxiety would hit me so hard.

Now, it's a good day if I don't wake up with a crushing sense of impending doom
I realise now that when I wrote this in Nov 2020, I was referring to my anxiety:

"my mind felt like a car that was trying to drive with the hand brake on. And there was nothing to do but sit with it, screeching and all."…
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Thank you all who are sharing on this thread. Here's some bonus peri/menopause material via FEMINIST GIANT
I'm learning that one of the greatest gifts of the menopause is shamelessness. In lieu of my increasingly AWOL period aka shedding the lining of my uterus, I am shedding the lining of patriarchal fuckery that I was socialized into.… #BloodyHell
I wasn’t paying attention at first to either my perimenopause or the pandemic. Once they both started, there was no going back & it was unclear how to emerge? Be scathed! We won't be the people we were at the start of the pandemic/perimenopause… #BloodyHell
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I love it when someone excitedly shares that they've just seen @allatoncemovie! And I love it even more when they tell me they read my essay about it.

Essay: The Menopause Multiverse… #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce
There's a wonderful scene when Evelyn, a Chinese-American woman played by Michelle Yeoh, is called on to jump between universes–”’verse jump”–to accumulate skills from the alternative lives all the other Evelyns are living to save the multiverse from a “great evil.”
It just so happens that a version of Evelyn is given this monumental news in a janitor’s closet just down the hall from the open-plan office where Evelyn of this universe, her husband, and her father are in a meeting w/IRS agent (the delightfully unrecognizable Jamie Lee Curtis)
Read 14 tweets
I've been writing/ranting with a frenzy, sharing my abortion stories, working on more essays, and in the middle of this Supreme Court clusterfuck, I regularly think:

Thank all the good things in the world that I'm menopausal. Last period was 8 months ago; 4 more to go. Come on!
I've talked often about how #perimenopause has been kicking my fucking ass. But right now, we are BFFs.

Check out #BloodyHell, the menopause anthology I'm editing for @unbounders…
And remember to moisturize your vagina…
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“Because, what is life without some derailing sexual desires?”

Read and most definitely listen to
C. Prudence Arceneaux read her poem and her description.

Thank you, @eileenchongpoet, the first of the friends who sent me this poem yesterday.

1. I love that the Academy of American Poets’ Poem of the Day was about Menopause
2. I love that the poem included these lines Text: Urban myth says an ag...
If you think the older we get the more comfortable we are with talking about our vulvas, vaginas, pussies and cunts, you have not heard the silence about what happens to our genitals as we age, and specifically as we go through the menopausal transition.…
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Only 1 in 10 women living with HIV who qualify for menopausal hormone therapy have ever received it. As with many health disparities, Black women were less likely to receive hormone replacement therapy than their white peers.…
We hear too little, if at all, about the experiences of menopausal people living with HIV. I am honoured and thrilled that @susancolehaley is writing about her experience for the menopause anthology I am editing for @Unbound. Check it out and pledge!…
"As seen w/other health disparities, while about half of white women had discussed menopause with a provider, this fell to 37% of Indigenous women & 36% of Black/African/Caribbean women.And Black women were 58% less likely than their white peers to use menopausal hormone therapy"
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I'm working on creating subcategories on FEMINIST GIANT.

Here are 8 essays that feature #Perimenopause #Menopause

1. The Menopause Multiverse…
2. Perimenopausal Nefertiti and My Beautiful Belly… #Perimenopause #Menopause
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April 23 is World Vagina Appreciation Day. I hope you will celebrate and appreciate by reading and sharing my new essay!… #WorldVaginaAppreciationDay
My newsletter is free--no paywall or ads. And will always be free.

