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Apr 3rd 2023
( 3 पॅंथरनामा, नामांतर आंदोलन आंबेडकरोत्तर दलित चळवळ )

गावकुसाबाहेरील निश्चल वस्तीत
तू येऊन गरजलास
सारी वस्ती खडबडली
धूळ झटकीत सावध झाली
तुझ्या हाती होता धगधगता हिलाल
हादरून गेले होते सगळे काळोखाचे दलाल..
--साहित्यकार अर्जुन डांगळे. (1)

"दलित" तसेच "अस्पृश्य" म्हणून ज्यांना संबोधित केले गेले, व बाकी सर्व मानवांना मिळणारे समान अधिकार देखील ज्यांना नाकारले गेले.

अशा वर्गसमूहाला माणसात आणण्याचा पहिला प्रयत्न केला ते व्यक्ती म्हणजे महात्मा फुले. त्याच बरोबर छत्रपती शाहू महाराज, सयाजीराजे गायकवाड, गोपाळबाबा (2)
वलंगकर, शिवराम कांबळे यांनी देखील अमानुष व्यवस्था बदलण्याचा आटोकाठ प्रयत्न केला. तसेच या चळवळीला व्यापक रूप देऊन ज्यांनी मानवमुक्तीच्या लढ्याला गतिमान केले ते व्यक्तिमत्त्व म्हणजे परमपूज्य डॉ बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर. बाबासाहेबांनी आपल्या गुरूंच्या सत्कार्याची माहिती, (3)
Read 12 tweets
Mar 12th 2023
NEW from me @PirateWires:

We've got another @Santos4Congress interview sure to stoke some fiery debates.

That's right, we talked about tonight's #Oscars, which neither of us will be watching, and about his takes on Hollywood and much more…

Up first, @micsolana's take:

"It happened slowly, then all at once: a mature internet, in which a majority of Americans lived in some significant part online, reshaped our country in accordance with the malleable laws of the digital world...…

...Some call this the “attention economy.” I call it the Clown World. In the context of democracy, the game is fundamentally changed, and the men and women who understand this are the most formidable voices in politics...…

Read 42 tweets
Mar 7th 2023
@FuzzyDanSo @DianeB528 @Rasmussen_Poll YOU "dgaf" about what #ScottAdams ACTUALLY said or meant

Preferring to #VirtueSignal your #Woke credentials by joining racist "liberal" #CancelCulture #TwitterMob #DogPile on him

He ACTUALLY said "Choose Love instead of Hate"


Bravery over fear

Thoughtfulness over anger
@FuzzyDanSo @DianeB528 @Rasmussen_Poll #ScottAdams said he lived in a mixed neighbourhood

Next door to a Black man

And he said if you live in a neighbourhood (of any demographic) where up to 50% of the residents don't like you

And too large a proportion are criminals

Move out

And to judge people as individuals!🤦‍♂️
@FuzzyDanSo @DianeB528 @Rasmussen_Poll As I said to another #Woke #VirtueSignalling #ScottAdams #CancelCulture #TwitterMob #DogPile on #Troll

He's often said every local party goes to is very mixed race (& marriage)

Hasn't & didn't mean "Run Away"

He's a comic

It's a joke

Here's the demographics of where he lives
Read 28 tweets
Mar 2nd 2023
No dobrz, to parę słów o dzisiejszych ogłoszeniach w sprawie #K2 #BlackPanther dla SZ RP.
Przede wszystkim, udało się osiągnąć porozumienie w sprawie współpracy między @PGZ_pl a @HMGnewsroom #HRC w sprawie współpracy na rzecz dostaw kolejnych kilkuset czołgów dla SZ RP. 1/X
Zgodnie z planem, 820 #K2PL zostanie dostarczonych w ciągu... A propos, nie mamy umów wykonawczych, a umowa ramowa o czasie dostaw nic nie mówi🤷 Można jednak przyjąć, że produkcja tylu pojazdów zajmie do 10 lat. Wraz z już zakupionymi 180 K2 (zostaną zmodernizowane do K2PL) 2/X
stanowić będzie zasadnicze uzbrojenie WPiZ (17 bcz; do tego 6-8 na Abramsach) przez kolejnych kilka dekad. Czołgi te będą produkowane przez poznańskie zakłady WZM S.A., przy wsparciu 🇵🇱🇰🇷 kooperantów. Jaki % czołgu będzie wytwarzany w PL-oficjalnie😉 3/X
Read 14 tweets
Nov 17th 2022
Thread on Amazigh culture in the movie #BlackPanther
Read 5 tweets
Nov 16th 2022
🧵 Notre avis spoiler-free sur le nouveau film #BlackPanther

