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Feb 11th 2023
🔥Crohn’s Perianal Fistula - #MondayNightIBD w all🌟faculty 🔥 CME 👉 🔸Supported by an edu grant from @TakedaPharma 🔸…
2/#MondayNightIBD #Crohns #PerianalFistula #MedTwitter #GITwitter

✅Answer #IBDPolls👇
🗓 Mark your calendar - Live Q&A @ 8p ET/5p PT
📲Tweet your❓to be addressed Monday!

📸 Faculty disclosures & important CME info👇 Image
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Feb 8th 2023
Join⚕️@DCharabaty @AmyLightnerMD #DrMarlaDubinsky+ Brandon Pomish 4 #Crohns #PerianalFistula

🗓️#CPF #MNIBDWebinar Sat 2/11
🎯MultiD Mgmt
🎯Stem Cell Therapy

🔸Supported by an edu grant @TakedaPharma ImageImage
2/#PreConvo #IBDPoll 1️⃣
#MNIBDWebinar #Crohns #PerianalFistula #CPF


🟢The addition of which of the following to an anti-TNF agent is associated with a higher rate of #Crohns #PerianalFistula CPF healing vs the anti-TNF agent alone?
Read 7 tweets
May 1st 2022
Intestinal Ultrasound
#GITwitter #MedEd

We will start with normal Normal #IUS #anatomy superficial mucosa (white) ...

In ileocecal #Crohn’s disease, typically all bowel wall layers are involved. #IUS shows marked mural thickening, predominantly in the terminal ileum, cecum & appendix can also be involved.

🔗:… Image
Bowel wall thickening is most prominent in the hyperechoic submucosal layer, representing deposition of fat and fibrous tissue as a result of chronic bowel inflammation Image
Read 56 tweets
Feb 2nd 2022
@rebelliousgut @MondayNightIBD @southasianIBD @ibdesis @Empoweringpts9 @DCharabaty @crohnsbabble @LivingWithUmeed @vkckiranpullela @TheMaveilousGut @dunung_ruchita 1/ I'm Tina from 🇺🇸 co-founder of Team @ibdesis. We are proud to lead #PatientExperience on @MondayNightIBD to discuss specific aspects of #SouthAsianIBD experience. We hope to improve care & reduce disparities in our community around the 🌍 thru @southasianIBD. #MondayNightIBD
@rebelliousgut @MondayNightIBD @southasianIBD @ibdesis @Empoweringpts9 @DCharabaty @crohnsbabble @LivingWithUmeed @vkckiranpullela @TheMaveilousGut @dunung_ruchita 2/ Even though my dad suffered from #Crohns, when I presented with #IBS #constipation, #GERD, joint pains & eye issues as a child, no one made the connection or escalated it to a gastroenterologist. #MondayNightIBD #SouthAsianIBD
@rebelliousgut @MondayNightIBD @southasianIBD @ibdesis @Empoweringpts9 @DCharabaty @crohnsbabble @LivingWithUmeed @vkckiranpullela @TheMaveilousGut @dunung_ruchita 3/ When my dad passed from #CRC, my family went into poverty & couldn't afford health insurance. Though I was symptomatic as a child, I didn't have a #colonoscopy until 22 when I got my 1st job. That's when I received my very delayed #IBD diagnosis. #MondayNightIBD #SouthAsianIBD
Read 11 tweets
Feb 1st 2022
Read 15 tweets
Aug 22nd 2020
@MondayNightIBD @SobiaMujtabaMD @SchwartzbergMD @DCharabaty 1/ 27 yo F, crohns colitis on AZA, presents w 2wk perianal pain. One week ago a “boil” developed adjacent to the anus, painful to touch and draining cloudy fluid. PE: Perianal fistulous opening tender & draining pus on palpation. What is the next best step ? #B2B
@MondayNightIBD @SobiaMujtabaMD @SchwartzbergMD @DCharabaty 2/Recap #Crohns:
📌Transmural inflammation involving any part of GIT
📌B for Phenotypes: inflammatory/stricturing/penetrating
📌L for location: UGI,SB,Colon
📌Penetrating Behaviors:
Intra-abdominal abscesses(IAA)

recall this #B2B MTL classification table👇🏼 Image
@MondayNightIBD @SobiaMujtabaMD @SchwartzbergMD @DCharabaty 3/♦️p->Perianal ds in CD
♦️Can occur w any B&L
♦️May be initial manif in ~10%
♦️Can be isolated(no luminal dis)
♦️Affect up to 1/3 of CD pts
♦️Incidence cld be ⬇️w⬆️use of biologics @sang_hyoung @EdwardLoftus2

♦️One of most challenging manif for pts+MDs
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