If you can pay, it helps to keep it free.
And remember this #WorldVaginaAppreciationDay to moisturize your vagina…
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Wonderful to see @Osunsweetnsour, creator/host of The Black Girls Guide to Surviving Menopause podcast and author of the Zine “Messages from the Menopausal Multiverse" in this article on Black and women of colour's experience of menopause.…
I am thrilled that @Osunsweetnsour agreed to contribute to the menopause anthology #BloodyHell that I am editing for @unbounders. Menopause is about more than just white, cis women. Our anthology is global and gender expansive…
"The average age of menopause in the U.S. is 51...Black women tend to begin menopause about nine months earlier than white women."…
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#ThisIs54 #NewProfilePic

I slept 7 hours straight last night and it’s a fucking miracle. #Perimenopause

📷 @rerutled Mona from the shoulders up,...
Talking of which: it’s a kick to see The Daniels, who wrote and directed #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce reference my essay on @A24’s @allatoncemovie… h/t @voixdemichele Text: DS: Yes. I read this ...
Now, whenever I want anyone to know how utterly wrenching–and also liberating– it is to go through perimenopause, I will say, nay YELL: EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE ALL AT ONCE.… #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce
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Everything Everywhere All at Once is the perfect menopause allegory film. I don’t care if that’s not what The Daniels had in mind when they wrote and directed it. It’s art. It’s out there. And my menopause claims it!… #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce
Read, share, and subscribe: my newsletter is free.

If you can pay, it helps to keep it free.
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Have you seen @A24's @allatoncemovie? It is wonderful and you should! I wrote this about it. #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce
I am 54yo. I can barely watch films or TV shows these days because they are about either high school students or people who are 31yo. In #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce, Michelle Yeoh is everything!…
#EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce is the perfect menopause allegory film. I doubt any review will say so, but trust me!

And to continue the menopause adventure, I'm editing the anthology #BloodyHell for @unbounders… Pledge if you can.
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Yesterday, Mona and the Menopause hit an ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME phase of the adventure. She put on blue eyeliner, red lipstick & other colours, and after recording solidarity message for Iranian #MeToo movement, took some THC & started rewatching The Sopranos 📷 @rerutled Mona from the waist up. She is wearing a black and white str
If you are on the Menopause Adventure, consider supporting the anthology I'm editing for @unbounders: pledge (like pre-ordering a book with rewards) or just share the link. There is a lot happening right now yes, and menopause is too, for many people…
With an estimated 1.5 billion people who will experience menopause by 2025, who is speaking about menopause and who are the headlines targeting? It depends on where you are and who you are.…
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And just like that, I buzzed my hair.

#ThisIs54. It's not my birthday. It's my reset, refresh, and my contribution to pictures of a woman in her 50s doing whatever.

Buzz cut and 📷 @rerutled Mona from the waist up with her hands on her hips. She is weMona from the knees  up with her hands on her hips. She is w
I'm dubbing these Saturday night #ThisIs54 my #BloodyHell Hour because it's when I tell you about the menopause anthology that I'm editing for @unbounders. Check it out and help us publish it by pledging. It's basically pre-ordering with goodies on top.…
I watched all 8 episodes of And Just Like That is because rare is the show that revolves around 3 women in their mid 50s.I will shred it apart in an essay soon. But until then,I'm eager to see this about a mid-life woman who hires a sex worker… #BloodyHell
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The good news: I'm writing.
The better news: more fabulous people have agreed to contribute to the menopause anthology I'm editing for @unbounders 👉🏽…
📷 @rerutled Mona from the waist up in a checkered dress and an orange neA full length picture of Mona wearing a long checkered dress
Pledging your support now for #BloodyHell is like pre-ordering the anthology: you get a copy of the book once it's published and other fantastic treats like mugs, art work, totes, or half an hour with me talking to you and your mates about the book.Pledge!…
Because unlike that Frankenstein of a disaster of a show, we are not scared of saying "MENOPAUSE" nor being weird about it… #BloodyHell
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When you are shameless, you cannot be shamed. And so I write this… #MenopauseMona #FEMINISTGIANT
And this is a roundup of lubricants of various kinds and which uses inclusive language “A person may experience vaginal dryness due to hormonal changes during menopause.”…
It is with this inclusivity in mind that I teamed up with @unbounders to edit #BloodyHell, a menopause anthology that is global and gender diverse. Find out more here and pledge to help us complete our crowdfund…
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Both Elle and Vogue magazines have articles about perimenopause this week.