Vibrant, déchirant et spectaculaire : Wakanda Forever est largement à la hauteur de nos attentes 🔥

Déroulez, on vous explique pourquoi ⬇️ Poster ScreenX de Black Pan...
Après des chapitres plus fantastiques et comiques, Marvel propose avec #BlackPantherWakandaForever un récit grave qui sait faire vivre et évoluer ses protagonistes & antagonistes, et marque un tournant géopolitique pour la Terre-616.
Ouvertement politisé, Wakanda Forever fait référence à la fois à la colonisation espagnole (partie intégrante de l’origine tragique de Namor & de la Cité de Talokan) et à la révolution haïtienne.
Read 16 tweets
Nov 16th 2022
A few thoughts on #WakandaForever. This will include spoilers and some rambling thoughts so be prepared.

So let's get into it.
Part of the reason I went to see it was to get my mind off sports. I mean, I was always going to see it but I figured this was the best time. I wanted to avoid the rush of the premiere and see it late night preferably at an IMAX.

Mission accomplished.

First of all, I'mma comic book nerd. And what that means is I've seen comic book movies evolve from white men in leotards floating around on wires to real live movies with substantial budgets, diverse casting and developed characters.

Bast be praised.
Read 30 tweets
Nov 12th 2022
Can’t stop thinking about #Namor. A phenomenal debut for the character, & a thunderous performance from Tenoch Huerta Mejía. The humanity, the pain, the presence. A mythic hero AND a classic tragedy, delivering every shade of complexity. Thank you, @TenochHuerta. #WakandaForever
And Tenoch had to be everything that #Namor is all while conveying SO much world-building. It was a huge goal, and he & Ryan Coogler delivered in every way. The entirety of the history, plight, spirit, & love of this newly introduced people all rests on THIS character working.
And just consider how Coogler has now given us TWO locations on screen, with TWO cultures & TWO peoples, that feel so immensely real & fleshed out. To do it once with Wakanda was already masterful, but to do it again in a sequel? It’s wild. Talokan feels so rich. #WakandaForever
Read 5 tweets
Nov 12th 2022
Yeah, #WakandaForever is incredible. Still formulating my thoughts some more, but it’s absolutely one of Marvel’s best. It really is a beautiful, compelling, & worthy sequel to #BlackPanther. The explorations of grief, legacy, generational trauma, & cycles of pain are stunning.
It honestly would have been a MIRACLE to get even a “good” movie given the heartbreaking real life circumstances, but they managed to make an amazing movie. The way they handled the themes of loss are SO elegantly done. It’s so moving. #BlackPanther #WakandaForever
This being a script created by devastating necessity is just UNREAL to me, because it just feels like the next natural chapter for #BlackPanther. It’s both a clear tribute piece, and a navigation of circumstances, but it never feels like a panicked reaction. It’s SO confident.
Read 5 tweets
Nov 11th 2022
It was raining day at my harmlet at a village in Southeast Nigeria, Umuekwene Onicha in Ezinihitte Mbaise, the only sound been heard are that of rhe crickets.

#Dollar Senior Advocate of Narcotics #BlackPanther
I had gone to "Ejeje muo" to fetch the produces, only to be caught in the heavy down pour, this confer an automatic darkness on the place.
"Ejeje Muo is place for the violent deaths, it was a place where our colonial master's buried our fore fathers alive for been adverse to their harsh conditions.
Read 16 tweets
Nov 10th 2022
El día de ayer vi Black Panther: Wakanda Forever y quisiera compartirles algunos detalles sobre las referencias mesoamericanas que pude observar.

(No spoilers). Image
Antes de continuar debo decir que esta puede considerarse la "parte dos" de un hilo que hice sobre el mismo tema pero en el trailer de la película.

Por esta razón, muchos detalles no los volveré a mencionar. Les recomiendo darse una vuelta por ese hilo.

Uno de las cosas más interesantes de la película es que Namor (@TenochHuerta), junto a los demás habitantes del Talocan, hablan maayatꞌaan, también conocido como "maya yucateco".

