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Mar 28th 2023
नैनीताल जिले के भवाली से लगभग पांच किलोमीटर की दूरी तय करने पर आप "घोड़ाखाल" पहुंच सकते हैं जो न्याय गोलू देवता के मंदिर के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। समुद्र तल से 2000 मीटर की ऊंचाई पर स्थित इस आकर्षक मंदिर को "घंटियों का मंदिर" भी कहा जाता है।

#nainital #Almora #Kumaon #Uttarakhand
#GoluDevta is considered to be an incarnation of #GaurBhairav (#Shiva), and is worshipped all over the #Kumaon & #Garhwal region. He is worshipped as the god of #justice and he serves it well. His mantra is following: "Jai Nyay Devta Goljyu Tumar Jai ho. Sabuk lije dain haije"
#GoluDevta is seen in the form of #Shiva, while his brother Kalva Devta is in the form of #Bhairava and Garh Devi is in the form of #Shakti. Golu Devta is also prayed as a key deity (Ista/Kula Devata) in many villages in #Kumaon and #Garhwal regions of #Uttarakhand

Read 8 tweets
Aug 19th 2020

Good Morning!

Continuing our #Dialogue on #Gems and #GemTherapy, today we shall dwell on the next two #GemStones.

#YellowSapphire and #Diamond. (1/13)

2-Yellow Sapphire is D highest quality Gemstone used 4 #Jupiter.

Substitute Gemstones for Yellow Sapphire are Yellow Tourmaline, #Citrine, Yellow #Zircon and #Topaz.

In my view, I have seen that Yellow Sapphire is one of the most widely prescribed Gemstone. (2/13)

3-Being related to #Jupiter it is bound to activate within you – the #Energy of the #Universal #Guru.

Out of the four #Vedic #Purusharthas, of #Dharma, #Artha, #Kama and #Moksha, Yellow Sapphire well and truly stands for #Dharma.


Read 13 tweets
Oct 23rd 2018
It is not possible to exhaustively list Do’s and Dont’s of Brahmacharya as they depend on the context. The more general precepts (Sāmānya Dharma) are listed by Patanjali as the 5 Yamas and 5 Niyamas, in his Yogasūtras.

In my thread, I gave a rationalization for Brahmacharya. 🙏
The Dharmaśāstras provide more detailed examples for Brahmacharya, by giving different contexts, so that a person can learn from them and generalize appropriately to suit to a different situation.

A good set of directives for the restraint of senses are given in the Manu Smriti.
Please see this excellent essay by Sinu Joseph on @IndiaFactsOrg, for how these directives on restraint can counter the affliction of sexual violence, as reported in the various cases of #MeToo india.…
Read 6 tweets
Oct 22nd 2018
In this thread, I want to discuss about Brahmacharya: an ideal for human life in Hinduism, but which the Judiciary of India is seeking to destroy in every manner possible.

First, I wish to point to this excellent essay in @IndiaFactsOrg on #Brahmacharya.…
Brahmacharya is typically translated as celibacy. For certain people and stages of life, this is a correct translation. But it is actually different from that, and much larger in scope and intent.

Here is Gandhi who popularized the idea of Brahmacharya as celibacy.
As the essay points out, Brahmacharya is not necessarily to be equated with celibacy.

For a married person (in the Gṛhasthāśrama of life), Brahmacharya does not mean celibacy, but rather adhering to the marital vow of having sex with just the spouse, as opposed to adultery.
Read 29 tweets

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