Good Morning!
Continuing our #Dialogue on #Gems and #GemTherapy, today we shall dwell on the next two #GemStones.
#YellowSapphire and #Diamond. (1/13)

Out of the four #Vedic #Purusharthas, of #Dharma, #Artha, #Kama and #Moksha, Yellow Sapphire well and truly stands for #Dharma.

If one seeks to amplify his #SpiritualJourney, connecting oneself to a higher #Purpose – Yellow Sapphire is a tremendous aid. (4/13)

At a #Mental level, #YellowSapphire is a #Healing Gemstone.
It inspires positive #Emotions and can make a person filled up with a quiet, inner joy.

From an #Ayurvedic Standpoint, Yellow sapphire works on most things related to #Jupiter – Liver, Pancreas, healing of the tissues etc.

Yellow Sapphire helps develop #Ojas (the subtle yet powerful vigor that comes through #Brahmacharya) and makes the Immune System stronger. (7/13)

Diamond is the main Gemstone for #Venus.
#Jyotishis use White Coral, Clear Quartz, White Sapphire and Clear Zircon also as substitute Gemstones for Diamond. (8/13)

There is a certain #Sexuality and #Passion the Gemstone can kindle in you.
The #Creative Energy in Diamond gives you artistic fortitude, #Imagination and insight (9/13)

In #WesternAstrology Diamond is used to stoke your subtle perception and a lot of astrologers themselves wear a Diamond. (11/13)

Tomorrow we shall dwell on the Gemstones for #Saturn and #Rahu. (12/13)

May #Saraswati, take care of our learnings and our #Vanni.
Om Tat Sat! (13/13)