Esta es la lengua maya más hablada y también la más extendida. Image
Read 16 tweets
Nov 10th 2022
why some believe the New Earth timeline began in 2012 + ancient civilizations coming to light + #BlackPanther2:

Our solar system is part of a much larger solar system called the Pleiades, the Seven Sisters that are rotating around their sun, Alcyone. ImageImage
Our planet rotates around our sun every 365 days and our sun make a revolution around Alcyone every 25,630 years, Alcyone makes a revolution around the center of the galaxy every 225 million years. ( Image
On December 21, 2012 we passed the Precession of the Equinox which was the beginning of an entire new cycle, the start of a completely different reality. The end of a revolution of our sun around Alcyone and the end of a revolution of Alcyone around the center of the galaxy. ♒️
Read 15 tweets
Nov 10th 2022
I believe @DrMichaelLBrown kindly spoke on this issue #PaleoHebrew #DoctrineofDevils

If you’re diligently seeking YahWeh and discovering you have Hebrew Israelite and Jew ancestry,You may be confused + Spreading Egyptian HERESIES. 🛑Full video:…
Beloved brothers and sisters 2/3 photo is not hebrew but just scribbles.not the language Jesus or even Patriarch Abraham spoke. the Holy language is ANCIENT HEBREW AND ARAMAIC. Maybe Akkadian but they are dead languages…learn ANCIENT HEBREW @DrMichaelLBrown
Scripture to share-I’m not coming at anyone personally or calling you a fake Jew I’m just saying study to show thineself approved BY GOD and not to be apart of a movement
Read 23 tweets
Nov 9th 2022
Check out our today’s paper edition on…
Russian President Vladimir Putin may yet attend next week’s Group of 20 Leaders’ Summit – albeit virtually – President Jokowi suggested on Tuesday. #Putin #G20

Read more:…
Indonesia insisted on working to meet global goals through its own interpretations, refusing to make any rhetorical promises while still emphasizing its commitment to climate action. #COP27 #MarufAmin

Read more:…
Read 12 tweets
Oct 27th 2022
Finally had the honor of watching #BlackPantherWakandaForever. Marvel Studios was never as political as this film, that has action scenes, of course, but much more. For example, probably the MVP, Angela Bassett is assured of an Oscar nomination, if not winning. 👇
What Ryan Coogler does with #BlackPanther is to reconstruct a whole mosaic of generational traumas that haunt ethnic communities around the planet. It goes deep, and not just for Namor, but for the care with plots and emotions that are truer than ever before in Marvel. 👇
So, for #BlackPantherWakandaForever, Ryan Coogler revisits decades of African filmography. There are scenes in this movie that could have only been crafted by someone who loves Med Hondo's "Sarraounia".
He might have even watched Mexican melodramas to make this. So good. 👇
Read 5 tweets
Oct 25th 2022
Kevin Bacon enters the MCU canon in the first teaser for the #GuardiansoftheGalaxy Holiday Special
Fans also get the first look at a young adult Groot in the new #GuardiansOfTheGalaxyHolidaySpecial teaser Image
In #GuardiansoftheGalaxy lore, Star-Lord reveres Kevin Bacon and his work in #Footloose. The #Guardians decide to meet Bacon as a way to give Star-Lord some holiday cheer, as he is mourning the loss of Gamora in the new holiday special Image
Read 5 tweets
Oct 25th 2022
Pertama kali ngechat gebetan itu lebih susah dari pada pertama kali memilih LEGO 🧱

Kok bisa?

Karena ada 6 pertanyaan template sebelum membeli #LEGO yang ga bisa dipake buat ngechat gebetan

👇 Langsung cek aja 👇

#WhatsApp #Single #relationship
Ini WA down ImageImageImageImage
1. Apakah Anda ingin menikmati #LEGO dengan anak-anak Anda, atau Anda masih jomblo?

Jika Anda mencari sesuatu untuk dinikmati bersama anak-anak, mulailah dengan Creator Set. 

Set ini lebih fleksibel daripada set-set lain dengan tema khusus.
Jika jomblo (hiks)

Anda mungkin ingin mendapatkan set advanced, seperti bangunan Kota Modular, kendaraan atau bahkan set UCS Star Wars.

Set untuk Anda bisa dilihat di sini 👇

Read 11 tweets
Oct 19th 2022
Poland's first 10 #K2 #BlackPanther MBTs were rolled out at Hyundai Rotem factory in Changwon today on 19 October 2022.

