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Aug 26th 2020
1/ The responses of the families of the #ChristchurchShooting as they confront the vile murderer is awe-inspiring. Each and every one of them is filled with Imān & a pride for their faith! May Allah grant the martyrs Firdaws, and grant the families patience and reward.
2/...aspect that is worthy of comment is how varied the responses have been, and how our religion allows for all of those responses! Some have expressed utmost contempt and anger upon the murdered. Some have invoked Allah's curse! Some have said they will never forgive...
3/ Some have said they will forgive in this world but leave Allah to Judge. And some have even prayed for his repentance and forgiveness, and wish that he is guided, and joins his own victims in Jannah where he shall be if he truly repents!
And what's amazing in all this...
Read 5 tweets
Mar 26th 2019
THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4376: Jacinda Ardern and Donald Trump - a Study in Contrasts #Nonverbal #EmotionalIntelligence #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #JacindaArdern #DonaldTrump #ChristchurchShooting #Empathy #Grief
1/ This photo of Jacinda Ardern was taken in the immediate aftermath of the 15 March 2019 mass shooting at two Mosques in Christchurch. Since the tragedy, there've been thousands of images of the New Zealand Prime minister displaying this same classic expression of empathy-grief:
• Elevated Central Forehead Contraction
• Inner (medial) Eyebrows Upturned
• Upper Eyelids Slightly Closed
• Nostrils Slightly Flared
• Slight Lip Protrusion
• Down-turned Mouth Corners

Any person feeling sincere empathy will, to some degree, display this expression.
Read 23 tweets
Mar 16th 2019
To my Muslim friends: I cannot imagine your pain and suffering from the #nzmosqueshooting. Know that I am here for you and that I continue to learn and use my privileged position to address #islamophobia. #unitedagainstislamophobia #whitesupremacy #nameit @kristynwongtam
To my non-Muslim friends: I hope you and I connect at some point and chat about why these incidents matter to us and how we can be better allies. We need to think about how all forms of hatred do not happen in isolation and how our empathy needs to fuel action. @nadiazhasan @nccm
Read 3 tweets
Mar 15th 2019
[Thread] As long as people cannot talk about our problems, there will be more retribution. If you dismiss Brenton, there'll be another one eventually. It's worse than tragic.
#brentontarrant #Christchurch #ChristchurchMosqueAttack #ChristchurchShooting
Brenton Tarrant was not a psychopath. He was not born without empathy. There will be more like him, as long as this continues. Why? Because he was traumatised, rocked to his core by what he saw.
When he saw Ebba Akerlund, the partially deaf girl dismembered in the street by a Muslim terrorist attacker's truck, he couldn't ignore it. When he saw Rotherham, he couldn't ignore it.
Read 8 tweets
Mar 15th 2019
#BREAKING: 'No, I'm not currently in a position to confirm
the number of deaths or injuries. But I have to acknowledge, people can see images live from Christchurch, it will be obvious to them that this is a significant event,' @jacindaardern on #ChristchurchShooting
@jacindaardern ARDERN: 'I can tell you now this is, and will be, one of New Zealand's darkest days' @jacindaardern on #ChristchurchShooting
@jacindaardern ARDERN: 'The police are continuing to advise those who are in the area to remain indoors' - @jacindaardern #ChristchurchShooting. Latest here:
Read 6 tweets

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