As mainstream publications finally talk about menopause, always ask whose voices are included.

I’m editing a menopause anthology for @unbounders that is global & gender diverse…
I’ve been sharing regular “perimenopause is kicking my fucking ass” posts. And ways I’m adapting
Over the next few days, I'll be introducing the incredible lineup of contributors to #BloodyHell: global and gender diverse.

I hope you will support our crowdfund and help us publish this important and revolutionary anthology!… On a black background in co...
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#ThisIs54 It's not my birthday but I post these pictures so that you can see a woman in her 50s doing whatever. Every day I try to move more and laugh more. And invariably something aches: my elbow one day, a shoulder another, and my heart every day. #BloodyHell 📷 @rerutled Mona in a black sport bra and orange workout tights standingMona in a black sport bra and orange workout tights standing
These have been difficult weeks. For my perimenopausal body, I lift weights and stretch and walk. For my aching heart, I dance in between workouts.
Take care of your heart and try to laugh more.
#BloodyHell 📷 @rerutled Mona in a black sport bra and orange workout tights standingMona in a black sport bra and orange workout tights up close
Take care of your heart and try to laugh more and support our anthology on menopause which I am editing for @unbounders. Find ways to pledge here and the rewards you get for pledging.… #BloodyHell
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Just in time for Pandemic: Year Three, my hot flashes have returned with a vengeance.

When you’re a middle-aged feminist falling apart during a global pandemic, it can be useful to think of your perimenopause as a metaphor.… #BloodyHell
It's like trying to drive a car with the hand brake on.

Releasing the hand brake--releasing any illusion of control--is the only way to go.

Releasing the hand brake in order to move, emerge, transform. #BloodyHell
Past 2yrs have taught me to do everything I can to NOT exacerbate my anxiety. When I was younger I saw therapists for depression. During a pandemic! Haha!

Perimenopause + pandemic = depression telling anxiety "She's all yours now, babe. Menopause Mona is all yours." #BloodyHell
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If you have a uterus and have ever had a uterine biopsy, you know that it is the MOST FUCKING PAINFUL THING EVER!…
I had my SECOND uterine biopsy on Monday and I screamed from the pain. Screamed.

It was WORSE than when Egyptian police broke both my arms 10 years ago.

How the actual fuck have they not found a way to test for uterine cancer that isn’t worthy of a torture indictment?!
First uterine biopsy: doctor recommended I take two ibuprofen before procedure. FUCK!

Second uterine biopsy: I asked and got painkiller—one opioid thing. I took that and 4 ibuprofen and I still screamed.

It is pure fucking torture.
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I found out almost by chance that perimenopause–the time leading up to menopause–could last up to 14yrs. At first, I thought “Are you fucking kidding me?” That quickly turned to“How the hell did I not know that?” How was a feminist like me so ignorant about menopause? #BloodyHell
It is exactly when the once-whispered moves into the mainstream that it most matters who is speaking the once unsaid & who continues to be sidelined & silenced. Which is why I'm so excited to be editing #BloodyHell with @unbounders!…
Too often when feminism takes that brave dive into the deep end of a taboo, it takes along just a select few: white, wealthy, cisgender, heterosexual, able-bodied women.

#BloodyHell is the antidote to that. Pledge and help us to publish it soon!… On a black background is written in different colours: Blood
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A running thread of things that @Twitter could do to unlock value for users. Will add to overtime. Please feel free to retweet and reply with your own, most of these below I have just taken and summarized from others. In no particular order. 1/♾ #JustKidding 🤔 or am I?
@Twitter I drafted a tweet on my phone but of course, can't access "draft's" on the desktop. So lets maybe start there. The desktop and @Tweetdeck version should be MORE robust than the mobile app not less. Tweetdeck, for example, has no bookmarks, emoji's, live video, polls, gif's, etc
@Twitter @TweetDeck There are SO MANY great meaningful quotes, threads, replies, and conversations that vanish into the Twitter ether, drowned out by hot takes, snark, and 280 character riffs on what some influencer or politician just did. Find a way to collect and resurface this treasure trove.
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