Poland intends to acquire up to 980 K2 tanks and signed an initial contract of 180 tanks in August.
Congratulations @DRatka1 ImageImageImageImage
First 24x Polish K9A1 Thunder SPHs were rolled out at Hanwha Defense and Hyundai Rotem factories in Changwon today on 19 October 2022.
This comes just 2 months after Poland signed a contract for 648xK9, 980xK2, and 48xFA-50 Fighting Eagle in August. ImageImageImageImage
S.Korea and Poland will also sign a $6.12 billion contract for 288xK239 Chunmoo MLRS and 23,000 rockets to the Polish Army. Image
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Oct 4th 2022
The new trailer for #BlackPantherWakandaForever has M’Baku reveal that #Namor is known as the “Feathered Serpent God."

Namor has been confirmed to be a mutant in the MCU and his being likened to a god can also help to flesh out the history of mutants.… Image
The idea of #Namor being a god likely isn’t meant to be taken literally. However, it can serve to add to his character by exploring the historical context of the terminology. Mesoamerican culture is likely going to be a big part of Namor’s character.… Image
First & foremost, what needs to be discussed is what the Feathered Serpent God is supposed to be. The Feathered Serpent was a prominent figure in Mesoamerican religions, with all versions being some sort of winged serpent with ties to the sky and weather.… Image
Read 6 tweets
Jun 28th 2022
Chadwick Boseman’s widow Taylor Simone Ledward, who is in charge of his estate, has asked the court to distribute his $2.3-million fortune equally between her and Boseman’s parents, according to a report published by Shadow and Act.…
The #BlackPanther star began dating Ledward, a musician, before he was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2016. The couple wed privately before the Oscar nominee died of the disease in August 2020 at 43 years old.… Image
In January 2021, Ledward tearfully honored her late husband at the Gotham Awards, where he received a posthumous tribute “in acknowledgment not only of his profound work but of his impact on this industry and this world.”…
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Apr 15th 2022
Voy a recopilar TODAS las referencias y curiosidades el episodio 3 de #MoonKnight

¡Denle mucho amor en forma de RT!

Al principio del episodio, Marc y Steven discuten sobre quién ha sido el que atacó a los matones de #ArthurHarrow

Ambos aseguran que no han sido ellos, dando a entender la inminente aparición de otra personalidad... ¡Jake Lockley!

En los cómics es un investigador letal.
Aunque con ciertas libertades creativas, el episodio de #MoonKnight nos ha presentado a la 'Éneada'.

Este grupo de deidades ya fue vista en los cómics y mayormente venían al mundo de los mortales a través de unos portales parecidos al Bifrost (no como los que vimos en la serie)
Read 11 tweets
Oct 18th 2021
BOMBAZO!!! Disney cambió toda su planificación de estrenos para 2022 y 2023, y obviamente afecta a #MarvelStudios.
Estas son las nuevas fechas así que para leer este hilo, agarren lápiz y papel:

El cambio en los cambios es el siguiente:
#DoctorStrangeInTheMultiverseOfMadness pasa del 25 de marzo de 2022 al 6 de mayo de 2022.

#ThorLoveandThunder se ha pospuesto del 6 de mayo de 2022 al 8 de julio de 2022.
#BlackPanther #WakandaForever del 8 de julio de 2022 al 11 de noviembre de 2022.

#TheMarvels del 11 de noviembre de 2022 al 17 de febrero de 2023.

#AntmanandtheWasp #Quantumania sin fecha para 2023 figura para el 28 de julio de 2023.
Read 6 tweets
Sep 25th 2021
🥃 🧵 This is #Botswana, where all human life began. Today it is a stable, well-functioning democracy w/ the highest standard of living and lowest corruption in Africa.

And the country likely wouldn’t exist without alcohol prohibition.

A #LiquorThread. 🥃 🧵 1/
For decades since its independence in 1966, Botswana was an island of black sovereignty & stability between apartheid South Africa and white-supremacist Rhodesia. Some say it was the inspiration for #Wakanda in the movie #BlackPanther. 2/…
But to understand the political origins of this real Kalahari country, we need to examine the colonial history of what was then known as Bechuanaland...

and how booze was the lifeblood of European colonization. 3/
Read 59 tweets

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