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Feb 21st 2022
(1\26) A short historical & broad overview of the current Macro-Economic, Money & Political backdrop. The uncertainty of 2022.

The most uncertain times the🌎has ever faced may be upon us, despite many not aware. I discussed about the continual $eGLD $UTK $CEL $SAITO #Crypto
(2\26) disruption the internet has created & how WEB3 is needed

The Executive order of 1933 was when the USA abolished the Gold Standard & entrusted the private entity of the Federal Reserve to maintain the global financial system via monetary policy.This
(3\26) entrusted the Federal Reserve, leveraging the US banking system & US Govt. (Fiscal Policy) to print US dollars out of thin air in just the right amount to keep financial stability.

All wars have always been predicated around resources, money, control & power. The US
Read 26 tweets
Feb 1st 2022
Worlds governments have been on a war path against their citizens ever since the start of times.

Politicians beg you for votes promising you the moon. Once they’re voted in, they yearn for more power & money.

A meme thread 🧵 to raise awareness
Assange: A criminal for helping you
Zuckerberg: A hero for helping them
Read 58 tweets
Oct 17th 2021
Think we’re definitely living in a simulation. It’s really hard to digest this otherwise.

How it started… How it’s going… ImageImage
#Bitcoin vs. shitcoin future Image
Hahaha 🤣 Image
Read 201 tweets
Sep 26th 2021
If you're fed up with your state mandates
Help remove excess power from your state
Opt out, buy #Bitcoin Image
Fiat economics professors talking about #Bitcoin 😂😂😂😂 Image
Read 162 tweets
Aug 6th 2021
(1\22) One of my more important posts. In my 44 page research paper & investment thesis I discuss DAO’s or (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations):… $EGLD $DOT $ALGO $ADA $AVAX $SAITO $LUNA $SOL $MATIC $ATOM $ALGO Explained in detail below & visually👇
(2\22) openly discussed how I believe crypto & blockchain organizational model’s (DAO’s) can change wealth opportunity & distribution. $EGLD $CEL (Visualized) Explained below: All our structures & systems R modeled in Hierarchal Caste Pyramid Enslavement model.This is just one of
(3\22) the reasons wealth inequality accelerates. The biggest contributor is actually the #CantillonEffect which accelerates the most during times of crisis. Why do you think the 2 largest wealth transfers in the history of the world occurred during the 2008 Financial Crisis
Read 23 tweets
Jul 20th 2021
(1\49) A Personal Memoir Perspective on my path and what I see for #Blockchain & #Crypto for the People?

I grew up in a cult religion. First exposure to mind-control & understanding of how profound belief structures were, due to the intensity of such an environment. $EGLD $CEL
(2\49) Upon reflection, while the magnitude was different much of the belief structures of the world were equally as harmful & deceiving. They could create a social construct that to everyone inside it felt like the most ideal way to live. They could make everyone stop
(3\49) questioning things. None of this felt right to me though. Even at a young age I had a skeptical mind, in part because my body was already sick and I hadn’t been on this earth very long, more on this in a future date but just understand the medical industry is full of
Read 49 tweets
Jul 19th 2021
(1\28) The biggest misconception about #crypto is it’s just a different currency. No, it’s an advancement in #technology. All of our financial systems are archaic & outdated. Also, current design based on existing infrastructure promotes wealth inequality continually $CEL $EGLD
(2\28) why it continues to get worst. This creates much of the wealth suppression of people, which leads to resource scarcity, falling into Maslow’s lowest hierarchy of needs, contributing to corruption, crime, chaos, social issues, etc. The core problems of society have a root
(3\28) cause.

ACH - Automated Clearing House transfers take 3-7 days which is horrible in an instantly connected e-commerce world.

Securities - Cash (unless wire which isn’t instant), stocks and other securities require settlement which can be 3 days or longer. All solved
Read 28 tweets
Sep 7th 2019
My 140 favorite quotes from The Ethics of Money Production (2008), by Jörg Guido Hülsmann
1. #Money is omnipresent in modern life, yet the production of money does not seem to warrant any moral assessment”. J.G.Hülsmann
2. “To be sure, central bank representatives are lecturing the public on the importance of business #ethics; but their concerns do not seem to apply to themselves”. J.G.Hülsmann
Read 142 tweets
Jul 30th 2019
Give me bitcoin, or give me death.
"Common sense will tell us, that
the power which hath endeavoured to subdue us, is of all others, the
most improper to defend us."
"Men who look upon themselves born to reign, and others to obey, soon grow insolent; selected from the rest of mankind their minds are early poisoned by importance; and the world they act in differs so materially from the world at large, that they have but little opportunity...
Read 9 tweets

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