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Nov 5th 2022
It took me a few days to realize it, but what we are seeing on Twitter is an example of 'counter-convergence'. It is happening across media platforms (& the US economy), and I've seen miniature versions of it for a few years. /1 #thread #CCV @esglaude @AOC @nhannahjones
Convergence is the way media scholars described the emergence, and coordination, of multiple media twenty years ago. Harry Potter was a major example of this pattern where books, films, & architecture 'converged' for global profit. /2 #CCV
This specific pattern became a dominant feature of the world economy after 2009. The rise of Netflix, Facebook, Google, SpaceX, Uber/Lyft, and Twitter all leveraged convergence alongside thousands of conglomerates struggling to keep up. /3 #CCV
Read 29 tweets
May 14th 2020
So I'm intending to do a post/pick a day of art I've bought or commissioned from an artist hopefully along with @chiefy2shoes & @seddonism
Day 1 is #hellboy by the great @duncanfegredo This started a theme of characters eating ice cream, I've not got too many in this theme though Image
Day #2 of sketches/commissions posts of art that I've got over the years. Continuing the theme of characters with #icecream here is #thegoon by the amazing Eric Powell @goonguy done at @ThoughtBubbleUK in Leeds. #ComicCon #commissions #comics #goon @chiefy2shoes @seddonism Image
Day #3 of art/commissions bought over the years. Baroness eating an ice cream by @RachaelAtWork. Think this was my final "character eating an ice cream" so not many in that theme, need to do more @chiefy2shoes @seddonism @Talking_Joe @TheFullForce #GIJoe #Baroness #comicart Image
Read 200 tweets
Nov 8th 2018
Panel 2, on granting agencies and #citizenscience w/ @mgfortin_rd @NSERC_CRSNG + Ted Hewitt @SSHRC_CRSH + Serge Marchand @FRQS1 + Louise Poissant @FRQSC + Michael Strong @CIHR_IRSC #CSPC2018
#CSPC2018 @mgfortin_rd says #citizenscience and participative science is incredibly important. This isn't only including public in research, it's engaging communities who have knowledge incl #indigenous traditional knowledge.
... Current project ongoing, is a northern community that wants to better document the status of their natural resources (air quality, water) and to analyze the impact of #climatechange & other human impacts on these. There is added value to including these communities. #CSPC2018
Read 36 tweets

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